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Everything posted by Venger_06

  1. I would like the other person to be talkative. I'm a good listener, so I think we would get along just fine. ------- What do you prefer: single player or multiplayer?
  2. Granted, now you're a workaholic. I wish my hair was longer.
  3. Granted, but now they have the slowest engine and gameplay of the series. I wish we could play the villain and be 100% evil.
  4. Granted, but your purpose in life is something awful. I wanted to be able to sleep earlier.
  5. Yeah, but its pretty hard to keep track of the sales otherwise. The last time Nintendo disclosed the sales was in 2016.
  6. Nope. According to VGChartz, Awakening sold approximately 560K units in Japan, and Fates sold approximately 530K. I don't know where exactly I saw the news that 3H outsold Mystery in Japan, so I might be wrong. The VGChartz page for 3H is outdated, since 3H surpassed the 3 million mark recently.
  7. Homecoming had good ideas but was badly executed. The 2012 movie was a mistake.
  8. You're not being cynical at all, that's exactly the reason why Archanea was chosen. Mystery of the Emblem was the favorite and most sucessful FE in Japan until Awakening's release, and only Three Houses beat its sales in their home country.
  9. No female avatar. Now you got me. Perhaps the game could let you create another avatar for gen 2 then?
  10. I'm fine with it as long as the avatar dies at Belhalla . However, I don't think they need to add another child unit in the game. It's okay just being a parent to the already existing characters.
  11. Granted, but they're locked behind a paywall. I wish there were less RNG elements in the games.
  12. I was looking forward to Attack on Titan's final season, but it is already being released, so I dunno. Maybe Chainsaw man anime. I once watched The Flash, but dropped on the third season. ------- Have you ever made an unusual school work?
  13. Best saga imo, and has the perfect ending (no pun intended). Huge DBZ fan here, and I can say that you're spot on. TFS' version stay true to the characters in the end. Since we are comparing the characters, I would also like to add that Lucina's role is a parallel to Seliph, just as Chrom is for Sigurd. As I wrote in the unpopular opinions thread: Here are the comparations between Chrom and Sigurd. I can also add the fact that they were "betrayed" by whom they thought they could trust. Lucina and Seliph then have to go through hell to fix the mistakes left by them. This is clearly intentional, as Awakening is tries to take all of the best parts about Genealogy and push it into one game. YMMV on whether or not they succeeded, but I wish people would give them more credit for the attempt.
  14. No problem, you aren't being agressive at all. I think the problem here is that neither of you properly understood each other's opinion. Awakening's story didn't resonate with you as much as it resonated with us, so you can't just pass up the flaws in the script. You are looking for a great story, and Awakening did not meet your criteria, although it did meet ours. Do you post on FE reddit? I recently ran into a post about Eirika and the Demon King and I wanted to say that it is very well written. If not, just ignore me.
  15. Ah, the language barrier reached me and I ended up getting lost in the middle of all this discussion, but I will try to give my 2 cents. I once said on the unpopular opinions thread that Awakening has one of the best stories, and I still hold my opinion, but this is more about most FE stories being mediocre than Awakening being a masterpiece. Anyway, I am not going to argue that this story is flawless, nor do I intend to keep insisting that writers played 4D chess writing it. Awakening bit more than it could chew with the ambitious task of utilizing 2 continents, time travel and references from past games which left its structure very disorganized, but as I already commented on this thread a few days ago the message it is trying to pass has more value , with its achievements overcoming its shortcomings. That being said, the sheer amount of hate the game gets is astounding, and I often feel like people ignore its strengths and focus entirely on its flaws under a scrutiny that doesn't seem to apply to the older titles. This happens a lot, especially when there are discussions about its cast and many ill-informed opinions start flying around which seem to be based on hearsay rather than actually reading the supports and DLC conversations. I get that Awakening is an easy target, because it had its flaws and catapulted the series into the mainstream, when you begin to only find flaws in modern games and look over the past games many flaws that's were biases and nostalgia gets in the way. An example that I can give is Shadows of Valentia itself, which makes several writing mistakes and whose worldbuilding is on the same level as Awakening and is still hailed as “the return to form of FE after the shit that were Awakening and Fates” just because it is a remake of an old game. I do not want to turn this into a matter of “casual vs elitist”, nor to discredit anyone’s opinion, I just want to draw attention to the double standard that happens many times, even if unconsciously. I will be waiting for the moment where Echoes review will begin. Alastor, from what I read about some previous games, you are very demanding in the part of the writing, and rated Sacred Stones very low on the list because of things you thought didn't make sense. For the quick look I took at the time you were playing Radiant Dawn, you also criticized a plot point about a mountain pass. So your opinion is interesting to me. I wish everyone a Merry Christmas.
