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Everything posted by Venger_06

  1. Honestly, I think that's the main reason for the game's success. The RPG genre had been losing popularity in the late 2000s, mainly JRPGs, Awakening managed to capture this audience by playing similar to Final Fantasy Tactics for example, which was influenced by the main series in the first place. Thus, this audience was able to experience something that they would not normally play. At the very least, it certainly wasn't fanservice or Sword Art Online that caused the success, although there are people who believe that. Yeah, Awakening at least gives reason to try both genders at some point. In subsequent games they place an arbitrary limit on pairs that make you miss an unit or give units for free just for having tits.
  2. *Sad Male Robin noises* The Avatar + Chrom pairing easily destroys this game, and helps to keep Chrom alive in the highest difficulties, so I understand the reason for choosing it. *Sad Male Robin noises again* Ah yes, the beginning of everything. While Awakening is not so egregious, since the male Robin can serve as a pairup bot, you can have two units inheriting Robin's uber genes and the female Morgan can reproduce the female Robin's function (or even overcome it, depending on as you set up your build), this is where the seed of the unfair favorable treatment of female avatars over male ones was planted. But it's not time to talk about it yet, as it will be more relevant in a conversation about Fates or Three Houses.
  3. Echoes, right? I used Fates as an example because Echoes doesn't have a prf bow. I don't speak much, so I would like the other person to be talkative. ------- Something you always wanted to do but can't or shouldn't?
  4. Fujin Yumi, because Fates is one of the only games where bows don't suck. ------- I'm stealing this question: what are your hobbies other than Video Games (Assuming you play video games)?
  5. This is the moment that I have been waiting for. Do you already have an idea of what your avatar will look like?
  6. Sorry. It's just that I have difficulties to express myself sometimes, so I use more familiar words. Don't mind it too much.
  7. Yes, I know about this line. I wanted to make a jab at people who say that Ephraim escaping is an asspull and call him a Gary Stu.
  8. I will take advantage of what everyone said on the thread and say my own unpopular opinion: Chrom is one of the best lords in the franchise, and one of the best written as well. Between Grangrel's destructive nihilism and Emmeryn's rigid pacifism, Chrom" arc is about fighting for the right reason while leaving behind your negative feelings (not unlike Dimitri), not letting yourself be treated like a doormat. Emmeryn is also wrong because there are situations where there is no choice but to fight, and her lack of reaction has cost her life. Quoting Androide 16's speech in one of the best moments of the anime: “It is no sin to fight for what is right. There are opponents with which you cannot talk things out ”. Chrom emerges from this situation as a more level-headed person, and his new ideology is opposed to Wallhart's ideology in the next arc. Now, one of the reasons why I think Chrom stands out among the various lords who came before him is the way he decides his priorities. Marth says his duty as a prince is greater than his personal relationships. Chrom is his antithesis, in the sense that he places those closest to him above his duties as a monarch. To put it more clearly, he is a person before he is a king. His more emotional reactions bring him closer to the viewer, and make him easier to sympathize with in my opinion. Awakening in general does a good deconstruction of the Marth archetype with its protagonists. Finally, I would also like to compare his journey and his actions with Sigurd, who is also a deconstruction of the archetype and one of the best Lords that this franchise has given us. They are both prone to emotional decisions based on their conceptions of right and wrong, the two don't think much of the long-term consequences, they decide to marry a woman they've known for a short time (okay, I'm being a little biased here, but this is because I believe that Inigo makes the most sense being Chrom's son and Lucina's brother) and their failures lead them to be eventually killed (it is literally necessary to travel back in time to save Chrom). I believe Sigurd is a superior character, though, as he remains dead in his story. I don't know if that opinion is unpopular or not, but I believe that Marth is fairly bland and basically every Lord who came after is a better character than he is. It is not his fault, however, it is the limitations of the games of his time, although the remakes have not changed him much.
  9. That Valter let Ephraim escape to "play" with him later
  10. I don't really have one. For me, any story can be great if it has an interesting world and good characters. For a character to be good, in my opinion, he should have consistent and logical character progression, no author favouritism or unrealistic abilities (in relation to the setting of the work), and make efficient use of the screen time he had (enough to make us do care about him). But, if I have to choose, I would choose fantasy. I always like fantastic elements in stories. ------- Same question to you.
  11. It’s like “How I met your mother” : the writers planned the story with a specific ending in mind and they forced it to be the canon ending despite the fact that the story they wrote developed elsewhere. It's essentially a journey strangled by its destination.
  12. In a nutshell, yes. That's why things like no xp gain is more of a genuine challenge.
  13. Its an interesting idea. Would love to see a healer lord or a dancer lord.
  14. Disagree, Sun and Moon's Poké Ride is vastly superior.
  15. Sigurd x Deirdre, Seliph x Larcei. ------- Favorite map objective?
  16. Oatmeal. ------- Favorite portrait artstyle in the series?
  17. Play on lunatic or lunatic+ if you are insane. Get all children and do all paralogues (except the non canon ones). Don't bother with skirmishes: if you want to grind, use the DLC. S Support Lucina, it will give more meaning to the story. And most important of all, play Futures Past. A bit off-topic here, but how is your Pokémon Diamond nuzlocke going? I'm busy with college exams, so it's hard to keep track of everything.
  18. Granted, now you can't stop talking and everybody finds you insufferable. I wish I had more time to play the games I bought.
  19. Pokémon and Final Fantasy. ------- Have you ever punched someone?
  20. Sigurd is the deconstruction of the Lawful Good protagonist archetype that is present in most of the works out there. All his decisions, although made in good faith, backfire on him and costs him everything. He is as if the Prince Charming was placed in the world of Game of Thrones, not unlike Ned or Robb Stark. On a related note, these are basically the same reasons why I like Chrom so much, since they share a lot of features between them. ------- Have you finished FE Awakening?
  21. I hope I'm not too late so I'll make it short and quick: I started reading at SD's playthrough, so I chose SD as my favorite because of this. Then I went back to read some of older entries (that I played, that is), starting with Sacred Stones. I chose it as my least favorite because your experience and thoughts about the game are almost completely opposite to mine. Except for Selena. Selena sucks. A bold choice. Pokémon D/P are the hardest mainline games in the franchise, and pretty unbalanced too.
  22. My username is made up of the initials of my full name plus the number 6. My first name has 6 letters and I was born on the 6th. ------- Favorite game series besides FE and why?
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