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Fire Emblem Dude

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Posts posted by Fire Emblem Dude

  1. Your honor I must object to the prosecutions assertion that my client was at the scene of the crime during the night of the murder.

    The reason being is because my client was found sleeping with the prosecution's mother and as Evidence, I would like to provide images of the acts in the courtroom.

  2. 1 minute ago, NaotoUzumaki said:

    Same I was like. OMG i get to think…. In a strategy Rpg. HELL YES!!!!! Now I wished the tellius games weren’t so god damn expensive. like the turn wheel makes me  go meh… but that chapter 4 in FE7 made me go like for 5 seconds: IF SHIT  WHAT DO I DO NOW?

    Before I look like an idiot, is this the 4th chapter in Lyn's route or Eliwoods route?

  3. 4 hours ago, Florete said:

    I do think a user's profile should indicate if they're banned or suspended, but details otherwise should be left out.

    No matter what is being said, this is always a terrible response. You never hearing a complaint doesn't mean there isn't a problem or that something can't be better.

    I have nothing to say about the comment I just wanted to say I like your Title thing

  4. 13 minutes ago, Jotari said:

    Well obviously everything in Genesis, which the Bible presents as genuine history. Aside from that, the most famous one is that the Moses story is either completely untrue or extremely exaggerated. Such a mass migration of slaves would have had massive repercussions on the Egyptian economy and such an event would have been recorded by the Egyptians. More recently scholastic opinions have shifted to the belief that the Northern and Southern Kingdoms of Israel actually started as separate nations to begin with that only mixed their mythologies due to an influx of refugees. What the Bible does get accurate is valuable given the time frame in which it covers and the scarcity of records in the Bronze age, but it is largely the existence of people groups that fought each other at certain times. Alexander the Great is also kind of (in my opinion) bizarrely absent despite having a pretty big impact on the area. Biblical literalists will reference a prophecy in one of the books that refers to Alexander, and it probably is referencing him, but it was also probably written later than when it was set (ie at the time of Alexander). The Book of Maccabees also has a very brief mention of him but those books are considered noncanon for reasons I'm not that sure of, the Maccabees were a pretty significant historical event for Israel.

    ...This is obviously way off topic for how Fates is viewed, so I'm not going to say much beyond that.

    I'll have to check with some friends who know more about this than I do, but I think I can say a few things about what you said.

    1: I think it should be important to note that the Bible is a collection of books, and the collection could have different contexts (Such as Psalms being mostly poetry and songs).

    2: I believe that it depends on the interpretation of Genesis, since Young Earth Creationism wasn't on the rise till recently and that an older earth and the Bible wasn't mutually exclusive, heck i've seen people talk about how the global flood could also have been argued to be a regional flood instead.

    3: I think it's kind of inaccurate to say that the Egyptians would have recorded an event in history where their Gods effectively got spit on by another God, in fact we see this today with the Japanese where they tend to stay away from talking about World War 2, or anyone who would rather deny an event if it would spare them humiliation, it's why if someone would admit to something that isn't advantageous or an outright negative gain for them to admit, chances are it's accurate. Such an event would have been way embarrassing, but the jew migration i'll have to get back to you on that.

    4: On the book of Maccabees "The book is held as canonical scripture by the Catholic, Orthodox, and Oriental Orthodox churches (except for the Orthodox Tewahedo), but not by Protestant denominations nor any major branches of Judaism", i'll have to get back to you on that with some friends of mine about the Canonicity of this book, but as far as I know, it depends on the denomination.


    Also kind is going off topic, who brought up the first comment that started this?

  5. 11 minutes ago, Jotari said:

    I wouldn't say shockingly accurate. It is a historical chronicle, so there is of course a lot of accurate history in there, but there's also stuff that is just way off the mark (at least based on are current knowledge of history).

    What would you say is way off the mark?

  6. Just now, eclipse said:

    And why do you want me to gossip about other members?  I don't think that's a healthy thing to do without their consent.

    Not gossip, I want to hear what really happened involving the dude cause it sounds like it's a fun story.

  7. 11 minutes ago, eclipse said:

    And you are wrong.  It would be accurate to say that Ottservia hasn't been back since then.  If you aren't sure about what happened to someone, say you're not sure, because bullshit like this doesn't help.  Or better yet, ping me, and I might explain it (depending on the context of the situation and all).


