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Posts posted by Koops

  1. I think Heath is really good too. His one flaw is pretty much his shit base speed but he can quickly grow out of that. If you have a spare speedwing use it on him too, definitely. He's definitely not as good as the pegs, simply because they're around longer but that doesn't invalidate how good he is.

  2. Besides Marcus obviously taking the top spot with his monstruous bases, I'm gonna have to say... probably one of the first two Pegasus Knights, Priscilla or even Sain.

    Both Florina and Fiora are an amazing investment who are excellent utility units at worst and juggernauts at best. Doing Lyn mode makes Florina way better than Fiora, while skipping it makes her less competent but still good, though Fiora will always be consistently good. And I am not saying Fiora is one of the best units in the game because I love her or anything I just genuinely believe so.

    In Priscilla's case, it's already been said, but as the sole potential playable valkyrie in this game, she has the most utility out of any unit, being able to use staves, having a horse AND being able to attack with reliable 1-2 range. The only problem may be her average growths on her somewhat low bases but that's about it, and stats are not needed to heal or rescue.

    Finally, I mentioned Sain, since he's the best out of the unpromoted cavaliers, being able to reach the doubling threshold relatively quickly, but also having some of the highest strength in the game, that and he's also a cavalier in GBA.

    Hawkeye is easily in the honorable mntions tho. Same with Pent. Hawkeye's problem is that at some point he might start to drop off, while Pent's is simply his availability. And yes I'm aware that Hawkeye's issue may apply to Marcus but Marcus is around for longer with better utility so he has the edge over him, not to mention he can also dominate the game for longer.

  3. Oh you're definitely right on Earth affinity being bonkers in this game. In fact, supporting Oscar with Tanith AND Ike makes him almost completely unhittable. I completed an FE9 ironman recently and within both Ike and Tanith's ranges, Ashnard had exactly 0. ZERO hit against Oscar in the first phase. That was the easiest Ashnard fight I ever did that's for sure.

    Anyway it's nice to see you enjoying this game considerably more than the previous ones. Path of Radiance truly is a great game.

  4. So with my slight absence on this forum I don't think anyone here's heard me voice my opinion on this game so far... and truth be told...

    I'm sold. This game looks amazing. It seems like there will be some neat area exploration just from how expansive the world looks so far, the battle system seems pretty interesting (not necessarily as great as the first game but it's something), and they functionally brought back badges (sorta, from what I've seen). I'm most definitely hyped.

    The story and stuff doesn't look mind-blowing but no Paper Mario story was that good to begin with so this is perfectly fine, and personally I love the direction they took with the bosses this time around, and don't see why people generally don't like it. Oh, and the game looks gorgeous too, which is a plus. Glad they retained CS's artsyle.

    Oh yeah, this is also coming from someone who doesn't like ttyd, personally.

  5. It has been surprisingly useful in my last playthrough though. It's great for training Farina, and it's definitely something she could use. And then there's bosses who tend to be annoying, most notably Lloyd. It's even possible to one-shot him with it in the final map if you're willing to bring all the peg knights, and seeing how scary he is there, it's definitely not a bad thing to consider.

  6. 3 hours ago, Jotari said:

    They might wanted to have shown that Ephraim's closer to Myrrh than Eirika is.

    Pretty much what I was thinking yeah.

    Also, for the Melkaean coast (or however the fuck's it's spelled), I don't think I've ever seen it under FoW. Come to think of it, I think maybe the FoW effect applies randomly to skirmishes? I mean, some maps that usually have for of war suddenly don't, sometimes, and vice versa. I think it makes sense if the game just rolls an rn to see if the skirmish will have fog or not.

  7. Honestly, as arbitrary as the GBA system is and as unfair it can be to new players (i.e. needing specific items to promote certain classes), I still think it adds a layer of strategy and gives your decision to promote a unit that much more meaningful.

    FE9's system is fine too. You can earlypromote if you want but leveling up to 20 in this game is easy, and perfectly feasible especially with the bonus exp you get. I like how chapter 17 always ends up being where everyone promotes for many players.

  8. Funnily enough, I once had a Warrior somehow get dangerously close to Mansel and I was desperate, but then I used Moulder's Rescue staff and it worked. That also allowed me to discover that losing the throne in this map does not equal a game-over, since the Warrior then proceeded to kill the Green General while on the throne.

    Also don't worry, Eirika is the one who introduces herslef to Mansel in her route, since you're wondering.

    Also pretty sure keeping as many green units alive as possible gives you rewards. MIGHT be why they're so weak to begin with, to make that secondary objective not a joke.

  9. From what I hear, people hate Makalov. But a lot of people have also come to terms with him and the fact that not everyone in the series has to be a good person.

