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Posts posted by und34dmuffin

  1. Kore

    The rest of rainy night had passed uneventfully, with the black cloaked man walking into the town in the early hours of the morning. He had found shelter against the back wall of an inn, and slept warily there. By the time that the morning dawned, he was awake once more, and pleased to find that his source of easily accessible ammunition for his ice spells wasn't gone yet.

    With quite content face, Kore wandered the town, looking rather ominous in his dark cloak and hood, all the while searching for something to eat.

  2. Kore

    He did not have long to wait, his lone figure almost like a beacon screaming out to all the men who turned to banditry as an easy target, with the sodden black robes, revealing his very skinny frame. The knife, however, looked almost uncomfortably sharp in the dark night, flashing brilliantly white-blue only as the lighting struck. Kore grinned, and pointed the dagger to the woods on his side, and spoke out through the rain, his voice almost lost in the wicked storm. "Come out, little fools who want my money. Or are you scared?"

    Several large shapes appeared from treeline, all carrying some utensil of destruction, ranging from a makeshift club to a very nice quality sword that looked like it had belonged to a solider. The largest, a brute covered in leather armor and wielding an axe, grunted a reply to the mage's taunt. "Little man is going to die now."

    The ax-man charged without warning, the lighting flashing as the blade of the evil looking ax of the bandit swung around in a destructive chop that would take the skinny mage's head clean off. The light from the energy that lanced though the air illuminated the area once again, revealing some sort of gleaming metal mask under Kore's hood, the knife blade flashing in almost unison as it buried itself into the big man's throat. The masked man leaned close, and whispered to ax bandit who's life was quickly leaking out. "No. You're going to die now."

    The bandits threw caution into the wind as they watched their fellow die so swiftly, and leap forward into attacks, no cries of battle being uttered for fear of alerting the guards of the close town. Kore withdrew the knife as he carelessly pointed the palm of his free hand at his thieving attackers, while working the blade of the knife out of the big man's corpse. A second later, the relative silence of the attacks was replaced with strangled cries that were soon cut off as incredibly sharp icicles replaced the pouring rain for the unfortunate souls. Their death was certain as the bodies steadily ceased to look human, and more like ground meat, which Kore looked upon distastefully as he removed the now blood spattered mask. "I'll toss them in the woods, I suppose. Free food for the animals."

    With deathly calmness, he manipulated the ice that had skewered the men into spider-like legs, and dragged the bodies away, one ice spider taking the man to fall to the knife. Kore watched them leave, and set off toward the closer town, in a much better mood than before. The blood behind him began to meld with the earth, the red mingling until it was indistinguishable from the brown mud.

  3. Kore

    The insane, mud covered mage walked onward, the pouring rain making it hard to see anything else other than the deep wagon tracks in front of him. He muttered about the problems with having weather that wasn't always clear and sunny, and quietly added that whatever one of the gods existed was going to have to answer for that. Kore stumbled at that point, by divine retribution or just plain bad luck he could decide as he hit the mud, covering his face with the gooey brown substance. His temper didn't improve at all as he drew his knife, hoping fervently that some unlucky group of bandits would attack him, just so that he could make someone else's day as miserable as his own.

  4. Kore

    The man who smelled of blood and death had decided that his best bet would be to take the advice of the man and bugger off. And then hide out of sight for a while. He watched the people enter the cart as the rain made his scent wash away, much to his internal disappointment. With a flourish seen by no one but himself, he pulled up his hood, and began to follow the deep tracks of the wagon with his black clothes keeping him muddy but almost unnoticeable in the pouring rain.

  5. Kore

    Robes rustled quietly as the man that smelled of death and dust walked out of treeline, his red eyes watching the men fighting, the cry of "I said do it AGAIN. DAMMIT AGAIN!" and then flicking over the rest of the group. He watched a bit longer, his smile growing wider. After listening to the thunder grumble some more, he moved closer, a friendly smile on his face. He called out to the group as he came within range for several of his mid-ranged spells. "Hello there! Are you people perhaps going to Prvana!?" Kore's conflicting smells of decay and dust almost canceled out at this distance, the smell of blood the only distinct one.

  6. Well, this looks like a nice place as any to RP.

    Name: Kore

    Gender: Male (Age: 25, he claims he is older.)

    Class: Caster

    Affinity: Ice

    Weapon: Tome: A black book filled with scrawls by Kore's own hand, it almost seems gibberish to all who read it. Many different spells are written down, from basic to advanced, making this the single weapon that Kore would never need to replace.

    Dagger: A stabbing utensil with a history not for the faint of heart. Its semi-serrated edge is used quite often in Kore's little talks with people


    (Long, light brown hair. Gleaming red eyes most of the time, a green power glowing forth from them as his power is used. Wears glasses, and black robes with a green trim and a hood, which is usually down unless he choses to put on his mask as well. The mask itself is made out of steel, and consists of five vertical slits for eye holes. A few pieces of shoulder armor complete the picture. His body has several symbols burned directly into the flesh.)

    Nation of Origin:Astarte

    Backstory: Almost all the people who came to know Kore over his studies and in his early life would say that Kore was a quiet child, given everything he needed to study the practice of magic and go to the Mage's Tower to practice the great art. However, this description would no longer prove true after entering the Mage Tower at 16 and studying almost obsessively for a grand total of four years. His fame inside the prestidious Tower rose, until a fellow student found the quiet mage lying on the ground in his room, a book that looked older than the tower itself fallen next to him. With the suspicion that it had been stolen, the headmaster questioned Kore personally when he awoke, only to get an almost pitying look from Kore as he requested to leave the Tower, claiming: "This musty spire of fools chanting spells is not what any true caster should seek.". With reluctance and surprise at this new visage, the headmaster complied, and Kore left the Tower the following day, nothing taken from his room except a robe that had been specially made to handle magic that destroyed. A few months later, a rumor started of a madman in a mask who could not be killed. The two distinguishing features beside the mask seemed to be scent of of dust, blood, and decay, and the fact that the man stood still after he finished his killing, almost as if conversing in his head. The madman remains at large, striking once every few months, killing several before retreating into hiding every time. In his unmasked time, Kore can be very much a gentleman to the people he takes a liking to, although a murderous rage and foul mouth are reserved for the rest of populace.

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