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Steven Tyler

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Everything posted by Steven Tyler

  1. You do know crabs and AIDS live in those kinda houses, right? Enjoy your ruined reputation. So? I spread outside the lands of Jugdral. Elibe and Marth's homeland got it and thanks to the power of the internet...
  2. Watching it? I'm uploading it on every video streaming site I know. NO!!! NO IT IS!!! You should be ashamed for sleeping with your daughter's lover.
  3. Yes it is. Adult Aless didn't exist until Generation 2 and many assume that you're dead in Generation 2. Aless was just a child in Generation 1 and you never met him in that time era. *Starts recording* Dammit, I was gonna record it. Oh well *Get on keyboard and music software and make cheesy porno music*
  4. Oh, I thought this was Lynn. So AlessxSylvia is a time paradox... But yeah, your brother could talk with the dead. You have some Blagi blood so you can talk with me.
  5. Your father was Claude and he could talk with those who passed. He's dead however. Sylvia caught him with a younger, more skilled dancer.
  6. No. Big Foot and Loch Ness Monster assassinating JFK is a Government Conspiracy. Dr. Martin King's death? Government Conspiracy. (This could be actually true seeing how racist the government was back in the 50s and 60s) 9-11? Oh, that was a inside job done by Bill Clinton, Obama, and W. This spambot however, is not a conspiracy.
  7. Sigurd was a price of his own kingdom. A sloppy prince but prince nevertheless. See, that's the cool thing about you. One second, yo are bottom tier, a crappy character, you have no use. Then, within those six turns, you can transform and rise to Top or God Tier in a flash! Enjoy those six turns of Top Tier awesomness. Interracial love is forbidden in Judgarl(SP) so I have no lover.
  8. I like to rob 'em. If the clerk is white, I spare his or her life and just get the money. However, let him be black and that's a bullet to the head. They steal from my business of reselling stolen drugs, gotta take out the rivals.
  9. Nero Burner is a fuckin' great program for burning shit. Use it!
  10. Do you have the software to do this? I figure it is like burning a CD, expect more advance because you're dealing with video.
  11. Dammit, my nigg** side is come back. Schools like ITT Tech are a scam. Seriously, if they advertise their school every day during the morning talking about "GET YOUR DEGREE IN LESS THAN 18 MONTHS!!!" , you know it's not a good school to go to.
  12. He could always get extremely wasted in a bar with a smashed woman and take her to his place. You know, Gen 1 Anna doesn't have a Jake. What about her?
  13. YES!!! *Slaughter innocent, helpless, pure children on the alter* For you, Lord Wist!
  14. I don't know but a woman in FE4 said that her friends left to come and worship you. The best comfort however, is alcohol.
  15. Will we be killing children for this cult in honor of Wist?
  16. "All About the Benjamins"? Then again, I.R.S. was a 80s wrestler and that song didn't come out until 20 years later.
  17. Will that cause a paradox? I mean seriously, Aless son and Sylvia's daughter are lovers in Gen 2.
  18. Typical Arthur x Ishtar, huh? What ever happen to Ishtar x Aless?
  19. Fill me in on what's going on recently.
  20. *Writes check for 4000G* A little extra for you since you already done this twice.
  21. I think I like being a ghost. Roam around, spy on people, haunt people, fuck with the ones who sent me to my grave.
  22. Schools like ITT Tech are a scum. Seriously, if the advise their school every day during the morning, you know it's not a good school to go to.
  23. Of course. It's lonely to be alone.
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