    But my actual unpopular opinion here is that I think Astrid's character has not been butchered in RD because she likes him now.

    In fact, I don't see much difference between her character in FE9 and in FE10. In FE10, she's still this Begnion noble trying to make her own life and fleeing the burdens of forced marriage. Some people say that her admiration of Makalov ruins her character, but the thing is, I thought she always admired him. People often forget that Astrid actually has a support with Makalov in FE9, and I actually like the support. Sure, Makalov might as well be at his worst here, but towards the end, he does really seem to regret his behavior, and Astrid compliments him for acknowledging his mistake. Astrid sees value in Makalov that no one else can see, simply because her life up to this point has seen worse. She grows to appreciate Makalov for what he is, and whatever good he has in his own heart. That's why I'm not too angry about her turning into a Makalov love-bot later.

    What should have been done though... they should have changed Makalov's character in Radiant Dawn. They should have made it so that Makalov would have grown as a character thanks to Astrid and have him aspire to do great things and become a great knight, which could have lead to some interesting dynamic between him and Kieran too. If they had done that, I'm sure a lot more people would accept him as Astrid's canon pairing. Even if he isn't that, tho, Astrid choosing him perfectly falls in line with the fact that she's broken free of forced marriage by choosing the worst suitor possible to be her husband for life.

    Not everyday you see someone defending that ship.

  10. I think 10 deployments is good. I wouldn't mind if you could bring more people tho, something like 12-14, because I tend to always try to figure out who I'm going to bench for the next chapter.

    And of course, I still wanna see them give us some maps where you can deploy something like 18-20. I like bringing prepromotes that I never used before and watch be just as effective as my main team.

  11. Pretty sure it's been said better before by other people but I think that while it's true that the emotions she has aren't quite obvious, I feel like Eirika's decision to give Lyon the stone makes perfect sense. Not only is she seemingly desperate to get Lyon back despite everyone saying that's it's plain impossible, but she's also up against the demon king, who, through his "petty evilness" as you call it, seems to have a knack for toying with people. It's obvious through his dialogue that humans are just ants to him and he has the power to make people look stupid, or make them do things they know is rationally wrong by overwhelming them with emotion. I thought that was evident since the moment he looked into Lyon's soul and proposed to murder the twins in front of him while granting him his conscience just so that he can witness it. It's like a natural ability for him at this point and I just think that ultimately what happened in the scene was completely predictable... and that's why it didn't make me all that mad, because the odds were simply not in Eirika's favor. Although I don't like that they made Ephraim's version look more like it's not his own fault, because it just looks so one-sided and it makes it seem like Ephraim is still perfect and Eirika is to blame for literally everything. The only reason why I actually hate the scene is particularly because of its controversial nature and how anyone just points to it when they wanna defend their argument for "Ephraim and Eirika bad because stone go poof". In your case though you've provided such a thorough explanation that I just can't but agree with your writeup.

    Idk if I made much sense but here, that's the gist of it.

  12. You knwo what. I respect your interpretation.

    You showed me a clear reason why, while this scene is natural, it makes Eirika look a hell of a lot dumber than she actually is and that it's a bad scene because of it. I actually agree with your point of view, although it does just happen that I see Eirika in a different way.

    One thing I will say though is that while I agree it's not the best thing in the world that this game barely has any expressive portraits, you don't need them to convey emotions, per se. Although you also made the same argument for the punctuation... so... I'll stay silent. You win this round. I also hate this scene for entirely different reasons, strangely enough, despite not finding it so bad.

    But anyway, I'll take this opportunity to say why I love the Forde X Eirika support so much. It's a support that legit shows Eirika having genuine fun despite everything happening. She's casually joking around with the jokester of the Renais knights. Although it does help a lot that Forde IS my favorite character from this game, no matter how relatively mediocre he is as a unit compared to the other cavs. I guess seeing Eirika develop conversations with him is just such a fun prospect to me.

    Anyway, I'm glad we can finally put this chapter to fucking rest.

  13. Much as I love Eirika and would like to defend her I will agree that she's never declared anything about becoming queen. She HAS however made claims that she desperately wants to rebuild Renais (Which eventually she fulfills). Heck, Ephraim ends up becoming the King himself anyway, despite the fact that Eirika's title is "Restoration Queen".

    In terms of the Eirika vs Seliph argument I do think that objectively speaking Seliph does a better job at conveying his emotion and desires for a peaceful world, which is heavily backed up by the fact that the backstory to his own adventure is so well done, so the resolve is very visible. Buuuuuuuuuuut ultimately whether you like him or Eirika more just boils down to personal preference, imo. I still consider Eirika my favorite lord in spite of all this, mind you, but it's true that her portrayal is not perfect.

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