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Posts posted by Troykv

  1. 44 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    I'd care to disagree. There is a litany of things that could be done that'd make the game much more playable.:

    • Casual Mode, EXP grinding, battle saves or time rewind- the Big Three for casual/non-elite players. 
    • Difficulty settings that not only affect stats, but on the lowest difficulty reduces the enemies that are "too much", like the excessive number of ballistae on some maps. Or the number of enemies in The Room in Chapter 4.
    • And on the lowest difficulty (or Casual, not sure which), remove the ability for allies to be captured and taken off the map (21x can be accessed some other way, healers won't have their stuff stolen if captured). Leif escaping will not result in anyone being captured, even if this would make Chapter 19 mega-easy.
    • Include No Fatigue and Semi-Fatigue options besides Fatigue as it is. An option you can select like difficulty and permadeath.
    • Make status ailments not permanent, add more readily available Restore staffs- including one in time for Salem's appearance.
    • Add actual sources of liquid gold, lower the prices of shop goods, perhaps only on the lowest difficulty.
    • Attach the convoy to Leif instead of an independent store only on some maps.
    • Make Fog of War show the layout of the map.
    • Do something to make dismounting not so bad, like Lances for Lance Knights and Axes for Axe Knights.
    • Add the ability to move initial unit placements around on the battle preparations menu.
    • Fix the Xavier recruitment by making the Leonster Knights never attack any Civilian. 
    • End Ambush Spawns.
    • Add Supports to flesh out its problematically hollow crew.

    All of this is absolutely possible. Yes it's a lot, but it wouldn't require too many brains to figure out how to program it. And none of this would be as difficult or controversial to enact as aspects of Genealogy's remake would have it.

    • E.g. for Genealogy- Allowing units to trade. Instituting trading would render personal funds meaningless, because then I could just trade items in need of repair to whoever has the money. No personal funds would lead to a necessary revamp the Arena payouts and the functioning of villages. No personal funds makes Dew and Patty/Daisy lose their thieving trait and utility, now they're just inferior Myrmidons. It's a chain of events that would be complicated, and have some people arguing it shouldn't even happen in the first place. Hard to see Genealogy Remake having options between Free Trading or the Pawn Shop and Personal Funds, that'd be a lot of effort to include.
      • By contrast, instituting No Fatigue or Semi-Fatigue (Max HP/Mag halving I'd choose for this), would only be a matter of programming. One check for whether actions should add Fatigue points, and another for what to do if Fatigue points are >= Max HP. Binary choices, very basic programming a paid coder should be able to do in their sleep. The only challenge is deciding if Semi-Fatigue as third selection should exist in the first place and what its light punishments should be. And as options, nobody should complain, they can pick any Fatigue setting they want.

    Thracia is fundamentally an "ordinary" FE, if you smooth its edges, a player who was unaware of what Thracia 776 was, could mistake it for an unreleased GBA FE, or Awakening/Fates if you upgraded the graphics, as if it were just a romhack. That would be unlike Gaiden or Genealogy, where smoothing their edges without fundamentally altering the product, would not leave that impression.

    Of course, a Thracia remake has to follow a Genealogy remake being a midquel that isn't entirely self-contained, and Genealogy does have its big issues of tradition vs. "improvement" standing in the way of any possible remake. So until Genealogy's every last detail is resolutely decided on, a Thracia remake cannot follow.

    FE5 could indeed be mistake as a old GBA Game with many weird mechanics, but nothing too fundamentally different unlike FE4.

  2. 4 hours ago, Sentinel07 said:

    For me, it can summed up in 3 words: Dungeons, music, story. All three of these things in BotW were garbage, at least to me.

    Oh the music it was definitely affected for the change of focus in the game design, instead of being story-driven it was adventure and exploration driven, so it needed something that worked better for the game's focus most of the time: the environment and the exploration. So the more "ambient" music that the games has most of the time (you can still here melodies fighting special enemies and in some locations though).