    As for the topic, Fates was ambitious, and it failed hard in certain areas.  I think the story and characters are a mess.  But I also think that those who have been around since Fates' release has already said what they wanted to say, so digging this up seven years later doesn't look like an argument in good faith.

    Can you tell the story for Avvy then, I wanna hear this 🙂

  8. 1 hour ago, AnonymousSpeed said:

    There existed no evidence for the Hittites outside of the Bible until the 1800s.

    Later archeological evidence revealed that the Trojans were also real, and more-or-less Hittites.

    Asked a friend of mine to double check that and he agreed with the first point but the second one he disagreed, saying

    "Trojans were not more-or-less Hittites. They shared a common language at some times, though, Luwian."

  9. 15 hours ago, Medeus said:

    Considering the bible is a religious tome I'd assume people would be reading it for vastly different reasons then a video game.  

    As for your second point, IS made a big deal about Fates being a grand story with a major political and familial consequences that would be vastly superior to Awakening and would improve on its faults and mistakes. To say that it didn't give a hoot I'd say is probably taking your own read of the situation, not of what the writers and developers intended. 

    To be fair, the Bible has been used for Archeology and has scholars talking about the shocking accurate history it gets right

  10. 3 minutes ago, vanguard333 said:

    @AvatarofDiscord Forgive me for taking a while to reply; I'm in the middle of watching a helpful video on plotting out a novel (I'm an aspiring writer)

    Honestly, I'm fine with the sword choosing Corrin and don't really count it as an example of them being a Mary Sue, especially since Revelations' reveal about the origin of the sword and of the Rainbow Sage's past heavily implies that the reason it chooses Corrin is that Corrin is that Corrin desires peace, which would fulfill the Rainbow Sage's atonement. I prefer to cite other examples, such as everyone plot-relevant fawning over them except for those who have something "wrong" about them related to why they don't fawn over Corrin, the story bending over backwards to glorify Corrin, etc.

    And all those characters you listed have no bearing and immediately trust Corrin anyway.

    How do your last statement there argue against that quote?


    I wouldn't say the story bends over backwords to glorify Corrin, mainly cause from what I remember, in Birthright he's always been called out by his other family for his siding with Hoshido and vise versa with Conquest, and in revelations it has him trying to get the trust of everyone and it requires Azura to help him.

    I might read through the script a 4th time but i'm a bit busy playing KoL...

    No they dont, you missed the point
    Saizo doesn't trust Corrin and only trusts Sakura, that's why he joins in Revelations, and in Birthright he joins you to help find Ryoma and that's with the other Siblings. Rinkah would only trust him because he saved her during chapter 1 and even then he got a talking to by Camilla, Leo, and Xander. 

    My last point was trying to show that that either of those situations either didnt defied logic (in fact it was expected) but show that Corrin wasn't portrayed in the right in either situation.

  11. 4 minutes ago, vanguard333 said:

    Okay. I never said anything about family trees; I think they have depth because, well, they have depth: they have goals, they have beliefs and convictions, they have personalities beyond just one shallow gimmick.

    I'll agree about Fates having interesting gameplay, but I definitely will not agree about it being tight. It is perhaps the most scattered gameplay I have ever seen in an FE game. With Three Houses, there at least is a clear focus and the different gameplay elements, aside from stuff like the fishing minigame (which I suspect is only there because fishing minigames are everywhere these days), actually do interact and work together.


    I mean... okay; you can make a cast of quirky and shallow characters for an FE game and make it work, but you have to admit that such a cast is ill-fitting in a game story like Fates that has pretentions of being nuanced and morally complex (I say "pretentions", because every time the game is about to present something that could be nuanced or complex, it immediately backs out of it).

    I don't think depth has anything to do with maturity of the target base; deep characters and shallow characters alike can be enjoyed by older and younger audiences. Just look at something like Avatar: the Last Airbender for deep and compelling characters in a story targeted at a young audience.


    @AvatarofDiscord I can hardly read a word you typed without hurting my eyes as the tiny font is straining my eyes. Please reply with the standard font & size.

    Sorry, stupid copy and paste messed up the text

    Well i'll go by what is the most accepted definition of Mary Sue I can find and judge it from that.

    "A Mary Sue is a character who is so perfect that he or she warps the world around them to display their perfection."

    As far as the sword thing with Corrin goes, I cannot think of a time this was the case, and one could argue the same thing could have happened with the other Royal weapons.

