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Everything posted by Samz707

  1. I know this is really dumb but the thought came to me, what if Mark could actually die in the FE7 remake if he's a unit, the lords/characters get unique grieving dialogue (Hopefully EVERYONE would have grieving dialogue for deaths in general rather than it for some reason not existing like in TH...) but then the story mostly continues as if you didn't have Mark aside from the occasional mention. Just have the Player Character be disposable in the end like most other units.
  2. Reminds me of Pathologic 2 (that got released in 2019 funny enough) since that involves an in-game plague that you can catch as a practically permanent status effect.
  3. A "Sacrifice" spell, which takes 80-90 percent of the Casters HP into a explosion all around them that does enough damage to 1-hit normal enemies but can run the risk of killing friendly units. So in other words a kid-friendly suicide bomber spell except you can survive it at Full health. Also Farm tools can be used as weapons with low durability and unique effects, a pitchfork does 3x the damage of a lance by default for instance.
  4. In which case it'd probably be an actual enemy only spell in-game as opposed to just being in cutscenes. Not to mention if it's ment to be a different spell, why does it use the exact same effect as an in-game spell that does something different?
  5. Yeah but a random mage uses it though. Plus it apparently uses the same visual effect as the "Ward" spell, despite the Ward spell protecting others from magic, not protecting the user from a sword. (Since a Sword would be defense.)
  6. Nergal is at least a super powerful mage old dude, I can buy he has magic that most people can't do more than some random mage and Ephidel is his mage-artifical human thing so it probably has some of his power. I can buy that more than some random seemingly normal mage having spells that don't even exist in gameplay.
  7. Except Ward is a spell that buffs magical resistance to allies, The spell in the cutscene is used like a shield to block a physical sword swing. (So Defense rather than Resistance.) so it's not acting like Ward at all, arguably the exact opposite of how Ward works. (Since it's protecting the User from a physical attack.)
  8. Because frankly, why should I care about a game's narrative when it feels like the devs don't? Why should I be invested in boss fights when there's a decent chance the game will just pretend it literally never happened afterwards? At that point It feels less like I'm playing a Video game that was made on it's own and more a really bad adaptation of some CG Anime that uses the CG anime for cutscenes because the cutscene world and the gameplay world are having two very different things going on, you'd honestly half-expect Three Houses to have first been a CG movie because frankly thats how disjointed they feel. It's the same mage, same VA and exact same appearance, plus he literally uses a non-existant spell because again, why have a consistent world that the player could actually care about? Why should I care about these characters when the devs don't, why should I get invested in fights when they'll literally be entirely different 5 seconds later for no good reason? Why care about a world when it's clear the devs will instantly change anything when it suits the plot? You know at least the dumb Body double twist ACKNOWLEDGES you killed someone you weren't ment to and rewards you for it, it's the devs working around the player's freedom, if that was in TH he'd fall down dead but be the real deal and just magically walk off afterwards. (I'm fairly certain that Berkut, Slyade and Fernand actually stay on their horses when you defeat them so they just ride off.) To run down the things wrong with this cutscene: A: The boss we just killed isn't even injured. B: Byleth an in-universe feared mercenary, is almost killed if not for plot-sword and only because they did something really dumb that a trained mercenary probably wouldn't do. (Which contradicts gameplay since Byleth is competent in it.) C : The shield spell doesn't even exist in the game, at all, or any previous game for that matter. D : The entire point of the map is to kill the mage BEFORE he unseals the tomb, in the cutscene, he's literally about to open it having already undone the magic seals. E : Once we're back to in-game graphics Byleth isn't even moved onto the tile with the Tomb, which means in my case she was standing away from it, next to the others, wielding a Lance because apparently even the simple act of scripting the game so that Byleth is actually standing on the Tomb tile and equipped with the Sword of the Creator is too much. The entire cutscene and gameplay are pretty much polar opposites and feels like the devs simply couldn't care about the plot, therefore why should I get invested when it feels like the devs didn't even remotely care?
  9. For me, a dude literally using a spell that doesn't exist in any FE game, including the on he's in, is a pretty big "Wait what?" thing, it's literally breaking the the rules of your own universe for the sake of "Looking cool" and that's not really a good thing. I don't mind stories with plot holes if they're not massively obvious, I like FE7 but these aren't "Little" holes, they're big gaping wide holes big enough to have an Armor Knight walk through that took me out of the game the instant they happened and frankly? most of these are so easily fixed the devs are absolute morons for not doing so, Don't have us murder the mage actually opening the tomb for instance, have us murder his body guard THEN Byleth fights the mage in a cutscene rather than me caving his skull then oh no, he's suddenly fine, me killing dudes and them suddenly be fine because cutscene, which TH does somewhat consistently in my experience, is a pretty big no no, heck most other games at least cut directly to the cutscene when you "Kill" a boss so you don't see them die then magically be fine later.
