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Everything posted by Venger_06

  1. But I'm not arguing that this is an asspull. Like I said before, FFVI has one of greatest stories told in videogames, and this part fits nicely with what it was trying to convey. What I'm arguing is that people are being unnecessarily nitpicky with this plot point in Awakening. But let's agree to disagree then. Also, you're right, we should stop talking about non-FE stuff, especially since I would like someone who yet to play FFVI to be surprised.
  2. Correct me if I'm wrong, since we only have access to fan-translations of FE4, but aren't the women of Isaach suffering this during Dannan's regime? Larcei/Creidne mentions this during the start of chapter 6, and it's a big deal for Creidne's character. Here's the line in the most recent patch:
  3. No problem, I also think it's better this way. FE has really mediocre stories overall, with few exceptions, especially comparing to other acclaimed JRPGs. Echoes story is even good for FE standards, but some people hail it as a return to form after Fateswakening, even though they share the same mistakes, although in different ways. I can mention the poor worldbuilding between Rigel, Zofia and its inhabitants, lacking to show how is the relationship between their peoples and their religions, Alm's character and the whole noble vs commoner thing (which gives me Naruto and Bleach flashbacks) and the entirety of Acts 4 and 5 (poor Celica, the writers did her dirty). Also, while it has high points, it lacks proper buildup and the story moves on so fast that it falls flat. Yes, I think I used the wrong expression. I've improved the wording a little bit now. I was talking about gameplay. It's true that Fire Emblem is a S(J)RPG, but there's a sliding scale between focus on stragety and focus on RPG mechanics. We can, for example, put Shadow Dragon on one hand, since it lacks a bunch of mechanics present in other games, meaning that the appeal of the game is a "purer" strategic gameplay. On the other hand, games like FE4, Awakening, Fates in general and Sacred Stones have as appeal common RPG mechanics like grinding, unit building, a myriad of classes and reclassing, etc., and they focus a bit more on the story and the characters. Gaiden/Echoes is at the opposite end of this scale, compared to Shadow Dragon, as it is the game that most resembles an "RPG on a grid", a "genre" that Final Fantasy Tactics popularized for example. I always liked JRPGs, so these games that I talked about are the ones that stuck me the most.
  4. Okay, I checked now. Here's the exchange: Granted, it comes just before the final dungeon, but it's nothing concrete. They just share concerns about her safety.
  5. Now comes a real unpopular opinion about Echoes: its story is mediocre to be called a "return to form after the shit that were Awakening and Fates” and the only reason to play it is because it looks like a JRPG gameplay-wise. I love JRPGs, so I don't care if the maps are "bad" and it's one of my overall favorites.
  6. Except it does though? The revelation that comes literally during the ending montage, while the reveal that Robin needs strong bonds to survives comes 1~2 chapters before the ending, and the importance of said bonds are highlighted some chapters before. Also, you can 100% ignore Terra's storyline in the WoR, making the whole thing fall flat. In the end, it would be pretty shity if the devs locked the best ending behind acquiring all of Robin's supports, so its better this way.
  7. Granted. The original 500-page script per route by Shin Kibayashi.. IS edited and cut a lot of it, and the final product was completely different from what he envisioned. I wish FE12 receives an official translation.
  8. I don't get why people have a problem with Robin surviving thanks to the "invisible ties". Final Fantasy VI plays this straight at its ending and it has one of the greatest stories ever made. Saving Chrom is saving the world. As guys already noted, the awakening ritual also blood-bonded the First Exalt and his lineage with holy blood, and the Exalted Falchion basically became analogous to the holy weapons. The Brand of the Exalt is none other than the Brand of Naga, present in the descendants of Saint Heim, and now is the proof that the person who has it can wield the EF. Chrom is the last person in the world who has it, and losing him means losing the only means to effectively deal with Grima. Technically, Future Lucina can take his place if he died and perform the ritual, but that would means more problems for Ylisse in the future, as the Halidom would lose its leader and the continent would be left without a leadership to look up in the post war. And there's also the other problem with Lucina: she doesn't think she belongs to this world. After arriving in the past world she with worries of potential harm to the "correct denizens" of the world and hides herself, stepping in only from the shadows to give aid when absolutely necessary. That's why Lucina agrees to wear a mask, thinking that her brand could create trouble for her father in the world of the past. And that's why she simply disappears from the world in her unpaired ending. This is beautiful, and pretty much spot on.
