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Posts posted by Potro

  1. Idk if i post this but this looks good 

    Name: chris (is possible to put my name? My name is in a fire emblem character so let me now)

    Title: solitary mage

    Orb affinity: red mage

    Character description: a solitary prodigy joung mage that live in an old library full of all kinds of story and magic, he dont like to be arround of none users magic

    Appearence: he would have a jacket the bottom would be red with black and the hood would be black the hood would be put on when he is low HP when he is full HP he doesnt have it normal brown pants with black hair and one of his eyes would be red and the other black

    HP: **** (good)
    Attack: ***** (excelent)
    Def: ** (bad)
    Res: ***** (good)
    Spd: *** (descent)
    Mov: 2, infantery

    1 star: fluz
    3 star: ruin
    4 star: fenrir
    Perfered 5 star weapon: dark light( grants +3 atk and it reverses the triangle advantage in weapons in the game for example red is effective in green then with this book you only are effective against blue and green is effective on you and if some stars combat against this unit cancels all kinds of buffs like shove +atk/def like that)

    Skills: 4* glimmer
    A slot: heavy blade 3 or 4 im not sure
    B slot: knowledge is power (unic for him)
    (If he is against a user of sword, lance and axe he gains +5 def in combat and debuff the character that he battle)
    C slot: res smoke 3


    Summon coute: oh....im chris you summoned me her with magic or with other metod


    Lvl up quote:

    Bad lvl up: hm? Looks like i didnt read enough knowledge

    Normal lvl up: im still not good enough to be my master

    Incredible lvl up: my knowledge is superior


    Learn a skill quote: more books that i need to study

    Battle quote:

    Movement battle

    1: hm?

    2: and now

    3:the books

    Critical quotes:

    1: you know magic win against weapons?

    2: for my master

    3: you didnt read books

    Death quote: looks like...i didnt read enough...


    Lvl 40 5* quote:

    Oh there you are... i wanted to talk with you you have tough me enough things about this and others worlds that i didnt even know existed you have been like a master for me i know i dont like weapons but that doesnt mean i cant work with them....for a bit i have my reasons to hate them but im still gonna learn more and i will be like my master  spencer some day


    Talking quote:

    1: im chris i may look young but im a prodigy in dark magic

    2: i hate weapons they are so...trickery 

    3: master... i knwo you are loooking up to me and i promise...i will pass your knowladge to my aprentice

    4: why.. you surprised me.. ypu wont do the same to my master


    6: lets go practice magic i dont think that weapon suit you


  2. This looks good i will give it a try 

    Name: chris (is possible to put my name? My name is in a fire emblem character so let me now)

    Title: solitary mage

    Orb affinity: red mage

    Character description: a solitary prodigy joung mage that live in an old library full of all kinds of story and magic, he dont like to be arround of none users magic

    Appearence: he would have a jacket the bottom would be red with black and the hood would be black the hood would be put on when he is low HP when he is full HP he doesnt have it normal brown pants with black hair and one of his eyes would be red and the other black

    HP: **** (good)
    Attack: ***** (excelent)
    Def: ** (bad)
    Res: ***** (good)
    Spd: *** (descent)
    Mov: 2, infantery

    1 star: fluz
    3 star: ruin
    4 star: fenrir
    Perfered 5 star weapon: dark light( grants +3 atk and it reverses the triangle advantage in weapons in the game for example red is effective in green then with this book you only are effective against blue and green is effective on you and if some stars combat against this unit cancels all kinds of buffs like shove +atk/def like that)

    Skills: 4* glimmer
    A slot: heavy blade 3 or 4 im not sure
    B slot: knowledge is power (unic for him)
    (If he is against a user of sword, lance and axe he gains +5 def in combat and debuff the character that he battle)
    C slot: res smoke 3

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