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Everything posted by Samz707

  1. That's kinda part of my theory that reviving Ninian killed Bramimond, while we don't get a good luck at them in 7, they don't visually look like age is catching up like Anthos and definitely not in Heroes. (Even if Heroes is really non canon so not exactly 100 canon to FE7.) If creating entirely new life requires taking life away essentially with the morphs, I kinda assume the same is required to resurrect someone in at least some capacity that you need to add Quintessence to a body. (Assuming Morphs don't actually have their "shell" of a body created via some other means before adding life to it.) And since Bramimond probably didn't exactly go out of his way to get a ton of Quintessence like Nergal, since he wasn't going around stealing it, I think Bramimond ended up using a pretty large amount of his own life force to revive Ninian as opposed to Nergal using the life force of others, Elbert was able to hold on for a while after the dragon's gate was opened with his life force so I imagine Bramimond was able to survive at least longer than Elbert did while still fatally drained of Quintessence.
  2. Yeah Bramimond is a bit creepy and such, I ment more among the lines that he probably doesn't set out to kill people/animals to steal their quintessence like Nergal.
  3. I mean I've seen people say he dies for no reason and I don't think the game explictly states exactly why he's dying but at least to me it seems evident that resurrecting the dead/making Morphs requires Quintessence (and Nergal kills animals/people to get the amount needed for his morphs.) and since Bramimond seems to somewhat be a good guy, he probably doesn't have the amount of Quintessence Nergal stored up plus it's never stated (though I'd imagine it requires alot more and I'd like to be alot since it's kinda silly if it's really easy to ressurct someone in a perma-death setting.) exactly how much more you need to resurrect someone compared to just making the fantasy equivalent of a voice mail. Nergal had a bunch of morphs dedicated to domestic stuff like brushing the floors/cooking/pretty much everything that takes away from being evil time.
  4. Bramimond actually just suffers from a severe form of Dementia, hence them rambling about random unrelated stuff from FE7 such as the seals in Heroes as they aren't actually aware where they are half the time. Bramimond says he's going to die soon when Anthos is dying because he actually used almost all of his own Quintessence to revive Ninian since the spell required so much that to perform such a nearly impossible act effectively killed him. Byleth isn't actually emotionless. In order to cope with the food issues it faced, Valentia started trading with Archanea/other continents with maybe the White wing sisters putting in a good word how they weren't savages in Valentia. (Since at least the harbor town in Archanea believed they were.) Knights take extra damage from magic due to their heavy armor as heavy metal armor doesn't exactly help against fire or getting zapped by lightning. Hawkeye's massive defense is due to the sheer strength of his pecs so much so that swords simply bounce off them. The Mani Katti/Sol Katti were held onto by Bern after acquiring them after the fighting in Sacae/Ostia, however they were unable to draw them out of their scabbards and were forced to just store them locked away somewhere, unable for any of their troops to wield them. Ereshkigal was either destroyed, taken away by a curious Canas (And either lost in the snowstorm that killed him or hidden away by him or Niime after his death.) or sealed away like the legendary weapons after the events of FE7 with it's location unknown.
  5. To be fair, much of Three Houses' dialogue would be improved if "Punch them in the face" was a dialogue option. Granted Byleth would probably get executed for decking Rhea but eh, worth it. Yeah there is a small amount of "Objectiveness" for art (Like saying Claude is a white Polish man or King Lima is gay, those are objectively wrong as the characters clearly aren't or that Shadow Dragon on the NES has supports.) but most of it is ultimately subjective in some way or another. Yeah she's trying to help, that doesn't mean it'd A: work or B: not be seen as an asshole thing. Byleth's an emotionless trope, that to me personally is A: inconsistent since they clearly show emotion (Such as literally any time they're low on health) and B: Gets dumb since it starts feeling like an excuse to have them just nod along when no sane person wouldn't be getting probably very angry. (Oh Rhea knew Miklan would turn into a in-universe dangerous horrifying beast thing? better just nod my head and not actually get mad that me or the students I allegedly care about could have very likely died if it wasn't for Sothis in my head telling me what to do.) It personally, just feels me to like it's a cop-out since they clearly show emotion (Hell I'd argue caring for their students at all, from near the very start, is an obvious sign of emotion and joking they're a bandit to Alois, in literally after the first battle is a sign of emotion I'd argue too.) While I heavily dislike this, I can't claim this is an literal objective fact of how Byleth's emotionless trope works. (Even if I strongly believe it's actually just a lazy excuse to make Byleth go along with Rhea ultimately at the start.)
