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Posts posted by Troykv

  1. 26 minutes ago, Ottservia said:

    Personally I find Corrin to be more similar to Ike if anything cause they share similar roles in their respective narratives though I've yet to play FE7 so yeah.


    My main issue with a lot of the female lords is that they're just kinda overshadowed a lot of the time. Like I don't think it's too bad in sacred stones but it's really bad in SoV like really bad to the point where it actually takes away a lot from Celica's character arc.

    Well, I can see the comparison, after all both of them are sheltered naive idealists, which reality ends up punching them in the face, specially Ike (he got punched like three times in the beginning of the story I believe).

    Oh yeah, in Sacred Stones you can actually choose if you want to "shaft" or not Eirika; and she still had the first third of Sacred Stones even if you decided to go for Ephraim for the rest of the game. The other female lords suffer "overshadow" problems to various degrees.

    BTW, you are the Severa icon? Why are you now a Kyubi?

  2. 51 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

    I'd tolerate Resonant Battles more if it didn't alternate with Allegiance Battles. I actually like Allegiance Battles, because it's one of the few modes where having a pair-up hero makes a notable difference, and I like getting to use my friends' stupidly OP units. Also, trying to get as many bonus points as possible while working with annoying reinforcement spam is an interesting challenge, because if I play well enough I can get max score rewards even with my team of +0s.

    RBs are basically delaying AB's orb week by another week, which is pretty sucky, but I also hate how RBs are pushing Harmonized Heroes on us to score well. Yeah, in AB you needed pair-up heroes too, but unless my memory fails me AB didn't come out IMMEDIATELY after our first pair-up hero, forcing you to pull for Roy if you wanted to score well. I think by the time AB became active you had a few choices in your pair-up hero. Not to mention that legendary banners are just better in terms of pulling anyway than regular summer banners, except for the length of time they're around.

    Basically, the problem isn't really Resonant Battles itself, but its implementation is pretty scummy.

    I believe the mode released in the time when our second Pair Up Legend (Alm). I need to check it xD

  3. On 6/22/2020 at 9:34 PM, XRay said:

    I rather loot boxes stay. If a player does not like loot boxes, then do not play games with loot boxes. There are plenty of other options. Having something like Heroes helps stabilize Fire Emblem as a franchise. If a main line game does not pan out, having a strong mobile title that does well is a signal that the franchise is still viable.

    Trying to over regulate loot boxes is just an asinine finger pointing move against businesses. And gaming as whole would not be better off without it, as it is one less revenue model to work with.

    I personally believe that Gacha Games should have an special label in ratings, and the games that include them should be (at the very least) Mature rated (+17), I don't believe they'll be ban, but we need something to avoid... problems.

    Like how some children "accidentally" drained their parents Bank Account using money for FIFA, in order to get their desired soccer player (and other similar stories with games that are supposed to be for CHILDREN).

  4. 3 hours ago, Samz707 said:

    Jaffar's introduction however, which has him killing Lelia in-game with I think his actual in-game stats  (Yes I know technically the roll is rigged but you know what I mean) had me kinda terrified of fighting him, I saw how this character would destroy my own units in-game, It felt like a scene reflecting on how it would actually go down if he say, got an attack in on Lyn, I was honestly terrified of the prospect of fighting him and was relieved when he becomes an ally without having to fight him.

    Actually seeing someone's stats in action is a whole other story than seeing someone's purely cutscene plot powers in action.

    (Also they fight like actual warriors like they do in-gameplay rather than crappy anime fight scene stuff like in the cutscenes I mentioned.)

    So I feel having in-game battle cutscenes, that show their actual in-game stats are actually A: less stupid looking and B: can do alot more to make an enemy boss seem alot more of a threat.


    They actually pulled of this with Basilio and Walhart, and I found it kind of exciting how he only really survived the first encounter thanks to technically game mechanics, he was left almost dead after that battle.

  5. 7 minutes ago, Samz707 said:

    Wow that actually sounds god-awful.

    I got annoyed when Three Houses had Edelgard's axe vanish in the tutorial so Byleth could get themselves killed, If I was a fan of the series at the time and played Fe1 and 3 before Awakening and got to those points I would have been even more pissed  off at the game than I already was.

    Is it really that hard for 6 writers to at least try to stick to basic continuity? 

