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Posts posted by Aedan7479

  1. Happy to see the biggest hater from Radiant Dawn make it in; I'm actually more excited for Jarod than the Dawn Brigade.

    The new male characters have great designs, and I like the wood powers (insert Hashirama joke here); shame they'll only be seen to this extent here.

  2. 6 hours ago, Mercakete said:

    Hmm so, while the music grew on me a little, I personally don't think it makes as much of a statement as the last three books' did (for me, anyway.) Books 3, 5, 6, and 7 had the best music, in my opinion. This one fits the theme of the book and all, but it's just not as catchy and/or make as big an impact as the others did. This is just how it affected me, though.

    Yeah, somehow I set my expectations too high. It's still good, not as great as other books, but previous books are a tough act to follow, especially Book VII (in my opinion). Of course, we're yet to hear the boss theme and cutscene music.

    The first two chapters have already been uploaded to the wiki, and I still don’t know what to think of it:

    I like that the politics from Book 6 are continuing, but I don’t think much of the Healing Hand so far, they just feel like tropes. I'm guessing Laeradr has a grudge against Askr and Embla (the dragons), so he doesn't want their kingdoms to stop fighting, which could be interesting. [spoiler/]

    So I'm just waiting to see if things get interesting.

  3. 1 hour ago, Etrurian emperor said:

    The problem with new villains tends more to be that the team doesn't have the required mighty MacGuffin yet and need to go search for it. I think that's what keeps holding the books back. That every single story is the same story about fleeing from the enemy until the team finds the right mighty MacGuffin. 

    I agree that that's the problem; most of the time, the only challenge Alfonse and Co. face is getting the McGuffin, rather than conquering the opposing army or simply the journey across the lands. I think Book 2 was the last time the geography actually mattered in terms of travel time, and the opposing army has never mattered in the grand scheme of the individual books.

    Books 2 and 3 played with the idea that the order of heroes works away from the frontlines to defeat the enemy, which I like as an idea, but that was four years ago now, and we were only told about Askr's army, we never actually saw it (would've been the best opportunity to incorporate green units).

    To be fair, it makes sense that Hel and Freyr couldn't be defeated by conventional means, and in Hel's case, the McGuffin served more purpose in the story that just being the McGuffin that beats the bad guy, but the constant repetition of the McGuffin quest is the problem, which is why the first half of Book 6 was a breath of fresh air.

    I hope in Book VIII, they focus on the journey up Yggdrasil; maybe Alfonse, Veronica and Heriette is kidnapped and the others need to hurry to where they all are before they're killed, (with them inevitably being too late to save Heriette), but that could only stretch on for around 8 chapters. But I think I need to see how the book begins before forming my thoughts proper.

  4. 7 hours ago, Lemmy said:

    Nothing happened in Jotenheim, they could get back to it, but all the realms have made some type of appearance or representation.

    Outside of Askr and Embla, we've never gone back back to a realm (not counting Tempest Trials). I wouldn't mind being proven wrong, but I also want to get to Alfador already.

  5. So, what was the point of the weird chapter numbering? The Story certainly isn't coherent if you play it in numerical order. Also remember how it Njordr said it was super important for Seidr to have a child with Kiran? And how he didn't recognise Kvasir? Or how Kvasir had a Breidablik? Yes, Gullveig used Kiran to create Heidr (I think) but how did Njordr know the importance of that? This book didn't feel well planned.

  6. On 10/3/2023 at 3:51 AM, AnonymousSpeed said:

    If you'd asked this six or seven years ago, I wouldn't said "take Mega Man from Capcom and give it to someone who will actually make a new game." However, Mega Man 11 has come out since then and I was kind of underwhelmed, so screw it. Give Mega Man to Nintendo so we can get a good new game.

    This might be considered cheating, but I think Inti Creates should get Mega man; they proved time and time again they could make good mega man games, and thanks to Gunvolt, it's not like they'll be rusty.

    3 hours ago, Etrurian emperor said:

    Honestly where ARE the My Hero games? I know One Piece, Dragonbal and Naruto play around with several genres from time to time, but all My Hero got was the obligatory  arena fighter. Seems a bit underwhelming for one of the most marketable animes of the decade. 

    On mobile devices. But yeah, there's a lot of untapped potential for MHA video games, maybe we'll see something once the anime has finished.