  6. Honestly I'm thinking of trying to avoid using them when I finish my first run through, Bernadetta with a training bow is I'm pretty sure not ment to be half as effective as I found it, since I'm usually having her weaken dudes for other units to finish off in a single round and how cheap the bow is means that durability with repairing isn't actually an issue so I can just spam weapon-arts that are more effective. I guess maybe I was thinking they'red be some sort of "spar" option, where two allied units have a fight to the not-death (Like a non-lethal arena battle.) and both get EXP depending on how long they both last, I was kinda expecting training swords to be for something like that and not "super-light wooden sword that I'm actually bringing into battle".
  7. I'm pretty sure that Genealogy actually let Pregnant women die while Awakening chickened out of it. (If I recall seeing online, when two characters get together in Genealogy, if the father dies, you still get the child unit but if the mother dies you don't, so the implication is they're actually pregnant like FE7 Louise so if they die, the unborn child unit dies with them, thanks Kaga.) Doubt they'll remove those, Fates was heavy on the incest (Yes, I know you get a convenient letter of "Oh it's not actually incest!" when you S-rank, it's still pandering to that fetish.), Echoes had people trying to kill children (and even got away with Valbar's VA outright saying Bastard.) and both Echoes/FE7 potentially had children dying on-screen. (Delthea's underage if I Remember and I think the Ram kids can die in the prologue? never tried it while Zephiel can die in Fe7.), They could get censored admittingly but it's not a guarantee. Kinda surprised Echoes ended up with a 12 rating, considering on-screen blood when Rudolf died and Valbar's VA, again, outright saying Bastard at one point. (Then again I'm amazed Fates/Awakening got away with it.), FE in general is a series I'm surprised only 12 rated considering some of the dark stuff in the series. (The ESRB is weird), it's just Echoes has stuff that really gets the ESRB in a twist to a 15 rating. (Blood and swearing.) Honestly I'd be interested in a Cleric Lord, who actually starts off mainly healing the army and being bad at/unable to defend themselves in direct combat. (Maybe they can technically use Swords/Axes/Lances but they're comparable to Donnel until they get levelled up a good bit, I'm okay with a unit that's utterly terrible at combat if they can at least do things other than combat.) Difficulty should effect the amount of promotion items/Status boosters that are in the game, so say, (assuming this is a game where Easy is actually comparable to Normal in the more recent games.) Easy has promotion items /status boosters available in most stores and somewhat frequently can be stolen, Normal has a decent amount laying around and you are given the option to fork out gold for some (So the stock of them in shops would be limited, like in Three Houses.) while Hard is extremely stingy like FE6. So you can easily promote everyone on Easy, most units/all with Arena use on Normal but Hard will force you to only promote 2-3 units in each Promotion category.
  8. Ambush spawns/an abundance of reinforcement spawns (Especially when the total amount of reinforcements surpass 20) are way, way more annoying than Cantors.
  9. I've only done the first map but I am enjoying it so far. it's just this is really, really bad to not include. (Since again weapon stats in FE are vital.)
  10. Heres' hoping Nintendo realizes they messed up and add these to the Digital manual. It's bad enough it's not included in the actual game download (Can the switch not support the ability to see the manual as an option outside of the game like the PSP Vita did?) but the manual is basically missing what seems to me to be literally the most important reason to look at it. (Stats for weapons.)
  11. Ah the wonders of "Oh crap we didn't actually think about making a prequel" which means only so much can happen. I like FE7 but it does hit alotta bad prequel problems. (Being completely unplanned probably didn't help.) After all it's hard to tie into a game when you also have to really make sure your prequel won't have been mentioned during the many times it should have been mention during Binding Blade. (And even then you could argue someone probably should have told Roy at some point his dad had intercourse with a dragon and he was the result.) More Headcanons: Mark died during the conflicts before the start of FE6, possibly trying to help either Lyn or Hector during the battles in Sacae/Ostia before Roy arrived. The reason there are no mines/light runes in FE6 is that Mark used them all up during/after FE7 and bought and used every last one of them. In every FE game with the "Wo Dao" it is a foreign imported Sword from a fictionalized version of Japan. (Wasn't aware this was actually confirmed in New Mystery somewhat when I was googling it to check I spelt it right so the headcanon is more that it's this in every FE continuity with it.) Summoned Monsters like Mogalls are summoned from an different, messed up Dimension. (Kinda like Xen in Half-Life but a bit more freaky and H.R Geiger Inspired.)