    "It seems as though nothing in this universe except Mary Sue is even real, and is instead a plot device to make Mary Sue seem flawless and loved."

    Counting the Birthright path, outside of the Family characters (Cause you know, they are family...) it doesn't seem like Corrin has the most welcome reception coming back to Hoshido

    "Honestly, with Hana who's mad at you for no reason, Takumi who doesn't trust you, Saizo who doesn't trust you, and Rinkah who's always angry at everyone including you"

    "A Mary Sue can destroy a piece of writing or media, since the characters existence will often forcibly make the world and people around them defy logic to simply display how amazingly radiant they are."

    Birthright has Ryoma more the face of the army when he joins, Conquest has his actions speak, Revelations has him make a few mistakes and even get called out (Start of the path and trusting Anthony).

  12. 1 minute ago, vanguard333 said:

    Alm is definitely a Mary Sue as well. But Corrin is definitely also an example. It's not just about things benefiting them; the true indicator of a Mary Sue is that the plot is unnaturally distorted around them, and that's definitely the case for both Alm and Corrin.

    Also, when did Corrin's canon mistakes ever come back to bite him? Normally, the plot finds a way to go, "No, that wasn't actually a mistake, and if it was, it wasn't Corrin's fault."


    In any case, another problem with Corrin, which admittedly is a problem with all the avatar characters, is that they're just not interesting or well-defined characters. However, unlike Robin or Byleth (in 3 out of four routes of Three Houses at least), Corrin is placed front-&-center; it's Corrin's story. In Awakening, it's Alm and Lucina's story as they're the lord characters. In every route except Silver Snow, it's the respective House Leader's story (though admittedly Verdant Wind suffers from largely retreading Silver Snow and thus reducing how much it is Claude's story). Corrin was front-&-center, so they needed to be compelling, but IS couldn't write Corrin as a compelling protagonist, because they needed to write Corrin as an avatar. As a result, they somehow failed to find the compelling protagonist in a human-dragon hybrid from two royal families that go to war against each other; how does one do that?.

    Well i'll go by what is the most accepted definition of Mary Sue I can find and judge it from that.

    "A Mary Sue is a character who is so perfect that he or she warps the world around them to display their perfection."

    As far as the sword thing with Corrin goes, I cannot think of a time this was the case, and one could argue the same thing could have happened with the other Royal weapons.

    "It seems as though nothing in this universe except Mary Sue is even real, and is instead a plot device to make Mary Sue seem flawless and loved."

    Counting the Birthright path, outside of the Family characters (Cause you know, they are family...) it doesn't seem like Corrin has the most welcome reception coming back to Hoshido

    "Honestly, with Hana who's mad at you for no reason, Takumi who doesn't trust you, Saizo who doesn't trust you, and Rinkah who's always angry at everyone including you"

    "A Mary Sue can destroy a piece of writing or media, since the characters existence will often forcibly make the world and people around them defy logic to simply display how amazingly radiant they are."

    Birthright has Ryoma more the face of the army when he joins, Conquest has his actions speak, Revelations has him make a few mistakes and even get called out (Start of the path and trusting Anthony).


  13. 17 minutes ago, vanguard333 said:

    I'll be the first to say that the story of Three Houses bit off more than it could chew and has a lot of problems, but Fates' narratives are far worse than that of Three Houses. Conquest and Birthright do not work at all as narratives; they rely way too heavily on contrivances and people making horrible out-of-character decisions, and are just nonsensical in so many places. They do not stand on their own.

    But, honestly, the main area in which Three Houses shines (in terms of story at least) compared to Fates is the characters. The characters in Three Houses actually have depth to them and are interesting and fascinating characters that do stuff that makes sense for them to do given what we know about them. 99% of the characters in Fates have no depth to them at all; Corrin is a Mary Sue, the royals are inconsistently-written, and pretty much everyone is defined by a single gimmick with no depth to them beyond that. Azura possibly has the most flesh out of the whole cast if only thanks to being the mysterious-deuteragonist character, and she is generally relegated to being just a plot device. At least the plot in Three Houses is actually character-driven.


    And I'm one of them.

    Yeah, the maps in Fates generally stink. But the gameplay problems run deeper than that. Every gameplay element is just thrown in haphazardly, as if they just threw in everything they could think of. Three Houses, for all its problems, at least has focus. Detractors complain about exploring the monastery taking too long and being boring on repeat playthroughs (and I can somewhat agree with that), but you can't deny that it's a core part of the game that serves a clear purpose and ties into everything else.

