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Posts posted by theLittleLaurel

  1. Bit of a niche question, but I was wondering if anyone had any particular strategies for achieving consistency in the arena with Eyvel and Nanna in Chapter 5 of Thracia 776, particularly in regards to capturing Mareeta. I know the safest option to get out of the arena with both Mareeta, Eyvel, and Nanna alive is to rush the arena door with a thief, but I also like achieving the different dialogue scenarios that arise, such as from Eyvel successfully capturing Mareeta. Currently, I just try to scooch Eyvel and Nanna towards the door so that only Eyvel can be targeted, and once Mareeta makes her way over there, I try to hit her once with Nanna's Earth Sword before attempting to capture her with Eyvel's Iron Blade. This requires hitting 2 50%s, and leaves Eyvel open to being doubled by Mareeta. Does anyone have a better strat?

  2. 25 minutes ago, eclipse said:

    Why do you feel that you need to be more efficient?  And how badly are you willing to screw up in the name of improvement?  Let's start there.

    I guess it's a weird thing to want, considering I can still beat the game the way I'm playing, but I really despise making dumb plays or having bad judgement without realizing it. It's just always been a peeve of mine. As for screwing up in the name of improvement...I'm not sure what you're getting at, but if it makes me better, I'd think I'd be willing to do it.

  3. Hi everyone. This is my first post, and I apologize if I'm ignorant of common knowledge on this forum. I got into Fire Emblem just last year, and Path of Radiance is honestly the first RPG I've ever played. I finished a playthrough on easy mode through both PoR and Radiant Dawn, and wanted to do another run on a harder difficulty setting. I've been looking through this forum, and it appears my efficiency at playing the game is drastically below par (e.g. I don't finish a chapter on BEXP pace, I often place characters in situations that result in their deaths multiple times, my characters are often underleveled, etc). I know this a rather difficult question to answer, given how broad it is, but do you guys have any tips for how to play the game better? I know a lot of it will obviously come from experience, but I was wondering if there were some important fundamental concepts I had to get down to stop running around like an idiot.

    I have some basic knowledge, such as the weapon triangle, attacking outside of range then inside it, but I feel like I'm also letting many mechanics wash down the drain, such as shoving (is it that useful?), rescue, Order/Direct, etc. Again, I apologize for asking such a broad question, but any help would be appreciated.

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