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Posts posted by Troykv

  1. 8 minutes ago, DefyingFates said:

    I've also heard of a few idols getting death threats for saying they supported feminism...

    I wonder what exactly the idols did when they supported feminism.

    Anyway... I wonder if this has anything to do with the females at the top; Lysithea has great respect and admiration to Byleth, and you can't get more submissive and cute than Bernadetta in this game. In fact I think the way this character was designed she would literally go to whatever route without feeling too weird, because she wants to be with Byleth after she gets to know them.

  2. While I can see that a lot of those results aren''t exactly reliable data because of the fact Famitsu has a very specific fanbase... but, it makes clear something after some many goddamn polls telling the same thing.

    Dimitri is actually more popular than Claude, not matter where you're, (unless you're in a Anti-Dimitri cult or something like that).

  3. 27 minutes ago, Glennstavos said:

    Are those digimon characters...people? Or monsters? I can't tell.

    I generally turn my nose at folks who seem to care more about the people characters in pokemon more than the pokemon. But this is NOT what I was suggesting should excite them instead.

    They're Digital Monsters, but many of them were indeed designed to be sexy.

    To be fair, a lot of "monsters" in folklore and myths are actually very human-like... with a twist.

  4. 36 minutes ago, Etrurian emperor said:

    Actually Edelgard seems to perform remarkably better when Byleth isn't there. If Byleth sides with the empire then war will devolve into a bloody stalemate with Edelgard not really having made any gains until Byleth wakes up again. If Byleth doesn't side with Edelgard then she uses the five years till the timeskip to capture Rhea, topple Dimitri and annex half the Kingdom so that only the impotent Alliance remains as a threat to her.

    Yeah, she is actually pretty capable on her own, probably the only difference in how she decides to go with the war.

    If she in her own (with Hubert) decides to take her extreme approach, if she is with Byleth she decides to try to go the other way without the beasts; Edelgard fails in capturing Rhea, so the entity in other routes could just be a heavily weakened version of the Church, is an actual threat now thanks to Rhea.

  5. 4 minutes ago, Fire Brand said:

    Byleth to me makes 3H worse in every way; it feels like none of these characters would exist or live without professor-senpai-sama-senpai-sama. You start to wonder how they even managed to live this long without constantly having to collapse in professor-senpai-sama-senpai-sama's arms. 

    Am I seriously supposed to believe that Edelgard is able to accomplish anything when she's so weak and utterly dependent on professor-senpai-sama-senpai-sama? I wouldn't be surprised if she spent the entire timeskip building a Garreg Mach sized shrine for them. 

    Byleth is a dull, emotionless entity I wouldn't even call a character, and is stuck in this strange area between silent avatar and generic self insert. Also known as the worst area to be in. 


    "silent avatar and generic self insert"

    What is exactly the difference anyway? Many silent protagonists are basically designed to be essencially a self-insert. Like in Pokémon, and many other games, even the ones that don't actually have gender choices.

  6. I like using Tanya, and the Ests in general; I really like growth units.

    Micaiah it's a character that I also I like a lot to use it, but if you consider her bad or not depends of what exactly are you talking about (after all, not everyone is as mad as me to try to use Maria as a frontline unit in FE3).

  7. 9 minutes ago, NSSKG151 said:

    I guess they could still make Lif a Legendary Hero this month but I feel like they would want the Book 3 OCs to all be Mythic Heroes since Legendaries have for the most part been cast aside (outside of the Pair Up mechanic for Allegiance Battles). I'm starting to think Lif (or Hel) will be the Mythic Hero in November and Hel (or Lif) will be the Mythic Hero for January. That or for another outside-the-box idea they could give us Lif and Hel as Mythic Heroes next month if they wanted to get the Book 3 OCs out of the way before moving on to Book 4 characters.


    It would be interesting if they made a random reveal in October.

    I find interesting November apparently will have 8 Legendaries/Mythics in the same month, but October only has 6

  8. 2 hours ago, Spiral the Gamer said:

    Before even Idunn, there's Owain, Adrift Camilla, Tibarn and Keaton who have yet to appear. They might skip all of them like WoT Olwen and Quan, except on a larger scale.

    Idunn it's a nice price to eventually use, she has a Tier 4 Skill, so she will always have value for Legendary Banners, same with Tibarn; but I expect the other will ended up forgotten.

  9. 55 minutes ago, SubwayBossEmmett said:

    I mean they weren’t scared to change Echoes overall and I say it was to Celica’s detriment overall.

    Not to mention Berkut was a failure of a villain and without his VA would be seen as Iago tier villain losing and accomplishing nothing at every turn. 

    Echoes overall bring improvements to the narrative, but when it failed compared with the original it's very easy to notice... and damn it hurts.

  10. This is going to be weird to rank because outside of the Top 3 and maybe the Top 5 the rest are more interchangable.

    1.- Micaiah

    2.- Sophia

    3.- Nino

    4.- Edelgard

    5.- Sakura

    6.- Roy

    7.- Lucina

    8.- Maria

    9.- Olivia

    10.- Tharja

    11.- Minerva

    12.- Tiki

    13.- Lute

    14.- Eirika

    15.- Genny

    Other characters that would fit in the Top depending my humor: Caeda, Catria, Est, Silque, Celica, Kliff, Lewyn, Julia, Sara, Lilina, Cecilia, L'Arachel, Haar, Naesala, Mist, Mia, Ilyana, Laura, Dorothea, Lysithea.

    (None of my tastes makes sense except I like women xD)

  11. 6 hours ago, GrandeRampel said:

    I love how you said "especially not someone like Camilla". 

    Because if it was Lyn or Chrom, or somebody else it would still be bad but not worthy of the "especially bad" like Camilla. But sure Camilla fans are being obnoxious, while the other side is being overly reasonable with no bias whatsoever.

    I would have hoped the relative success of how Brave Camilla was handled would put a stop to people treating her, even on the subconscious level, like an intrinsecaly wrong character to not associate with, but alas.


    I personally don't think Camilla will receive another alt until at least fall 2020, but I won't stop people from hoping otherwise.

    Probably he feels like that because at least those characters are officially perceived as Main Characters, and Camilla it's "only popular", because of the "most shallow reasons".

  12. On 9/26/2019 at 12:28 PM, Fire Brand said:

    Shambhala is the best map in three houses. Don't get me wrong, I hate the idea of some sci fi dubstep city in fire emblem and it really ruins the aesthetic, but it's my favorite map simply because it isn't reused to death. It was the highlight of my SS/VW runs. 

    And honestly, I quite enjoy the dubstep. There's a sense of ironic enjoyment in it, kind of like when the Sonic series starts experimenting. 

    The theme feeling so curse in a Fire Emblem it's probably part of the appeal.

    Shambhala it's a very cursed place, and even the characters are sick of it's overbearning presence; this helps this place to feel even more alien.

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