  12. Wonderful, are there any translations of those descriptions for characters online? (Since well, it's FE1 and I'm probably not gonna get to know the characters much outside of those.)
  13. I had a feeling something was missing. Out of curiosity, anything else missing in the English manual? (such as if for instance, it talks more about the characters.) I used to have a Vita and the English Download Shadow Dragon Manual reminded me of the Vita "manuals",which were just text screens half the time that weren't even all the info in the manual, not even screenshots of the actual manual just white text on a background of around half the stuff in the manual. And when it was screenshots of the manual, you had the page that outlined the controls...and that was it usually. (Such as for Tomb Raider Anniversary, which is about 10-ish pages long but only 2 of them were actually in the digital manual.)
  14. I'd imagine it would suck in most games. We do know that it's actually the easiest way to play Awakening though.
  15. Tomb Raider 2 Remake, that's actually got less human combat but is still heavy on exploration. Some sort of successor/Remake/Sequel to Gangsters: Organized Crime, a gangster simulator (Kinda like a business sim a bit I guess) that actually discouraged combat til' the late-game and was focused more on turf and making illegal businesses and hiding them. A top-down style GTA game that's extremely arcade-y (So a mix of Chinatown wars with 1/2), preferably set in London again (or at least finally adding Vice City Stories to IOS.) with a focus on raking up a certain amount of points again. A new Tom Clancy Single player game that's actually tactical in the style of old Rainbow Six/Ghost Recon. (Or them finally adding Rogue Spear to Digital store-fronts.)
  16. I recall hearing at some point they were pilots. I know the Sonic "OVA" was actually two pilot episodes of an Anime that got turned into a movie for the West.
  17. So did the original Japanese manual have the weapon stats and the new manual doesn't have that info or did the original Japanese manual not have the weapon stats? (since the online english manual doesn't have any weapon stats and I think I heard the original Japanese manual actually had the weapon sttats.)
  18. I generally (Don't watch much anime) start skipping after the 4-5th time I see it, especially when I'm watching multiple episodes in a row. Only exception is Ghost in the Shell: Standalone Complex 2nd GIG because it's amazing and I love it.
  19. Getting any sort of "Divine" weapon early on and it sucking is kinda terrible. I'm pretty sure even the Mani Katti (which is just ment to be a somewhat magical sword that's not super poweful) surpasses the Sword of the Creator from 3H in uses and even base-line damage. (And higher crit-chance too.) It's never fun getting a "super" sword or axe of any kind but then it turns out be just incredibly medicore. As much as FE6 is kinda flawed, I much prefer how the Legendary weapons are instead a valuable resource you need to ration the uses of (I'm a big fan of resource management in general.) that actually are super-effective even to the late-game while the Sword of the Creator feels like a glorified Rune Sword.
  20. Sacae (and If I remember, some of the maps shortly before Sacae) have some real annoying cheap shots. Such as Silver Wolf, where not one, but two bolting dudes on a fog of war map will pretty much instantly kill someone on your first attempt since you don't know they're there, as well as having to burn 3 Recover stave uses since there's a Berserk staff user on your right that you can't really reach or harm or even run from. (Since again, two bolting dudes at the top) Siege Tome users that charge towards your units early in several maps after a certain amount of turns, which can be very trial and error/very tedious to get them to waste all their charges, depending on the map. Ambush Spawns, which are always cheap and BS and some maps essentially drop them right on top of you, doubly so when they're Nomads/Wyverns.