    Honestly, I cannot see Corrin as a Mary Sue, sure things benefit him in the story, but honestly I found Alm much more of a Mary Sue with extra plot armor, at least Corrin's canon mistakes come back to bite them in the butt.

  14. 1 minute ago, Jotari said:

    Three Houses only looks like it has a better story only because it slants more mature and political, but it's really riddled with just as many problems. Despite being part of a saga you're intended to play from beginning to end, Birthright and Conquest still somehow manage to work better as complete narratives than any Three Houses route (with the possible exception of Azure Moon...possible). They're stupid and nonsensical, but at least they're stories that can stand on their own, unlike the three kids in a trench coat rolling around on the ground fighting each other that Three Houses is. 

    Honestly Fates' story wasnt even that bad, it was just a case of the game being WAY TOO OVERHYPED before release.

  15. 19 minutes ago, Etrurian emperor said:

    I'm not really sure. Even the detractors of fates typically conceded that the gameplay was very well. So comparing it favorably  to the gameplay of Three Houses isn't exactly a retroactive vindication. And I believe that for all the things that Three Houses got praised about in comparison to Fates the gameplay typically wasn't among them. 

    Can't say I found the story better than Fates tbh

  16. So as much as I love Fates and FE, i've noticed that more people are starting to hate on Fates less and less.

    Why do you all think that is the case?

    Personally for me, I went back to Fates being my favorite when I realized Three Houses gameplay wasnt as fun as I thought it was first time.

  17. 1 hour ago, Benice said:

    Depends on what you define as "good", and in what context. Different units are better or worse in different contexts and there are lots of ways to define a unit a good, , so it depends on what you personally think makes a good unit.

    I want a unit that's consistently seen as top tier and for good reason.

    1 hour ago, Jotari said:

    I've taken a look at total growth values, and you're right. Seth does just plain have some of the best growths in the game. Myrrh obviously beats him (by a lot, but that's the point of Manaketes). So does Tethys (which, eh, sort of shows how it's not good to just add growth numbers, as she just stacks everything into spd, lck and res). The only proper competitors he has for growths are Eirika and Ephraim...Yes, Seth has better growths than all of the trainee units, which might say more about their quality than his. What the flying flip! The trainee units literally have the worst growth totals in the game (well Ewan has 5% on Moulder >.>). 

    Growths aren't nearly as important as bases, but it does just kind of further show Seth's domination. He has some of the best bases in the game and some of the best growths. Really the only thing he's missing is the ability to fly.

    DAMN, this might be good to mention, thanks


    34 minutes ago, Dark Holy Elf said:

    Palla (New Mystery) flies and has great bases; Marcus (Blazing Blade) isn't as good as Titania/Seth but still good for the same reasons; Robin (Awakening) has accelerated level gain and can access all of Awakening's cheesy classes; Camilla (Fates) is a monster prepromo in a great class with great stats; Edelgard (3H) arguably has the best combat throughout the entire game on her own route, absurdly so once she gets Raging Storm. Also, some dancers are extraordinarily good for efficiency, especially ones who can refresh 4 units at once.

    I wanna try to not mention Lord character's unless it's absolutely possible, but I'd also like to ask if any of the units I mentioned are comparable to these units?

    24 minutes ago, lenticular said:

    You might be interested in a thread from a month or two ago about the best unit in the series. Though, given how many different units get mentioned there, I think it shows quite clearly that there isn't any single objective standard for what makes a unit "best", so any list of the most overpowered units in Fire Emblem is going to have a good amount of subjectivity and personal opinion.

    It isn't an overpowered units in Fire Emblem list, but rather a list of characters that are overpowered in general (Playable obviously), stuff like Meta Knight and Sturm from Advance wars for example.

  18. 4 minutes ago, Benice said:

    I'm not good at FE, so other people could explain better, but...

    (Spoilers for FE8's story events, kinda)

    1. Franz:

    Franz joins just one chapter after Seth as a cavalier and is one of the best units in the game due to his high movement, availability and offensive prowess. His growths are across the board quite good, and his bases are fine, so it's really easy to train him up. He also gets the benefit of being able to early-promote as soon as the start of chapter 8. For the record, as a 10/1 Paladin, (which would require a fair bit of feeding to get by chapter eight) Franz has, on average:

    -1 HP, -2 or 3 strength, -3 skill, -8 luck, -1 def, -4 res and equal speed compared to level 1 Seth.

