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Posts posted by Aran613

  1. I have noticed that most of the GBA Fire Emblem final bosses are usually restrained by not being able to double (or getting doubled) by lots of units. I know that they're supposed to show their might and power along with magical talent, but Lyon and Nergal both lack enough speed to double any units, or they do get doubled. Wouldn't it be very interesting to see if there was a final boss that did not have as much power as the rest of the others, but could easily double your most of your units, and actually dodge some hits? I'd like that challenge more than sending out a maxed resistance falcoknight or whatever towards them and instantly killing them. Lyon and Nergal? Even jokes on hard mode. (Note - I don't see too much of a fault with demon king and the dragon, except for the fact that Luna kills the dragon instantly and the demon king was way too easy).

    Does anyone else think that'd be interesting to see rather than watching your units doubling and easy taking out a boss like that?

  2. I did manage to get it to work using the fire tiles, so being the story itself is not the problem. (Although while screwing around with rescuing gorgon eggs, I found out they do have a tendency to disappear when the holder dies).

    However, it has occasionally taken me several tries (I still play the game on the DS with the cartridge, so...)

  3. Also, shouldn't they remove 1RKOs from it? I just had a pirate double Heath and kill him in one round... I don't mean like criticals, I mean being killed in one round. Heath's speed isn't ridiculously slow....

  4. I've counted a lot of stats of hthe enemies Lyn encounters while Arena Abusing.... I gave her one Angelic robe, and she has 40 H.P. total, unpromoted.

    I'm wondering how I encountered a mercenary that Lyn can not double (when she has maxed speed) along with 66 HP, and a fighter that could hit ridiculously high past her 8 defense with 55 H.P, then Legault encountering a 55 H.P. Knight that he couldn't double.... WHY FE WHY?!

  5. 1. Alright I'll be sure to keep 6/7's and 8's colors separate

    2. I'll work on the hair and left side of the sprite

    3&4. I'll work on the head size

    5. I'll work on a lighter border color!

    6. If I find that I can't work well with Echidnas face I'll just drop it.

    7. What's AA?

    Thank you very much for the comments!

    By stance I meant battle sprite, my bad. The face is fairly good.

  6. Your orientation with that doesn't make you any less of a genuinely good person, so why do people make a big deal out of it? I can't see why everyone can't be accepting.

    Anyways, congratulations and good fortune.

  7. Why is it that all problems have suddenly dropped in order to maintain peace within a tiny typically unheard of African country that most people had no idea that it existed prior to a week ago?

    Apparently people think this problem is larger than the worldwide energy crisis, the economic failure worldwide, a turbulent middle east that we depend on for our remaining amount of energy, and a bunch of political nonsense. Nobody shares anything for that cause at all, but why is this creating such a massive movement over a viral and rather unimportant (on the scale of the world level currently) video?

  8. For the slim weapons, could the Short Bow be considered a slim weapon? Slight increase of critical rate, higher accuracy, less damage. If so, that'd belong with the slim weapon icons.

  9. Oh, I see, that makes a lot more sense, because all the previous explanations didn't tie it together, that makes a lot more sense.

    Yes, that makes a lot more sense, now putting it all together. Thanks for that, it helps a lot.

  10. I've been pondering Beta decay, and it doesn't make any sense at all. Every time I read up on it, it doesn't make any sense at all, I'm trying to find out how it all works without being confused out of my mind. All you here seem extremely smart, can you put it into terms I would understand? This has been bugging me for a while...

  11. It's all interesting stuff and all, however I honestly believe you're really over-thinking it.

    It really is not something which is worth our time and effort to think about in great depth, because I really don't think we will ever find definitive evidence of an infinite number of alternate universes, where every single possibility happens ever.