  10. Slayde doesn't fall off his horse if I remember, and he's on a horse so it's somewhat plausible he just fled. (Granted, Duma does do the death animation in the swamps and yes that's a bad moment if you beat him there.), it only really gets silly with Berkut/Fernand due to how many times you fight them, infact their dialogue literally tells you that they're just feeling and not dead. It's much less egregious than Three Houses where the boss enemies ALWAYS fall down as if they're dead, then CGI cutscene time and I guess that random mage in the Tomb didn't just get his skull caved in and it's pretty bad. (Seriously just have you fight a dude who ISN'T that mage as the boss with the mage behind him unreachable? is it that hard to just have us kill his bodyguard and not the mage itself?)
  11. Sorry but I don't buy someone as trusting as Celica believing Jedah at all, Celica's trusting, not mentally disabled, unless she drowned in the swamp and lost IQ from it, I do not believe she'd be that terminally stupid to trust Jedah, again, you literally hear how he's evil from an entire village, Celica needs to have somehow forgotten the entirety of Sage's Hamlet AND Saber telling her how witches were made for it to be logical for her to even consider what he's suggesting, she's got a ton of evidence that trusting him is not a good idea and literally none that it is. Game play story segregation isn't really an excuse, if anything that shows how bad the story in the game is, good story based games IMO don't feel like the rules changed when a cutscene started rolling (Hell in TH a guy literally uses a shield spell that doesn't even exist in any game in the entire series in the cutscene where Byleth gets the sword of the creator.), I'm also fairly certain that the Turnwheel is just ment to in-universe be showing the future rather than actual time travel and seemingly always shows a worst-cause scenario. (And I'm sure constantly looking at everyone dying isn't something Alm nor Celica want to keep witnessing so they probably only look at the turnwheel occasionally.)
  12. I don't mind characters being idiots but they need a reason to be an idiot. In the case of Jedah, maybe it's just me but "sacrifice soul = Dragon Sanity" seems sketchy anyway and well....Jedah is a evil looking, evil sounding and has been described as evil by the people in the Sage's Hamlet, who ARE trustworthy, Celica literally trusts an incredibly obviously evil man trying to manipulate her at essentially face value and I think the vast majority of people would realize he's trying to turn her into a witch. She knows he's A: Evil, B: Wants her soul and that witches have their souls ripped out of them and C : his followers have been trying to kill her once she set foot off the island. You can move the plot foward but you need to make it come off natural. Three houses for instance, does Edelgard suddenly not having her axe in the prologue move the plot foward? yes, is it good writing? **** No, someone's weapon shouldn't just vanish for the sake of plot, same with the "Ashen Demon" apparently losing all combat ability once we're in cutscene mode or that mage who's skull I just cleaved with Edelgard suddenly being completely unharmed once a cutscene starts. If anything requiring someone to mess up drives the plot fowards, they need a reason to mess up other than "The plot said so.", Celica shouldn't trust a man who's manipulation skill is 1 out of 100, Byleth shouldn't suddenly be nearly killed by a random generic mage I literally just had laying down in the dirt dead and Edelgard's axe shouldn't have vanished into thin air without explanation.
  13. Oh I'm sure Eliwood will mana- "Mark! Eliwood's dead! the future will be changed! you've created a time paradox! You must understand the future!"
  14. I guess The Echoes Harbor rebellion DLC? (All of the DLC has fixed stats and decided placement but the Harbor one is the only one with generics.) You also get a reward if all of the generics live I think.
  15. Chapters where certain enemies will flee if you kill their friends. Maiden Quest actually used this to great effect, where you have to defeat Nino in one chapter so Jaffar leaves with her and doesn't kill you.
  16. Alone in the Dark - The New Nightmare One of my favorite survival horror titles and playing it again since Halloween . (Even if it's so stingy with ammo that I blame no one for using cheats considering how the basic in-game revolver is basically worthless yet ammo for it is still stingy.) It did the "Two campaigns" thing better than Resident evil 2 (Both Resident Evil 2's) and has a great atmosphere all around.