    The change of focus also affected precisely how dungeons and story are presented, because of the more "sand box" style of gameplay, and absolute freedom to do stuff after finishing the "tutorial".

  3. Breath of the Wild is a weird game to play if you are a long running fan but don't have any experiences with the NES games.  Because it lacks many of the usual stuff that ALttP ando OoT popularized about the games. And instead returned to the more Action Adventure origins of the franchise.


    I'm happy that que aren't going to ve doomed to have the same FE games all the time.

  4. 8 hours ago, daisy jane said:

    Yes. Staffies need refines. and Prfs. so does Cordelia. it shouldn't matter what "bar" they set. just because they are good doesn't mean they should be punished by not having something that can help them more. 

    Oh they deserve them eventually, but they have less priority that the other more underwhelming units like Sub and Gordin.

  5. This is a interested set, it basically confirms they want to have an anchor for each update for people interested in summoning for them. It's a smart decision.

    I'm intrigued about Kana's weapon name. I don't know what do you think, but I personally believe it implies the other Kana will get a Moon Darkstone, and it would have a slightly different effect.

    Maybe is also the weapon Female Corrin gets?

    I'm not expecting Nowi and Fae to get refines soon because they're pretty much universally used in their relatively low rarity, so buffing them wouldn't change anything. But Female Corrin is a different story.

  6. Nephenee is probably the most overrated character consistently (Nino is pretty much considered a bad unit without a doubt) in the existence of Fire Emblem... She is so lame despite having a pretty cool skill, that skill can't carry her, she still needs to be carried, and she doesn't get anything from being an unique class gameplay wise (only fooling people into liking her).

  7. There are many things that are impossible to do before the war... the people that tried to do something to challenge this idea (Lambert) died.

    Regardless of if you think Edelgard's was more motivated for her reforms or the reunification of Fodlán; the fact is, the world was in a horrible state to change in peaceful ways.

  8. 45 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

    ...so anyways, think we'll get the next Update preview tonight with new weapons and refines?
    Now that Lute has a refine to her weapon, that means the other Farfetched Heroes are on the table, meaning Mia and Joshua (Dorcas... might get cheated out of one for having a DC weapon...)

    Yeah it would be a perfect time, we're already like a Week from the Update.

  9. 2 hours ago, Silver-Haired Maiden said:

    It makes my day to see Dimitri doing so well in polls. You just have no idea, I adore Dimitri's character. The funny thing is I expected to like him the least of the three before the game came out and I suppose I was expecting other people to do the same? So it makes me so happy to see Dimitri topping polls! Claude is great too but Felix doing so well is also really exciting to me!

    I had similar feelings about Dimitri situation except for the fact I don't personally get the love for him (I understand it, but I can't feel it... I wonder if playing BL in my own will do it), I guess I got a bit sick of people loving Dimitri and having such strong opinions about a character I was able to personally connect.

    But anyway I'm happy Dimitri is more interesting than how it was originally presented. Who the only interesting thing about him was his "shadow" and his noodle hair.

  10. 4 hours ago, MrPerson0 said:

    I'm pretty sure Most Deployed lists don't differentiate between pre-timeskip and post-timeskip. This indicates that a majority of players picking Black Eagles, but not Crimson Flower, especially with Edelgard constantly dropping in the ranks.

    That is true, that is probably the reason why Dorothea had maintain her Top 1 position despite the fact her popularity is a bit... questionable (Easy recruit, basically a easy consideration for dancer, appears in two different routes) 

    But to be fair one would expect Edelgard to drop harder if that was the case more often that not, in theory Dimitri should appear here too because his route is apparently more popular and definitely has more chapters.

  11. 1 hour ago, Glennstavos said:

    Mmm, I'm not sure I care for the theory provided by Catria's conversations. That the trio of pegasus sisters are really the same people from across time and space. Nope nope nope. Don't try to pass off Caeldori, Rhajat, and Asugi as a phenomenon that's been happening for decades, IS. You can't stand there with a shovel and say "the hole was there when I got here!"

