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Nine the Ranger

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Posts posted by Nine the Ranger

  1. That is ultimately a little disappointing yet completely reasonable. On the surface SRPG studio is lacking some of the features of the GBA FE games but it possible with some of the plugins that the community has featured and with a little ingenuity. 


    Admittedly the graphical complaint is both valid and a little silly at the same time. The GBA games do have quite good animations out of the box, and some of the community has done a phenomenal job in making custom sprites and animations, SRPG Studio on the other hand... Maybe not so much, the packaged resources are certainly serviceable to someone just wanting to get started and learn the ins and outs of the software they do leave me a bit wanting, but that is me personally. That said, custom animations and sprites do not seem to be any more difficult than creating ones for the GBA (That being said I have no experience with the GBA roms under the hood so feel free to let me know).


    All in all I find the program to be an excellent option for someone wanting to get started while also being able to build their own fan, or even commercial, game from the ground up if they are willing to put in a little effort to learn the program.

  2. I have the notion of a sort of Morality system, something that could and SHOULD have been seen in Fates.


    Shura was actually a good example of this, and is about as close as we got to my idea.


    But take a enemy boss, sort of a freedom fighter, at first glance he's just a rebel but through context we can learn about him and his cause. Once beaten the player may be presented with a choice on saving or sparing him. Sparing him may allow him to appear later on as an ally, or possibly be recruited while killing him may gain rewards, or it may not. 


    Allowing the player some choice in the actions and morality of the protagonist leads to interesting roads for them, especially if it can be tracked properly. Why spare X but not Y later on? Did group A deserve to live while group B was punished? Varying paths with multiple results.


    If done right, and it is likely a monster to properly imbed into something like a GBA rom, but XNA or SRPG studio might allow for more flexibility.

  3. 6 hours ago, Von Ithipathachai said:

    Heyoooo, welcome to the forest!

    If you're interested in FE fangames, feel free to check out Sanctaea Chronicles, which I'm making in SRPG Studio.

    Oh yeah, I've been following it through FEE3 and the like, I just haven't had a chance to play with it yet. I'll definitely have to get on that!


    Good choice on SRPG studio by the way, I've been playing with it and have a small project but nothing truly amazing.

  4. Hello everyone, I'm Nine.


    I've been a longtime player of FE but only recently got back into the series with 3H and I'm wanting to get back into it. 


    Of course I've also been enjoying Staff of Ages (Mod props to that team!) and am always interested in various fan projects.


    I suppose that's about the gist of it, I'm not super complicated but I'm always looking to chat and make new friends!

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