    Personally I don't think that is the case, just because I think our universe is finite, and it is part of an infinite number of universes (so a multiverse, in theory). I definitely think there is other life out there, whether or not it is inside our own universe or not is another thing totally. I don't believe in "alternate dimensions" and all that jazz. Just an infinite, single dimension that we are living in, with an infinite amount number of universes. The life out there may well be very primitive and not as advanced as our own race, however it is possible that there are planets out there that are even more technologically advanced, and know we exist, but don't have a method to communicate with us.

    Who knows. And quite frankly, until there is solid evidence of anything, who really, truly cares.

    I'm not wondering about that, I'm wondering about the dice itself :P

  12. The multiworld theory apparently says that every possibility happens, similar to rolling a dice.

    However, you roll a dice. It isn't possible for all sides to have been landed on, because it would land in the same way considering you were not compelled to make any decision and our typical laws of physics are in effect?

    If you throw the dice, it's not going to land in all six, it's going to land on one because you threw it the same way in that one therefore it will land the same way since it is the same exact thing, right?

    Or am I just overthinking this?

  13. Whatever.

    But the thing is, if there were separate universes, it could be a possibility that they were organized in a certain way (or they couldn't). What I'm trying to discuss, is, if they were true, imagine how even smaller we would be than we already are in our universe right now.

  14. It's in my nature to be curious about things. However, with theories like this, that are based on absolutely nothing, I just don't see the point in even thinking about it.

    Everything revolved around the Earth once, yes. Or so they thought. But then evidence (keyword!) was found that this may actually not be the case. Theories have to be based on something before they are worth discussing.

    Theory: 2 + 2 = 3. Discuss.

    Oh, crap, I don't know. I failed all my math classes in middle school!

    But, seriously, test that theory, will you? For a theory to become an accepted law, it must go through tons of testing until it's proven true.

    That could be proven within a very very short matter of time. On this scale, probably not even in our lifetimes.

    the theory I currently believe most plausible;

    the big bang was a reaction that divided nothing into a positive energy and a negative energy. everything we know is made of this positive energy, while the negative energy is constantly being pushed away by the positive that is still being 'created'.

    something like that, I don't think I explained exactly right though. saw this on one of those discovery "curiosity" episodes.

    with the expanding infinitely, it sure is possible there is a planet that has someone looking and living same as everyone here. though that would be an infinite amount solar systems away, no way we'd ever get to see them.

    You mean matter and antimatter?

    That has to do with B- decay, I thought...

  15. Theories go so far, but this is based on absolutely nothing. So no, as far as I'm concerned, there's nothing outside of our universe.

    If only somebody would actually have just a sliver of evidence that something exists outside of our universe, that would be a completely different story altogether. But considering there isn't, and I doubt there ever will be, to be honest, no, there's nothing else.

    Lots of things have started as theories, but with time, the answers came. It's one thing to have no faith in something, but it's another to have the slightest bit of curiosity, knowing that there is the possibility.

    I mean, look back in the past. Apparently at one point, everything revolved around the Earth. To believe that we have come that far to even find that Earth is moving around the sun, and that our solar system is moving with a galaxy is amazing. We have advanced a lot, and what's to say that it's impossible that there will be a breakthrough about it?

  16. Yeah I know what you mean.

    On the off chance that I do actually attempt to think about these kinds of things, I usually end up giving myself a headache because my mind simply can't comprehend that sort of scale.

    While I am often frustrated by the complexity of the concepts, I just try to remember how fascinating it all is that it happened to be all that way, and that everything is the way it is, and still intact, etc. It's amazing to see such a complex possible system, and even if they don't exist, our universe itself is still interesting enough to see. That's the fun of discussing theories, we know little to nothing about them, so speculation is not correct nor incorrect.

  17. Our universe and everything in and around it is too vast and we know basically nothing about it. It's more than I care to even think about, so I just carry on with my life.

    But sometimes, don't you have to wonder what's beyond us? And how everything works at the largest levels?

    I find it hard to restrain myself from these tangents where I mentally explore all the possibilities with an open mind.

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