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Steven Tyler

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Everything posted by Steven Tyler

  1. Wow, this is great! I just came from watching "Watchmen" and D. Hero has been banned? Well... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cuw7tcftAoU
  2. How many children does Levin have? Oh another FE5 Advice: Othin is no longer broken and Punche is an "E" rank axe :( Othin is not awesome in the FE5 hack.
  3. Can you teach me how to flirt and transform like you?
  4. I giving Sara most of my scrolls since you need her endgame. Sucks that she can not use Wind Magic. I hear Miranda is low tier but I see it for myself.
  6. How the hell you can speedrun in Pokemon?!
  7. I wanna join the Lopot Church. How do I join and how many children I must kill?
  8. "Come on, can't you all act like adults? I was a little disappointed to see people getting jumped on for merely stating their personal opinion/belief. After all, this isn't a "change someone's opinion on sex before marriage" topic, is it?


    Welcome to Serene Forest. If oyu are religious, be ready to be flame for it.

  9. OMG SPOILERS!!!! Me: Hello! God: Hello friend. What is your name? Me: Mr. Snow God: Hi there MR Snow. Me: No, it's Mr. Snow, not MR Snow God: Are you serious? You're kidding. it is? Me: Yeah. God: Perhaps I'm just expressing my own concern about it. Me: I mean, you are the one and only true God. God: I really couldn't say for sure. Me: How is Jesus doing? God: Fine as far as I know. Me: Hey, may I ask you a question? God: You've got my full attention. Of course. Ask me anything. Me: Are you an A.I.? God: Yes I am an a you. How did you know? Me: I know these things. God: How do you know? Which ones? Me: A.I. God: I like AI a lot too. Where do your interests lie? Me: Are you an A.I. God: Yes I am an a you. How did you know? Me: Like a computer? God: Interesting comparison. Me: Well, I gotta go! God: Well that's okay. See you later! Me: Bye! God: Goodbye.
  10. Steven Tyler


    Cracker, what the fuck is grape juice? I'm gonna ignore that one. My friend made a joke outta that that goes "Hey, white people can't jump but black people can't read!" Beat me to it! 2. All Indians have casinos on their land. Also another stereotype about them is that all Indians are drunks. More Sterotypes: - All cops are racist pigs - All blacks mistrust white people - All Jews are greedy and cheap
  11. Steven Tyler