  7. Frankly, I'm glad Catria got another alt, Catria is one of my favourites and I'm always happy to see more of her. Why yes, I am part of the problem. Regarding those actually in the wind tribe, isn’t that just their normal attire? Of course, there are still better choices than Kangero and yes, Catria yet again, but wind tribe characters are, bluntly spraking, boring choices.

    Also, how did it take this long to see Claude in another culture's attire? Embracing other cultures is his whole motivation!

  8. 23 minutes ago, Etrurian emperor said:

    For me the solution to fixing Crimson Flower would be to add some stages. Not ones where you fight the slitherers. Goddess no! Its to flesh out the Kingdom and the Alliance. Both nations fell a bit too quickly due to the lack of stages in Crimson flower. You have one stage about taking a border fortress and then BAM! You're at the enemy capitol already.

    Filler doesn't have a good reputation but I think it be worthwhile to make Edelgard's enemies and thus her inevitable victory more impressive. The stages could also incorporate the worldbuilding into the battle. Take the Alliance campaign for instance. Before arriving in Derdriu you have to fight in Gloucester territory. The gimmick of the stage being if that you have the upper hand the Gloucester troops defect to your side, but if you aren't playing well enough they'll fight for Claude and descend on you.

    I agree with this, but I would also like to mention how it makes no sense that the great Bridge of Myrrdin is a Chapter in CF, when the Empire already occupys Garreg Mach. On the topic of maps, something I noticed in terms of maps is that each country has three major location: a field, a fortress, and the capital (Adrestia also gets the castle), though that's also me assuming that VW Chapter 22 is supposed to be Leister's field map, and one could argue Firihad has two maps. 

    I can appreciate all the analysis done in this post, but I would say that while of course the gameplay is very important, Three Houses' story was considered more important, based on all the reused maps, the simplistic cutscene backgrounds etc. While it does make sense for a secret route to be shorter, as others have mentioned, CF just doesn't have enough room to breath. Now, yes, the empire had the upper hand from the get go, going from the border of Liester straight to the Capital doesn't make much sense. 

    That said, you're right that fixing it isn't an easy task when it comes to balancing difficulty; just look how much fighting games have to adjust whenever they add one new fighter. Yes, we want a more... filled out? Story, but it's not an easy task.

  9. Based of enemy data on easy difficulty; in part 3-11, the game expects the Greil Mercenaries to be Tier 2 level 15 or higher, and in the next chapter, the game expects the Dawn Brigade to be Tier 2 level 5 or higher, so there's a ten level discrepancy, generally speaking. Honestly, that doesn't sound too bad.

    Something I'm surprised hasn't come up is growth rates. I'm not very knowledgeable on the topic, but it seems all of part 1's characters have good to great growth rates, and a couple characters have niches, like Meg having great resistance for an armour knight. I've seen a decent number of people take Nolan and/or Edward into the tower and they're generally considered good units (so I guess that means most of the actual 'Dawn Brigade' doesn't have any major issues). But then Meg and Fiona suffer from different issues. Meg starts at Tier 1 level 3 when your unit are about level 10, plus she's already an armour unit with low movement. And then Fiona joins at Tier 1 level 9 and is only available for two maps in part 1.

  10. 5 hours ago, lenticular said:

    It's fairly standard in Fire Emblem for the player characters to start out as underdogs. Ike starts out having a sparring match before being allowed out on his first actual mission. The Three Houses students all have lines about taking lives for the first time. Engage starts you off with an old man, two school-age kids, and someone who's just woken from a coma. They're hardly an elite fighting force. And then, over the course of the game, through training and recruitment, they grow strong until they eventually become world-beaters. It's a well-worn trope.

    From a storytelling perspective, the issue with the Dawn Brigade isn't that they're a bunch of plucky underdogs; it's that they never really grow out of this status. It's like having an underdog sports story where the team ends up finishing 17th in their league. Which on the one hand, of course they did! They had no experience, equipment or facilities. It's the realistic outcome. But on the other hand, did we really want the realistic outcome? Typically, the whole point of underdog stories is the triumph against adversity. And the Dawn Brigade doesn't really have that. They just muddle along as best they can and then the other better armies come along and save the day.

    And sure, you absolutely can take Dawn Brigade units to the tower, but they're likely to make up a smaller portion of your team relative to how much game time they get.

    I agree with this, though Jill starts out as a Dawn Brigade member, and I'm sure many people took her into the tower. Admittedly though, most growth units are pushed to the side considering all the great units your giving in part 4. The Crimean army is arguably in the same position as the Dawn Brigade, but they already had Path of Radiance to shine, plus, part 2 made better use of various characters.