    However, if left to promote later on, things stack up a little better for Franz- A later-promoted Franz is significantly faster than Seth, and their strength will become more-or-less equivocal. Franz has very competent combat and will often be one of the best units on the team.

    However, comparing a maximum-level Paladin Franz to a maximum level Seth, you will see that they are still very comparable, with Franz requiring much more effort to get to that point, while Seth really doesn't need maximum level and will do quite well without any investment at all. This also would assume that Franz could get to level 20/20, which is not particularly logical even in a casual run that doesn't use Seth. (I don't know how hard it is for Seth to reach his level cap) That being said, if Franz is used a lot and Seth is used more sparingly to accomodate for Franz's exp gains, Franz will reach his peak. Franz' peak is greater than Seth's in this sense.

    2. Cormag:

    I don't watch LTC or draft runs very often and I think this unit depends a fair bit on the route that is chosen by the player, but Cormag the Wyvern Rider is another absurd unit. He joins almost ready to promote in Ephraim's chapter 10 or ready to promote with slightly better stats on Eirika's chapter 13, in both cases carrying the item he needs to promote. His speed can be a little spotty at first, but everything else about Cormag is sublime. Flier movement and mobility, high defensive bases and growths, excellent strength and decent speed that has a good growth. Furthermore, Wyvern Rider's promotion bonuses are very good regardless of class. Wyvern Knight provides pierce (which only really is helpful against the final boss), a staggering +3 to speed that darn near fixes all of Cormag's speed issues, amongst other fairly strong boosts to Cormag's important stats aside from defense, which will be quite good regardless. Wyvern Lord gives Cormag access to swords and provides one more point of strength as well as a large bonus to defense, but offers no speed. I believe Wyvern Knight is often considered to be better for optimal because of the boost to speed and Cormag's strength already being bonkers.

    So, as a tl;dr to that mess, Cormag joins midway through the game in the best class, good stats and near promotion. From the moment he joins, he will be an asset to your team and he can surpass Seth in every way. However, he's not there in the earlygame and his usefulness is much more limited in Eirika's route; Eirika route speedruns don't pick up Cormag at all, even. I don't believe LTCs do either.

    3. Vanessa:

    A unit I've never had much luck with, Vanessa the peg knight joins in chapter 2. She has not-very-good bases, but you could theoretically dump all your stat-boosters onto her in efficient play. She can promote near the end of chapter 8, (Though this does require some babying) and from there, she is going into Wyvern Knight, no questions asked. With that, she'll have pretty much anything needed to deal with large groups of enemies for most of the game, even if her strength is still on the lower end. Not near as powerful as Cormag or Seth, but she also doesn't need to be recruited and joins much earlier. She's valuable more for utility than combat, but she still has OK combat with investment. She's better on Eirika's route in efficient play, since Cormag isn't a thing there generally.

    4-ish: Ephraim

    Eph is an infantry unit with excellent stats when he joins, and then becomes a cavalry unit with even better stats and an overpowered weapon after chapter 16. I don't fully understand why Ephraim is considered to be one of the strongest units in the game, but he's certainly not bad and will OHKO most things with his prf.


    Aside from that, I can't really think of anyone who even comes particularly close to Seth. Saleh is very good but joins late, and Duessel's in a bad class, and because of Seth's usefulness from beginning to end, none of the units I highlighted are ever that much better. In a speedrun context, perhaps, but in more standard but efficient play, Seth is broken.


    Discounting the one dragon unit, Seth has

    -Tied for best HP growth in the game

    -4th best strength growth in the game

    -3rd best defense growth in the game, and the two units with higher defense are both in terrible classes.

    -A speed growth that is just above average

    This is on a unit who joins in the prologue with bases that are higher than those of the last unit who joins in the game.


    Also, I do apologize if I am being curt here, but I'm not sure that you should include FE8 on your "broken units" list if you haven't been able to play the game for yourself, or at least know it well. At the very least, I would recommend reaching out to somebody who is really experienced and skilled in FE, such as @OriginalRaisins , as he could more properly explain Seth to you.

    ...Plus, everyone knows Seth's going to be on there, so it'd be a more interesting list with his omission.

    Well if you know any other units that are downright busted, who do you recommend I pick?

    I know Ryoma, Titania, Haar, Marth (NES), Ares, Sigurd and Pent, any other ones?

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