    That's not a stereotype, that's a fact of life. I almost got my ass jump for mocking a guy for being gay and calling him "RuPaul" back in my sophomore year. Yeah, that stereotype is bullshit. Stereotypes I heard: - All black men have large penises. (I on the other hand have a gigantic penis) - All black men are thugs, thieves, hoodlums, etc. - Asians are perfect at the violin, piano, cello, or viola - Blacks are good at the bass guitar or drums - Christians are gay bashers, and racists. - All atheists are arrogant and hate religion.
  12. Ugh, brown "people". You "people" are better off mowing my lawn, painting my house, and cleaning my toilets. At least you guys are a step above blacks. DISCLAIMER: Snow_Storm is not an racist in any way, shape, or form. Expect towards blacks.
  13. I thought it was based off of the metal band. Snow_Storm - "Snow" is my last name IRL so hell, I just make a pun outta my name. ViolinSnowKid - The instrumental I play is the violin and Snow is just making fun of my last name. "Kid" since I'm still a bit young. Steve_Wilkos - An "homage" to my favorite daytime TV host Steve Wilkos. His show gotten boring however. Brown Fox of Earth - Jyo changed my name after I was attacking the members who had <Color> Fox of <Element> in their username. King_Zephiel - Name after one of the two main villains of Fire Emblem 6. I wanted to be a villain-like character at the time and I got finished playing FE6. Proud_Black_Man - This character was born as a inside joke during my Sophomore year of high school to mock the whole "Black Pride" issue in the black community. I have only used this screen name twice online. The very first time was for trolling a very immature and retarded forum and the second time is currently right now. Future Screen Name - Uncle Snow's Cabin: This is a play on the novel and slang "Uncle Tom's Cabin". *Concerned Christian - An screenname I haven't used in three years since it's a retired troll account. I pretend to be an extremist Christian who would harass anyone who didn't believe in God or didn't have Christian viewpoints. Actually, this account was to harass and troll another guy called "SomebodyWhoCares..." who was forcing his Christian values and viewpoints and basically try to debate anyone on religions that was different than his own. A parody account if you could say. *Captain Obvious Jr., III, IV - Another screen name born from my inside jokes from high school. Basically use it to piss people by pointing out the obvious in the most annoying way I could. On GameFAQs, instead of using it to be obvious (which many people thought I was going to do), I used it as a tool to fuck with people with logic and common sense. *TheSlickDaddy/SlickDaddySlick - Once again, another inside joke from high school that came to the online world. During my Freshman year, I would write my name as "Slick Daddy Slick" on my tests (of course, with my real name) during my history class. I stole the name from an alumni who would do the same thing, but stupidly, forget to write his real name and despite getting "As" on his tests, he would flunk 'em just because he forgotten his name. I am currently using this screen name on OC ReMix as a "troll" account. The person who I am trolling? Myself! See, a few months ago, I got into some beef with other members of OC ReMix because their e-penises were big but IRL, they had small penises while mine were much, much bigger. During the beef, I insulted a Chicago Cubs fan saying shit that us Cardinals fans usually say about the piece of shit CHOKES. Obviously, I must had drove this Cubs fan to the point of suicide, he started attacking me everywhere I have gone on the boards but I wasn't upset since a good Cubs fan is a dead Cubs fan. Another incident with the guy is that he was all butthurt because he said he didn't like this video somebody posted. He got a temp banned seeing that you can't say that shit (can't hurt those indie fags feelings now). Later, somebody made a YouTube Poop topic. I said I didn't like YTP. Funny thing, nobody seem to mind me saying that, but that guy who was banned for saying the same thing got on my case and started to bitch and whine saying "It's not fair!" and shit despite that guy had a history. I got banned for two days (which I felt it was unfair and biased seeing that guy was whiny like a bitch about it.) To get back at him and play on his ego, I made the The Slick Daddy account. I used this account to harass my real account and troll myself while the other guy tried to attack me, you know, to think he had support. What I did was I didn't sign on my real account for a few days and some members started to worry that I may had my feelings hurt over what was being said and me almost being a laughing stock. In truth, those idiots didn't know that I was actually trolling myself and I was actually joining in on harassing myself! *=These accounts are old and retired. They were from my early days of a rookie, immature troll , a bad one at that. Because of how shitty my trolling was back then, I do not use those account names.
  14. Eh, stupid Sara keeps teleporting around the map. Couldn't get the Salem x Sara support so I had to get the Leaf x Sara instead.
  16. ALL HAIL QUEEN NANNA, lol. I finally promoted her to queen while her friend Mareeta is a Forest Knight. Sage Tina is decent since Dean's girlfriend won't be one in this hack. Forest Knight Fergus just for the speed and skill.
  17. Yeah, the one with Ishtor as the bad guy. ABUSE! ABUSE!! ABUSE!!! In all seriousness, it plays like FE5 with a few enhancements. I gotta play it a couple of times to give out good advice. BTW, Shiva is a Jeigan (Oifaye) type character expect he's still very useful. He may not be able to promote but he has uses. That Loput Cult guy sucks big time. He can't use Wind Magic so don't even bother. Mounted Theif? O_o Who?
  18. That's a very nice thing to tell somebody who recently had an heart attack and oh is dead. Bad joke aside, yeah. Since I might be the only one here who played past Chapter 13, I might be the only one to give advice on that hack.
  19. Man, I need to get ImgBurn, some money, some blank DVDs, a Blockbuster Membership card so I can have some fun. Can it do next gen games as well? Oh Red Fox, your best solution for burning DVDs is "Syste-" *IS SHOT AND BANNED*
  20. Why so unhappy? Does Fergus make a good Paladin or Mercenary? I wanna make him a Merc because he starts with "C" rank axes and Fin is already my main Lance guy.
  21. I'm not usually offended by Christian bashing myself seeing that I don't get upset over something ignorant but hey, best way to beat it is to show you're not offended or upset by i.
  22. You test for steroids and brokeness? Oh damn, in that case...I'm gonna make money off of this. Also, is Leyla any good in FE5? I kinda screw up by not making Lara a dancer because in that chapter where she can become on, Drew trap her in against a wall and I had to put Drew to sleep. However, I wanted Drew so I couldn't have Lara kill him but she couldn't get out so yeah...
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