  21. Mark's a Bern Defector on the run, the reason Vaida/Heath don't recognize them is due to Bern's army being large enough they simply never met, this is why the woman mentions a "Mark" in Bern despite Mark apparently having never been there when they talked to Eliwood. Everyone in Fire Emblem is capable of storing others in a small pocket dimension called the "Rescue" Dimension, this is also why you never see a visibly pregnant woman in FE as the baby is stored in this dimension. Jeralt mostly held Byleth in the Rescue pocket dimension during their mercenary days, which is why Byleth constantly nearly dies in Three Houses cutscenes due to barely actually doing any mercenary work. Hector's wife died due to an accidental "Critical hit" while they were together one night. Anna is actually a single lovecraftian abomination capable of appearing in several places at once, who thirsts for nothing but gold, she's also the reason Nergal's morphs in the last chapter of FE7 had all those unique powerful weapons, Nergal bought them off her as she sells to both sides in pursuit of money. Merlinus is a good divine figure that helps out heroes in need via providing convoy, hence why he's immortal. Merlins X Marcus S-rank is canon and the OTP of Elibe as it's the only paired FE7 ending that's hinted to be truly canon as Merlinus sets up shop in Ostia in his unpaired ending but works for Eliwood in his Marcus support ending.
  22. We need a crappy live-action FE adaptation but they get the Dorcas Actor from the FE7 live action ad as a Cameo.
  23. Honestly playing FE6 makes me hope a remake of it fixes these bits. (Granted, I'm a weirdo who actually really likes SOV's maps.) I think bits of the game like the entirety of Sacae, where there's tons of unfair stuff, should be changed, not one, but two bolting users who will instantly kill most of your units if they've moved forwards 1-2 tiles in that one chapter isn't exactly fun or fair. And 6 literally identical sprite bosses in the same map is really lazy. (And I doubt the chapter's "fun" gimmick of one of those 6 thrones being the right one and all others dropping ambush spawns on you is fun since I haven't started it yet.) I don't even think it's modernization considering how Fe7 removed most of this nonsense only a game later, FE6 feels almost like you're playing a Kaizo trap romhack at times, me and a friend joked about a Kaizo Romhack FE game and honestly some of the stuff we joked about is unironically in FE6 Normal mode. (I can only imagine how much more frustrating it gets on Hard.)
  24. Eh, not really. For me this game's difficulty is this: Small Stages that force my units to fight together when not-paired up, units constantly get dual strikes I can't predict and then they get piled on by dudes that attack when normally their friend would have blocked them off except the levels and the constant onslaught of enemies means I NEED to hold them back at 1-2 tile-wide choke points but then there's the random dual strikes. Dual Strikes are literally what's preventing me from getting far in the game because they add one of the most terrible, obnoxious and rage-inducing mechanics I've ever experienced in a strategy game, the fact they thought these were okay legitimately baffles me, my number one leading cause of resets is literally them because I'm not losing a unit to a mechanic so counter-intuitive, they might as well have just made it so Units can randomly hit nearby allies on a miss and it'd honestly be less obnoxious. In addition, the enemy stats in the early-game feels like it punishes you for actually trying to use any new units, so I have to go broke buying reeking boxes so I can just get EXP so my units don't die near instantly or constantly turning my 3DS on/off just to get a random battle. (Because constantly having only a 50-ish chance to hit as the standard for my army while the enemy has 80 totally doesn't turn most fights into RNG heavy BS.) Also, Enemies have a crit-chance since the start of the game, why, what fun is having to replay the first level because I legitimately got crit'd on the first stage. (This has happened to me more than once.) It's pretty much what makes this game an absolute unfun chore to play and made me hate it back when it was my first game and why I still can't bother playing more than a single battle without wanting to smash my 3DS. (As well as how the random battles are terrible for actually grinding up your weaker units when you spawn surrounded by Wyverns/Mages that can 1-2 shot them and there's a ton of them.)
  25. I think every chapter is an exaggeration but some of the late-game chapters really, really aren't fun to play in my experience. Getting sniped with a high-accuracy sleep/silence staff that's so far the entire screen needs to scroll twice just to see the guy is a bit trial and error. (Since No new player is going to assume staves get THAT much range.) Add in the fact half the time these dudes charge down towards with with a whole bunch of other guys after about 7-8 turns and the game turns into extreme turtling out these guys. (And I like turtling in FE but when every chapter essentially turns into having to the turtle status-staves that are certain death if you don't or Siege Tomes that are also almost certain death, it gets old, fast.) Also Sacae, what a circle of random ambush spawns around the boss isn't good game design? and that Fort I was using for healing turning out to have Ambush Spawn Nomads over 10 turns in totally isn't an unfair move.
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