  9. Granted. I wish IS to release the full FE Fates manuscript.
  10. Anything as long as it's easy. My cooking skills are limited. ------ If you had the ability to fly, what would be the first place you would go?
  11. Granted, but its Japan-exclusive. I wish that the next avatar is not a mute.
  12. Granted. Nobody cares about it anyway. I wish I had a full beard.
  13. Grandmaster. It has a really cool concept, design and skills. ------ What's your favorite food?
  14. You know, one of the reasons I told you to pick Male Robin and S support Lucina was to see the scene of the two as a couple, which in my opinion is the emotional high point of the game and closes their character arcs. Lucina’s arc is about herself vs her duty. She winds up embodying a near extremist attitude, as from a young age she was extremely burdened with a mission to complete above all else, as everyone would be doomed should she fail, and this is what drives her throughout the story. Her self-sacrificing attitude, placing duty above self to the highest degree, is the very Marth "I am a Prince before a brother or a son" attitude. Anyway, let’s move on to Lucina and Robin’s Hot Spring Scramble conversation. At the end of it, she worries that her duty may clash with the mission to save the world, and will force her to choose between Robin and the mission, a happy life with her love or the safety of the world and its inhabitants. Following this, there’s the Judgment scene, where her fears come true and we see her duty vs self appear again. While in the normal version of this conversation Lucina still admits that its murder, she resigned to this fate and was ready to kill Robin. In the lover version, she eventually breaks down, with her hopes and dreams mostly shattered after the turn of events. Using skip review, it's possible to see what Robin has to say without player input and the “canon” choice is him accepting his demise at her blade, only asking that she finds happiness somehow. She eventually yields, but this is an important character moment because she chooses her heart over the world, which she never would have done before. At the same time, this scene also develops Robin. The entire bad future happened because Robin did not develop bonds strong enough to withstand Grima. Chrom himself states that their bonds are stronger in this dimension, which is why Robin eventually resists the brainwashing. The difference between the original timeline and this timeline? The presence of the future children. It’s not a stretch to imagine that Robin managed to create stronger ties to this place thanks to having married and bonded with their family. Therefore, Lucina traveled back in time to prevent her future from happening and ended up doing it by making Grima’s avatar fall in love with her. Thus, Robin gathers the will to challenge his destiny a second time because of her. It adds a really good dimension to the story, and fits the concept of “invisible ties” that Awakening has going on for its themes.
  15. Granted, not it tries to eliminate everything that could make the house dirty, including you. I wanted my college to be close to home.
  16. Fans trying to figure out what's next will always exist, and at some point they will unravel the mystery. That is why I believe that the important thing is not what will happen, but how it will happen. It's one of the reasons why I don't care being spoiled. About NSFW content: The more the merrier! While I have several fears, like people misunderstanding my storytelling and my name getting dirty, I believe that the biggest one is that no one reads my work. This makes more sense in the context in which I am inserted, since books here are very expensive and the reading habit is not rooted in my culture. ------- How do you feel about RNG elements in strategy games?
  17. As he gained more freedom from the studio, his shortcomings began to appear. Kojima at least had help from Fukushima in the first three. He always kept Kojima in check, which Murata was unable to do. Martial prowess, I guess? Most DLCs are just fanservice, but it is important to play at least Future's Past, as it helps to contextualize the second generation, which unfortunately could not be explored much in the main campaign.
  18. I don't have friends. School. ------- What is your least favourite meme or online joke/reference?
  19. This one is new, but i'm sick of the Drip memes. This shit isn't funny at all. ------- Same question to you.
  20. Not really. Before and after Covid, my life remains the same. ------- What personality traits you can't stand in people?
  21. Granted, but now your body hurts every second you're not sleeping. I wish not to procrastinate.
  22. Hard agree. Birthright is probably the most underrated game in the franchise, as it stands as the middle child of Fates. About its story, basically it is Shadow Dragon bogged down by Fates storytelling. The problem is that the game tries to play safe, and things barely happen. You just march you army into Nohr for 90% of the game. Conquest at least tried to be something different. However, it went so wrong that you could argue that they shouldn't even have tried.
  23. Yeah, my goal was to highlight the importance of Old Mystery for the Japanese fanbase. I was not trying to diminish the other games.
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