  16. Earbuds, because they are more portable. ------- Why is your favorite FE your favorite FE?
  17. What I really meant by that is that while there are some moments that may not make sense according to someone’s perception, it doesn’t make the story inherently bad, and the payoff can make it all worthwhile. I am not saying that a writer should be lazy and that trying or not the result is the same, but that the positives that originated from the moment when you could not suspend your disbelief can outweigh the flaws. YMMV if the result made a good impression on you or not, but the moment we are discussing is mostly okay in my book, because I think the payoff is great and the small moments is what's most important. That's what I think the greater strength of Awakening is: when we get these intimate moments with the characters, they're surprisingly poignant. FE7 is very similar in this regard. If Sigurd had taken Deirdre to Azmur and shown her brand of Naga, could he change his fate? That always got me thinking, but I think this would only worsen their situation. If he appeared married to Kurth's heiress, it would be even easier for Reptor and Langbalt to accuse him of murdering the prince to seize Grannvale's power. Even though he was fucked anyway and did the best he could in his situation, he didn't think about the long-term consequences when he went to invade Verdane and Agustria.
  18. Granted, now your wallpaper is literally chroma key. I wanted to be proficient in more languages.
  19. Even though she doesn't show up very much, she's still a shadow of the past for Dimitri on his route, and honestly I believe that only Azure Moon has a good story in 3H and the other routes are only there to serve as lore dumpers.
  20. I always interpreted this moment as Grangel in damage control, like a child who lost a game and then accuses their opponent of cheating. Remember, he wants war and tries to use Ylisse's previous treatment of Plegia to justify it. So that fact makes Emmeryn's murder not, well, a murder in their eyes, but a reparation. All of this is bullshit, but at this point they act as if the Shepherds were wrong to fight back and should have bowed their heads in acceptance of the punishment for the crimes of their ancestors. While said past crimes are not Gangrel's top priority, what he really wants to is guilt trip our heroes into believing that they're evil bastards whose suffering of countless people is their cause. It's actually a really clever tactic. I don't think the goal was to garner sympathy, but to show the cycle of violence that was part of Jugdral and how it affected the lives of several people. People were afraid of Loptous (with good reason), so they did everything so that Loptous would never be able to torment them again, including banishing Loptyrians to a desert and burning people suspected of having Loptous blood at the stake. These actions eventually created Manfroy, who tried to throw all the hate he received back into the world. In that state that Jugdral was in, several people would suffer. For ordinary people, Loptyrians should perish so that they can live without fear. For the Loptyrians, to live well it was necessary to subjugate those who wanted them dead. To put it simply, the conflict was us versus them, where the welfare of those close to you was more important than the welfare of everyone else. This question that Genealogy poses is interesting, and if it were turned into a focus of the narrative, it would easily be a more interesting conflict than that of the Beorc x Laguz in Tellius. Kaga did racism first. I have to side with Otts in this one, because more often than not stories need very specific events in order for something to happen, and I can use GOTHW itself as an example. We have dumb things happening like Maera and his descendants still having children and putting the world in danger, or Julius not killing literally the only person who can defeat him, even though there is no reason to keep her alive. Without moments like these there would be no story, but just because it happened doesn't mean that GOTHW doesn't have a good story. If there's something I learned while reading countless works is that reality is often unrealistic. I'm sorry if I am late and you guys have already moved on from this discussion.
  21. Platypus, the greatest animal that ever graced this planet. I really like my cats and I think they're amazing animals in their own right. ------- What are some things you always take with you on a trip?
  22. Granted, but now the maps are 2x larger. I wish Cyberpunk 2077 on PS4 to be playable (no bugs or slowdowns).
  23. I really like villains who have a personal connection to the hero(es) and anti-villains. One of my favorite tropes about the latter is the protagonist journey to villain, normally becoming Knight Templars. He who fights monsters indeed. That's why, as someone pointed above, that Edelgard is such good character when portrayed as a foil to Dimitri. She works best as the villain of Three Houses.
  24. I don't really watch TV shows. However, if manga/anime counts, then Attack on Titan. ------- Same question to you.
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