  17. Does the game say that if Delthea dies? I know that Luthier doesn't comment on it I think. I think it's more to the problem that Celica (aside from Valbar and pals/ the whitewing sisters maybe dying.) has to make dumb (and I think they're quite bad honestly) decisions later in the game for the sake of plot. (Though honestly you probably could easily make the same story without her being stupid.) While Alm's mistakes are all purely player stuff that the game will comment on, like Mathilda dying or killing Zeke, I think how Alm is handled is actually great for an FE protagonist on his own (Having difficult levels where the player is called out for their failures as opposed to the protagonist screwing up for the sake of plot in a cutscene *COUGH*BYLETH*COUGH*), its just that since Celica has to make plot mistakes after a certain point, it's kinda ruined. She really should have just been made to become a witch by force, instead of trusting Jedah, the man who has exactly one point in Charisma.
  18. I think maybe giving some of his dialogue to other characters talking to Roy could work, Merlinus would still exist as the "Default" for if the character is dead but giving Marcus and other characters dialogue could work.
  19. It was actually done on the PSP (with a small loading cutscene when you fly to and from space.) with Battlefront:Elite Squadron. Battlefront:Elite Squadron on the PSP was actually made with assets from Battlefront 3 as well as the plot...the problem is that..well, it kinda showed how it was probably rushed and made with assets from a canned game (The DS version actually had more plot, presumably from cut scenes they didn't get the voice acting done with so they couldn't keep in the PSP version since it had voice acting which means the PSP version has a very disconnected story.) kinda showed, it was a bit medicore, I don't think Battlefront 3 would have been mediocre but Elite Squadron was, the leaked footage of the original battlefront 3 definitely shows alot more plot than what was in the PSP Version. It kinda reminds me of Dead to Rights 2, in that they clearly got a different studio, threw the unfinished assets from the original canned sequel at them and told them to make a game with it. (And in Dead to Rights case, they made an barely over an hour long psp spin-off, with those same assets which means actually playing Dead to Rights 2 and the PSP game will gave you Deja Vu since they were clearly both given the same unfinished levels so you'll literally go through the same areas from time to time.)
  20. The Alone in the dark remake as I'm a fan of the series even if the old ones kinda suffer from the classic adventure game trope of puzzles that make no sense both in/out of the context of the game.
  21. Honestly for me the problem is just the infinite reinforcements on some maps, in Echoes I can at least kill the Cantor and stop them coming, that's not an option in Steam.
  22. I went Pegasus Rider Faye and grinded her up (I know Cleric Faye is the meta and I recall hearing that "Pegasus Rider" is terrible as a class for her) entirely so she could beat Slayde at the end, all because I really hoped she'd have some unique boss dialogue with him considering the events of the prologue. So yeah that ended up being a bit of a bust considering how A: I didn't know she had that unique dancer-like spell and B: Her and Slayde don't actually have unique boss dialogue, much to my disappointment. During Chapter 25 in Eliwood Normal, I constantly set up I guess the fantasy equivalent of a Breach and Clear when opening almost all of the buildings, a Cav/Knight in the middle of the door (after a thief opens the door) and an archer/mage at his sides to attack anyone who appeared, While I suppose this is TECHNICALLY smart, it did massively prolong the level and was probably massively overkill. So this, repeated roughly 4 times, just death blob of units at the door. (And more on the other ones, Hawkeye and another unit or two were off on another bit of the map when I took the screenshot, yes it did prolong the map by probably roughly 20 turns to get everyone in place for every building.)
  23. I will never not like it when a game has a song made just for it's credits with Vocals.
  24. I quite liked the sexual references in Echoes. (such as Clive and Mathilda's love life that gets heavily implied at numerous points.) Give me amusing dialogue like that over dumb outfits any day. Too bad there was no Alm/Berkut supports, considering how Ian Sinclair also did Space Dandy, we can only imagine how glorious it would have been, like Berkut telling Alm about the booty.
  25. FE7 style deployment but make him a Duo with Marcus (Since they were both in FE7, are the only canon paired ending from FE7 and are still in FE6.), If Ninian being Roy's mother is a thing (either as the one canon or some save-carry over stuff with an FE7 Remake) then they'd basically know the entire time. (and I guess tell Roy at some point about it.) I'd let more characters advise Roy but Merlinus would the one that talks the takes over if the person who'd speak is dead, (So he's the fall back basically now.) maybe downplay his "IT'STRAPDON'TTRUSTTHEMMASTERORY!" nature a bit. Maybe Merlinus/Marcus could actually tell Roy about the Sol Katti as a kinda extra weapon as an nod to FE7 and where it was hidden. (And I guess they wouldn't know where Durandal is? that is a odd bit I'm not sure what to do with.) "Oh cool, this is a neat new sword, say where is it's sister sword?"-Roy "uhhhhh...."-Merlinus (Smash cut to Lyn's chared corpse in the plains, sword practically melted by war dragons.)
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