    Forsyth and Python are a wonderful breath of fresh air just as in Echoes. This is not their fight. Seeing even Forsyth's will to fight shaken by the crude universe of gacha is also interesting. Why do our Heroes bother helping us out? They get nothing in return. They're lucky I don't turn them into a book or scrap them into parts. Fighting for your own dreams is one thing but fighting for another's can be fruitless. Very interested to see where they take that.

    I think Catria is just overwhemed about the idea of a trio of Pegasus existing in many of the realms Askr ask for their heroes xD

    Maybe Cain has a similar idea about the Red/Green Combo.

  12. 13 hours ago, Dandy Druid said:

    I'm surprised Edel wasn't #1 for females, as she definitely has the most fanart of any character from this game (since she was revealed first, she had that advantage). I'm also surprised to see Hilda that high because I thought she had a small (but very vocal) group of fans, including me! I'm glad to see her as #3 for ladies and #6 overall. I thought Petra and Dorothea would be more popular, especially since Dorothea has been Top 3 for most things in this game.

    His Japanese VA is very popular, and probably contributed to a lot of Seteth's popularity in Japan. Although he is an older man you get about halfway through, so his availability and age probably holds him back from players connecting with him.

    I personally believe many of the Edelgard's fans (mostly the male ones) don't usually comment in Famitsu stuff and probably will only appear to give their takes when CYL4 happens (an official Nintendo contest what will actually affect Edelgard's future).

    But yeah, unlike previous Fire Emblem, Edelgard isn't clearly seen as the most popular character everywhere, thought it gives incentive to many of her more active fans to do tons of stuff.


    Never underestimate Takehito Koyasu, his voice can turn anything into a meme if gets popular enough.

  13. 1 hour ago, Jotari said:

    Sirius obviously does count as a Camus alt, but considering there's literally nothing different about Catria as a character in her Valentina appearance, I'm of the opinion that this in unnecessary. If we're going to do alts, why not something interesting, like a dread fighter variation on one of the mercenaries. Or even if it's Catria, we could bring in the harrier class and maker her a red mage. This means we'll probably get Palla and Est next time there's a SOV banner, hopefully they do something more interesting with them than just sword instead of lance and a different art asset. Hey we've just introduced duo characters, why not Catria and Palla together under a searching for Est theme?

    Oh they're definitely going to pull the "Harrier card" eventually... I'm curious which character will be the "lucky one" to get that treatment 😛

  14. 10 minutes ago, redlight said:

    That's just a minority that lashed out became they're huge pricks. There are definitely those kinds of people that exist, but regular fans sometimes are just lumped together with the bad eggs. I don't think a couple dozen of people from a group of thousands are representative of said majority.

    If you draw in several people chances are that a few of them will be nasty.

    Well, the fact Bernadetta won this poll definitely supports that narrative even if unintentionally, sadly, (unlike polls from previous games where the main female characters always won)

  15. On 10/15/2019 at 4:25 PM, Hekselka said:

    Going to go along with everyone else and steal your idea 😛

    1. Lysithea (FE16)

    2. Julia (FE4)

    3. Finn (FE4-5)

    4. Tine (FE4)

    5. Jill (FE9-10)

    6. Sanaki (FE9-10)

    7. Tiki (FE1-3 and FE11-13)

    8. Sothis (FE16)

    9. Mia (FE9-10)

    10. Sara (FE5)

    11. Marianne (FE16)

    12. Tailtiu (FE4)

    13. Nyx (FE4)

    14. Myrrh (FE8)

    15. Arthur (FE4)


    I'm quite surprised to see you like many of the characters I also like. I think the only reason I don't like Nyx more is because I have... weird feeling entering in Conquest content, and my like for Nyx was born in very strange circunstances.

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