    This might be a bit of a tangent, but I also think Fiona should've been WAY better unit than she is, seeing as she gets considerable build up, and is the Daughter of one of the Great Riders.

    10 hours ago, Jotari said:

    Volug has no compunctions about fighting Laguz, though he's a foreigner so maybe he just doesn't care in general. I feel like Vika could stay, since she's so underdeveloped. Can't be out of character if you have no character. Making Iyana just not leave would be an option too. I get that they wanted some unit to transcend the army split...but it really should have went in the opposite direction. And by losing Tormod and Ilyana we also lose all our anima mages, right? Meaning no fire for Laguz effectiveness (though I don't think Ilyana can use fire magic, she certainly can't at base).

    Sothe has a Laguz effective knife doesn't he? And there is the beast foe skill.

    I wish Ilyana could've stayed with the Dawn Brigade, but she's tied to the merchants. Sure, they also could have stayed, but then we'd lose a great base conversation with Soren and Aimee.

    As for Vika, I like the idea of her staying to get more comfortable around Micaiah, but it's pushing believability if you have her fight for the Bengion Senators, she's not even tied down by the blood- wait, she's from Kilvas, right? Does their blood affect her? That's definitely a tangent.

    And no, Sothe doesn't have a Laguz effective Knife, I did forget about beast foe skull though.

  11. Strange, isn't it? Of course, any new characters would have the trouble of being... well characters, when many of the new characters are already underdevelopment, I mean for crying out loud, the only time Brom and Meg talk is on the battlefield! On opposing sides!

    I don't think Tormod and Co. Could realistically be in the Dawn Brigade in part 3 though, especially considering their first chapter is killing a bunch of retreating Laguz.

    Another possible solution could be to make the special Dawn Brigade weapons (the ones that were added internationally) Laguz effective, which would significantly help in two of the three Part 3 Dawn Brigade chapters. Maybe also just adding Laguz effective weapons in general; it’s an odd exclusion anyway.

  12. Well Goran, the boss of Part 3 Chapter 11 (the bridge chapter), is a level 17 Warrior, which is most likely higher than anyone in Micahah's party (except Tauroneo), and he’s just a minor boss. So I'd say story wise, the Dawn Brigade are supposed to be on the same level as the Greil Mercenaries. Plus, there's already story/gameplay integration with how much the Dawn Brigade is outnumbered.

    What doesn't help that the Dawn Brigade has some of the worst units in the game, which wouldn't be a problem if they had more units, but the deployment number is equal to the Max units they can have at that point in the game, including Jill and Zihark, who you might’ve given to the Greil Mercenaries.

  13. This has Xane written all over it, but at the same time, he's too good for it. What about masked Characters such as Sirius, Conrad, etc? Also, is it a festival, or just characters in disguises? If the latter, I'd imagine it's the only chance we'd get at getting normal Bruno.

  14. Let's face it, the only reason we want to keep wyrs is because of modern memes, but since the question is " who do we want to keep in FE1, I see no reason to keeps Wyrs. I'd want to keep every character who is recruited by someone other than Marth, because that’s more dialogue for them. Roger may also a meme, but he's always been a meme. I think Boah, Astram, and Midia should also stay, since they're all somewhat important characters. Also Jack, because Ballisti and Anna. Everyone else who should stay really speak for themselves; I don't need to explain why Miverva should stay

  15. Does anyone know if the extended script says anything on the senators? I know there’s a bit extra on the Blood pact.

    Also, is the title of senator hereditary, or just the title of Duke? Similar to the difference between the titles of 'apostle' and 'empress' (if you don't know what I'm referring to, check Sigrun and Tanith's boss conversations with Leakin). After all, all the Senators (barring Sephrain) look pretty old, it wouldn't be surprising if Sephrain was the first new Senator after Sanaki's grandmother died.

  16. One thing of note, no matter who Bengion sent to govern Daein, there's was next to no chance that the people would support them (unless it wad someone exceptional like Zelgius), but a mysterious heir that liberates them from their oppressors, they'd have the peoples full support. That might have been the senators thinking, or at least Leakin's Numida could've been another pawns. Daein would be easier to manipulate with a leader the people love.

    Something else I've been thinking about, every senator was chosen by the Goddess through the apostle, right? That's something I would've liked to learn more about, especially given the 'recent' choices.

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