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Steven Tyler

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Everything posted by Steven Tyler

  1. I like them both. However, I tend to lean towards the cute girls because they seem more nice and laid-back.
  2. Alright. Thanks for the tips and advice. The game isn't so bad, it may not be FE4 or FE5, but it's a bit fun. I'm not feeling the story however. It's not sucking me quick in like FE4 did.
  3. The words "Effort" and "Nintendo" hasn't been friendly to each other since the days of the Gamecube. Also, it is my opinion that I must say that Fire Emblem 4 seem a bit grown up due to the epic plot twist in the middle of the game where S- UGGHH!!! (Snow_Storm is stabbed to death) But seriously, Fire Emblem is one of the most mature and grown-up game of Nintendo's lineup. It would be nice to see the series to take a more . . .darker path story-line wise such with FE4.
  4. Donald is suddenly now my favorite Disney character.
  5. Well after two years of enjoy the some of the best games of the series (Fire Emblem 3, 4, and 5) as well as playing FE1 and FE2: Gaiden, I decided to go further into the series by playing Fire Emblem 6. I've completed the walk through of the game which was a bit boring since it just cover the general game play that made Fire Emblem what it is so it was no big issue for me (besides the controls with will take a little getting use to.) What are the key general advice you can give me about this game in terms of it's game play and what should I watch out for such as: -Support: When playing the walkthrough, I seen many blank spaces on the support areas. Does that mean you have to put . . .let's say Roy and Liliana together for "X" amount of turns until they can fully support each other? -Leadership: Is there a leadership bounus like what they had in FE 4 and 5? -Difficulty: I know this game is hard, but will it make FE5 seem like cake?
  6. I don't even know you but I still vote yes!
  7. Here's some of my songs that I've composed personally and a few video game music covers. My main instrument is the violin, but I also can play a little piano. My original works: A Character Theme (Violin) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kd9xt-YPlwI...629&index=0 "Story of a Hero" (Previously untitled) (Violin) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EV9c3AgF44w...629&index=1 "Untitled Character Theme" (Piano) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l6iXhdfL2e0...629&index=2 Music Covers: "King Tribant of Thirca" (Fire Emblem 4) (Violin) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NYK8caQy4_0 "The Lion King Elosthan" (Fire Emblem IV) (Violin) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=01_wyy_a2QM "Theme of Love/Rosa's Theme (Final Fantasy 4) (Violin) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SjF_AxQ5lkw "The Real Folk Blues" (Cowboy Bebop) (Violin) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gNkE7Hkg3pQ "Main Theme of Final Fantasy IV" (Violin) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=puYxOR0_xMQ "Main Theme of Final Fantasy IIj (Violin) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GqHXNTMw9do "As The Deer Pants" (Violin) (ZOMG!!! A RELIGIOUS SONG!!! THIS WILL END WELL!) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mB3Txdisc0w "Final Fantasy IIj's Game Over Theme" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=URwiO-Y075o Tell me how you like the videos and any and all feedback, advice, and tips are welcome!
  8. They're pretty good. I enjoy the Dark Dragon and Light Sword cover, you took the song and sort of added your own flavor to it. How long have you've been mixing?
  9. My thoughts about Fire Emblem: Sigurd could behead Ike in three seconds flat. Julia's my favorite Fire Emblem magic user but she's overrated. OMG!!! SIRIUS IS REALLY- *get shot* OMG!!! CHIKI'S FATHER IS . . .Darth Vader. Dew's theme is nice and cheery but it can be a pain to play on the violin if you don't have that much of a fast tempo. Why people on YouTube think that the only Fire Emblem song there is to cover is "Together, We Ride"
  10. Fire Emblem 4 had the best musical score of the series. I really enjoy the following: "Awakening of the Holy Knight" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=77vrXktwhMo...322&index=1 "Girl of the Spirit Forest" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WUVi0SU1Hq4...322&index=2 "Disturbance in Agustrira" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IKJ7jtBYOq4...322&index=3 "The Lion King Elosthan" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=70XQ7Oo1Jec...322&index=4 I also enjoy the musical score of FE3 and 5 but my main problem with both series's score was the songs could get extremely repetitive. "The Last Stand" (Final Battle with Medius)-Fire Emblem 3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FXiomhZVUro
  11. Yeah, because you do have some ignorant people that think rap=sex, drugs, money, hos, violence, guns, ghettoness. Stop listening to the mainstream (c )rap. Go listen to some damn Run-DMC, Tupac, Sugarhill Gang, and 80s rap and you'll see that rap wasn't always like the (c )rap we have now. Edit- Damn © symbol.
  12. Movie Trailers are not going to be the same again. And dammit, too many good actors are dying. Health Ledger, George Carlin, Berine Mac, Issac Hayes. It's just sad. "In a world without Don Lafontaine . . . "
  13. http://www.youtube.com/user/ViolinSnowKid My personal YouTube page with my violin music as well as some small, quick videos.
  14. [joke]Yawn. Call me when there's a Hurricane Loputousu. There will be no suviors after Loputousu hit. [/joke] Where I live in Missiouri, we do not get any hurricanes at all. However, to make up for that, Mother Nature like to hit us with tornadoes. I have family in Florida, but they live more inland so they should be safe. My heart does go out to those who are affected by this. I have a feeling that somehow the Smash Bros. fans will make a meme out of Hurricane Ike.
  15. As a musician, I find this very interesting and I almost agree with the findings. I'm a fan of both classical and jazz music and I do find myself creating and writing music, but I don't listen to pop, and yet, I find myself working hard.
  16. Yeah, it's pretty active. You been there before or something?
  17. Hello everyone! The name's Snow_Storm and I plan on coming here creating such a harsh blizzard in Seren Forest. There will be no survivers. How I came to the site was I was trying to find offical artwork from the early Fire Emblem series and I love how this site has almost every piece of art of the series. Some lil info about myself. Hometown: The 2nd most dangerous city in America- St. Louis, Mo Age: 19 (as of Sept. 7th, 2008) Interests: Gaming, Writing, Reading, Music (I'm a violinist with 10 years of experince. Started playing when I was 8 years old) Game Design, RPG Maker, Arranging songs, talking, hanging out with friends Favourite band or musician: Steve Vai! (The world's greatest guitarst, EVER) Favourite genre of music: Metal, Old-Skool Rap, Classic Rock, Hard Rock, Rap, Hip-Hop Favorite Games: Fire Emblem 4: The Genlogy of the Holy War, Metal Gear Solid 1 and 2, Final Fantasy I-VI, Prince of Persia, Super Smash Bros. series Other Fourms I Visit: Video Games Resource Center: Home of the (in)famous internet troll and meme Captain Cornflake- http://www.vgrc.net Tommy Tallarico: Home of one of the most amazing video game music composer Tommy Tallarico! If you love his music and video games music in general, join and you might get a chance to speak with the short bastard! http://www.tallarico.com RRR RPG Revolution: http://www.rpgrevolution.com/forums/ The best site for the RPG Maker series. We mainly focus on game designing but that's not all! http://www.zeldauniverse.net/forums/ The largest Zelda fansite around. I'm only there because my friend introduce me to the site. I'm not that much of a Zelda fan.
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