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Posts posted by Troykv

  1. 10 hours ago, Alastor15243 said:

    Seriously, I think the only reason anyone likes Berkut is his voice. I can picture half of his lines being said in angsty whiny prequel trilogy Anakin's voice and it fits too well. I mean I like him as a villain, but considering him sympathetic is a stretch for me.

    I think you can do that if you hear him in Japanese.

    I like his English Voice, but the Japanese fits his kind of character more.

  2. I was prepared for Camilla being an admirable opponent; but after seeing how Micaiah actually was winning for a considerable amount; I felt happy; I noticed it was unlikely Camilla would win unless the biggest miracle may happen....

    And that indeed happened; Camilla took her win; and despite having advantage in the last hour, it was even that big the difference...

    Micaiah could have won, and for once she not only lose because of multipliers, she lose because of such a perfect timing to have this small difference.... Agh...

  3. 1 hour ago, Humanoid said:

    Lysithea has the lowest total growths in the game at 280. At the other extreme is Edelgard with 385. (Byleth is at 370) 60% Mag and Dex, 50% Spd, but everything else is 15-25%. In that context, it's very easy to end up with anaemic level-ups.

    Yeah, her Res and Charm can ocasionally work out, but her other non-offensive stats are so bad that they would as well don't exist.

  4. The backstory of Medeus and his regime make me think he should have done his own religion at least he isn't unimaginable evil like Loptyr, or evil incarnate like Fomortiis

    Duma, Nergal and Anankos are in the special "mad as hell" category. 

    Ashnard and Zephiel had twisted ideas of sociality.

    Veld is pretty much Manfroy Lite.

    Loptyr and Fomortiis are as evil as one can get. 

    Ashera has the most "righteous" idea about her evil plan. But it's hard to vote for her because she is a terrifing figure and lacks a nice side despite apparently being a god with "only positive qualities". It's a bit like the case of Medeus where they take actions that are correct since their own point of view...


  5. 4 minutes ago, Landmaster said:

    Nemesis killed Sothis and her children for no reason other than that the mole men told him to do it. I don't see how he can't be the villian.

    Probably he was an idiot

    The nature of Nemesis is unclear after all, we don't know his original reasons, we only know his actions.

    But he still did enough bad to be considered a villain in the present of Fodlan, regardless of the original circunstances.

  6. The nature of the Edelgard's regime time it's unclear in most of the endings.

    But she seems interested in getting someone that can replace her if she decides to end her regime, or dies for some reason; Edelgard it's mostly interested in doing progress.... if she can't do anything else for the Empire, she probably needs to be replaced.

    Even in the case of the Edelgard/Lysithea Ending where she likely lived the longest, she knows she isn't immortal, and there is maybe someone in the Empire more deserving to be the Emperor when she became old.

    In this particular ending I feel the presence of Lysithea may help her Edel to get more stuff done in her lifetime; after all, we're talking about Lysithea, the one person that would search the most for ways to improve the world because of her former condition.

  7. 6 minutes ago, bones said:

    The worst thing Edelgard does is start a five-year-war that leaves two countries in ruins. She gets no credit for canonically ending a five-year-long war “more quickly” when she started it. After declaring said war, she immediately assassinates or otherwise removes her political opponents and consolidates power into herself, a dictator, and invades two other countries. I think from some perspectives she can certainly be seen as a tyrant.

    When comparing Dimitri to Edelgard, Edelgard already starts with a massive body count because she started the war. I don’t agree the war was inevitable, or that it was Edelgard’s only or best choice, so IMO it’s not even useful to compare the suffering they’ve each caused as they’re on totally different scales.

    The idea that Edelgard expresses empathy for victims while Dimitri does not is just not true and ignores his entire arc. Even before that, in his very first post-timeskip battle, he is taking out the bandits because he is infuriated that they are preying on innocents: “Someone must end this cycle of the strong preying on the weak.” The bandits had nothing to do with the imperial soldiers or Edelgard. Then after his arc, his whole deal is atoning for what he has done and accepting that some can never forgive him for the atrocities he’s committed. 

    I think he's talking about in the context of "Blue Lions Specific things".

    Because the War obviously happens in every single route, and it's overall the single most dubious thing she had done. But I can't hate her for doing so because... considering her circunstances... the war was unavoidable the moment the Insurrection happened... it was either her trying to reform Fodlan, or Thales trying to destroy it.

  8. The character that will unconditionally support Edelgard regardless of the circunstances is Hubert of course.

    Caspar most likely would also join unconditionally because of his family, and other stuff.

    Then there are some borderline cases like Dorothea who would support the changes the Empire it's doing, but most likely might try to avoid the war unless Edelgard ask her for help personally. There are some canon dissidents from the Church (the professors) that would most likely took the Dorothea approach; and a canon dissident from the Alliance that may not join them initially, but most likely could do it if Edelgard appears and spares her (Lysithea). There is also Lorenz because of his circunstances.

    And then there are cases that depends of how Edelgard decides to deal with the situation (Petra) or how they decided to take the change of the world (Ferdinand), there is also Linhardt that he would most likely try to avoid the conflict and end up as neutral, but if he ends up into the war, it mostly in the Empire's side because his father and Edelgard may eventually try to convince him.

    The other characters are a lot more unlikely because they're either extremely loyal to their land/lord (most of the BL, Catherine, Cyril, Flayn, Seteth and Hilda), or they may only really join the Empire in very specific circunstances (most of the GD), or their loyalty comes more to which path Byleth decides to take (Alois, Shamir, Bernadetta, potentially Leonie).

  9. 7 minutes ago, Eltoshen said:

    You mean the option of siding with Edelgard? I think it's highly beneficial to the game's thesis that it is an option. For me, the game's overall purpose is to highlight that no matter who you side with in the war, there is a desolate period before reaching the conclusion. This is really well highlighted by the soundtrack as well, including the iconic ending soundtrack centred around Edelgarde.

    Yeah, I just said it in a very fancy way for the sake of doing a pun.

  10. 47 minutes ago, SockPuppet said:

    Micaiah may definitely become the next Lyn or Camilla and get a bunch of alts in the future. Her popularity is insane! If Eliwood loses this round to Camilla (which I hope he doesn’t), I’m definitley hopping over to the M Train.


    Man, the inevitable 3H gauntlets are going to be VICIOUS lol—especially when all 3 lords will probably end up winning CYL4! 

    As for Alm losing his first round, I’m not surprised. Alt-wise, Berkut’s is much more fan-satisfying and interesting than Alm’s MemeArmor, even if it IS drawn by the immaculate Hidari. 

    I'm already feeling all the potential debates that the 3H gauntlets might cause

    Hidari's art style it's amazing; but Berkut's alt was overall more creative and interesting indeed.


    What do you think could be the next Micaiah alt IS will do?

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