    As far as I'm aware, the only person that had previously knowledge of the Archanea games lore among the writers was Maeda himself (because he was the one that wrote the Scenario of the remakes)... I personally believe consistency with old lore was very low in their priorities considering this game suffer from being a very last game; this game didn't want to be subject to a particular lore; the game biggest priority was being and homage to everything Fire Emblem, and I think the only reason why Plegia and Ylisse are Archanea because of these homages, that just happens to be the continent with the most amount of iconic stuff in the franchise, specially from the perspective of japanese... They compromised many things of the world (and probably also a good reason why they decided to make such a big jump in time) for the sake of well... to put it bluntly... fanservice, but isn't just the sexual one that one only really applies to Tiki in this case considering what was previously mentioned; many things are... weird, for the sake of fanservice.

    Though, something particularly funny about it, while it's clear Ylisse ended up being a mess overall, Valm actually looks like something that Valentia could eventually turn up after two thousand years; considering how few empires actually managed to stay for that long, and how we have some hints of some asian-like elements in Valentia since the original Gaiden.

  6. On 6/9/2020 at 5:00 PM, Thane said:

    That's not really Alm though. He was born under a special prophecy, to special parents, and was personally trained by a legendary warrior and personal friend of the emperor of Rigel. 

    Alm only really needed to don't be a coward and he would accomplish destiny because he was fated to do so, it was inevitable, unavoidable. just like a Requiem.

  7. I actually like the term Mary Sue, it's way to subjective, but I believe there is one very important factor that should be taken in consideration when labeling someone as a Mary Sue.

    How they work in the narrative? You can have a "perfect" character, but if that perfection actually works in the context of the world, then people won't mind it (like say... Superman, he's a perfect character in a way, which it makes a bit boring more than anything, but isn't something that will actively annoy the readers/viewers).

    If a character bends the narrative in ways that doesn't make any sense, and only does so for the sake of making that character look better (I like my nonsense when is done for the sake of comedy or to do some over the top stuff

    In that case we have a potential Mary Sue, now we need to check how prevalent these "anomalities" are.

  8. 40 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

    Family's Korean. I also have a pair of Korean wedding dolls ... somewhere. Not in my room, but somewhere in the house. Also, google!

    Also, even if we do see wedding garb inspired from other cultures besides just Japanese and Western (which would be awesome), I highly doubt Korean would be one of them due to, uh ... real life things between those two countries.

    Oh that is cool!; I don't know about Korean culture, but I always found cool to find all this stuff which is quite different of what I'm used to see, they represent other cultures and identities, other ways of thinking and other ways of viewing life...

    Yeah I don't expect either, unless somehow Korea turns into a more important public for IS, which is unlikely

  9. 4 hours ago, Sunwoo said:

    Oh yeah, so, seeing how Oboro and Hinata are in traditional Japanese bridal/groom outfits made me curious to see what traditional Korean wedding outfits look like.

    And now I'm mad that we won't ever get them in Heroes. They're so colorful and not white, with lots of varieties for patterns, and the men's outfits are far less boring than Western suits. Man ...!

    How did you found the pictures?

    Well, I guess that is the deal with having some limitations about the origin of the characters, unless of course, IS decides to create a pseudo-Korea in the future.

    Well, at least there is hope that not everything will be boring Western suits and kimonos thanks to Khalid... I wonder how the traditional persian wedding outfits look like

  10. Character wise: Micaiah, she is also my overall favorite character, I have developed an interesting attraction to her I'm not sure if I can't explain right now, but I really like her character and how unique her role and everything is played in the story.

    Unit-wise: Well this is a bit weird, I enjoy two kinds of units in FE, the ones that are very strong and the ones that are very unique... So I think I'm going to answer Micaiah; because she is a quite weird character to use, but manages to always do something thanks to all her traits, Sacrifice can help in a whim, Thani is a very cool weapon, and in Part 3 onwards she has access to Physic, which is always cool too.

  11. 3 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

    Yeah, but Ross also has Gen 3 stats so his stat total just ends up breaking even with Gerik and all the other recent infantry axes.

    Yeah, but that still makes him competitive to this date, I just found it weird; I would have imagined they would have throw us something different, something that wouldn't be less appealing and have more "demote feeling" like... Knoll Artur?

  12. 27 minutes ago, NSSKG151 said:

    It's funny you say Ismaire is the obligatory female banner seller when on the last Sacred Stones banner the sole female on the banner was the demote. Though then again I guess they were banking on Ephraim to carry the banner.

