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Posts posted by dudhhr

  1. On 7/29/2019 at 6:58 AM, vercio said:

    That's true. But besides fighting Volug in "Rivals Collide" or 4-5, there's no single enemy which is weak against fire tomes. Calil starts with a solid B in Thunder Tomes, and while being heavier than Fire Tomes, you can gain more benefits from a nice ElThunder tome. Or at least that's how I use it. During E-3, yes, you can't have her using the Rexbolt tome, but a refined Thunder Tome or Bolting can work really well in replacement.

    False. Although Calill is not used for this chapter, 3-13 contains large numbers of enemy Cats and Tigers, who are weak to Fire. Also, the Daein side of the set of river chapters (Rivals Collide and another I forgot) contains beast laguz.


  2. Your call between Calill and Tormod. Calill has a 5% higher Magic growth, 15% higher Resistance and Skill growths, and a whopping 30% higher Luck growth. Tormod has 15% higher HP growth, 20% higher Def growth, and 30% higher Str growth, but his Str growth is useless, as he has base 13 Strength, the same as the weight of Rexflame. Calill's base 9 strength requires an average of 16 level-ups (25% growth-rate) to reach 13, though promotion to Tier 3 will give her an increase in Str. To summarize, Calill has better magic stats and can dish out more damage, but Tormod's 2-point advantage in base Speed allows him to double faster enemies and his Celerity skill gives him 8 movement. Calill is an excellent glass cannon with high Magic growths, while Tormod is better suited for long-range tomes with a relatively high Strength base and growth to counteract the extreme weight of long-range tomes and perhaps allow him to double with long-range tomes.

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