    But if we are talking about what we would like to see on the next Sacred Stones banner I want to see Gilliam as well and also Moulder, Natasha and Artur but I'm kind of expecting the next one to be a Grado themed banner with Selena, Duessel, Knoll and Natasha (so at least one character I like is likely to show up) with a Vigarde GHB.

    That banner was weird... it's auto demote was Ross (a trainee unit, which a very rarely given to F2P after launch), the demote was a dancer, and the Star of the Banner was pretty much a Special Hero.

  13. 3 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

    I don't actually know. I'm just guesstimating using the information from the script and my own assumptions of Sothe's age in PoR. 14 in PoR and 17 in RD seems like a reasonable enough estimate.

    Oh yeah, I usually assume Sothe is around 17 years old in RD, but the script at least kind of confirms how young Kid Sothe would be.

  14. 2 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

    Well, I went back to the script and this is the exact quote:

    PoR Sothe doesn't look that old. I'd estimate him about 14 as the upper bound of his possible age, but he could also be as young as 12. Assuming that he's 14 in PoR, he's 17 in RD. And he was at least seven when he met Micaiah. And I agree that not everyone has the same opinion of what's "weird", but I certainly consider raising someone whom you knew since they were at least seven and then later seeing that person as marriageable material to be SUPER WEIRD. I mean, this isn't even a case of they met once when Sothe was young and then when they met again they fell in love. They were explicitly hanging out together except during PoR.

    So he was around 7~8 years old? Thanks for the information!

  15. 3 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    ...Are you serious? Are you fucking serious? How do you not see any problems with this? With SIBLINGS marrying each other? Who cares if they're not blood related? This is exactly the main issue people had with Corrin being able to marry his/her siblings. They treated one another as family and siblings, not as love interests, and then suddenly Corrin can just get hitched to one of them and have a freaking kid with them. You're saying that it would be perfectly normal for me to marry one of my adopted brothers and I just find that very disturbing. He's my BROTHER. Not a love interest.

    Look, I'm now really trying hard not to say something I shouldn't say, so...yeah.

    No. Since Outrealms and multiple versions of the same world are a thing, I can believe Ike and Elincia married in at least one reality if I want to.

    Also, this 100%. I actually did find Makalov x Astrid kind of weird too. And Boyd x Mist over Rolf x Mist was also an odd choice.

    Well, if you want to mention a difference, Corrin actually grew up with them since he/she was an infant (which where the issue applies), Sothe was a teenager, probably a youngish one (10 years?), but he was already self aware of his non-relationship to Micaiah.

  16. 2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    Micaiah has gone from nonexistent in year one to four versions now. I don't mean to criticize, but are they playing her too much too fast?

    Nah, so far she has got an alt more or less to a one year pace.

    OG Micaiah: January 2018

    HS Micaiah: August 2018

    QoD Micaiah: August 2019 (and this was voted by the fans)

    DWD Micaiah/Sothe: May 2020

    Nothing out of the ordinary.

  17. Just now, Morgan--Grandmaster said:
    • I guess Nailah and Rafiel are a canon pairing. Alright.
    • Micaiah and Sothe sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G! I knew it. I knew it. I knew it!
    • Though I was happy on calling Hinata getting an alt, I kind of wish the Fates male was Takumi instead because the games they're in make it clear that Oboro has a crush on her liege (though I did pair Oboro with Hinata in my Birthright gender-bent playthrough for variety's sake. So does that further add to Male Corrin siding Hoshido being canon?).

    Saving them for when the remake comes out.

    Perfectly balanced, as all things should be. I also like it when a Hero hits exactly 4-5 versions because I find it hilarious building a butt-kicker team, and they're all the same character. i.e. "Fear my army of Lyns!"

    Nailah and Rafiel is actually a canon thing as far as I remember, though it was confirmed in material outside the game.

  18. Just now, Ginger567 said:

    Lol I find this so funny. Micaiah is WAY MORE- Way more popular than Elincia. She’s has always place in the top 10 and even place first in the last poll whereas Elincia has never place top 20 hell not even top 30, so your complaining about Mic getting more love than her is kinda weird. Popular characters get more attention and that’s a fact. And micaiah and Soren are the two most popular tellius characters after Ike. 

    It's Soren more popular that Mia/Wayu? I don't remember the scores right now, but I just want to be sure.

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