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Posts posted by bobflac

  1. That scene has always been a chilling one for me. I imagine the scene going down as Nina hurling her frail body against the iron door, bruising her extremely lightweight skeleton in the process,  trying to force it open to save the only person outside the party who matters to her and being absolutely devastated as to what occurred. Everyone I know always brings up Evarai as the most depressing sequence, but to me, this scene with Mina will always beat out that entire dungeon, even with sad ending.

    I wish this was properly translated in the 90s like it should have been. It could have easily been in conversations regarding greatest RPGs with the Squaresoft stuff. 

  2. Being a Lions fan, this is the part of the year that I always start thinking about next season. I know we are still in it, it's just a habit. Assuming that the Lions don't retain N'Dominate Suh, where do you guys think he is going to end up next year? He affects the entire defensive effort for the Lions, and without him, they drop from Number One for most of the season to late teens at best, probably twenties. It doesn't always show up in the stats, but even with the constant double teams, he is still making plays, as well as creating space for others.

    I have thought about this for awhile, and I think that Suh leaving to go to the Texans would result in one of the most amazing defensive combos in the league, maybe ever. I really want him to stay with the Lions, but if he doesn't, the thought of him and JJ Swatt destroying opposing offensive game plans just makes me chuckle and giggle non-stop. Would this not automatically become Andrew Luck's worst nightmare?

  3. Stop Gunners with Ultima.

    As for FF:

    1: Enjoyed Dawn of Souls twice through, never played original

    2: See above, but only played through once.

    ;3: Never finished (NES), was OK. Enjoyed seeing the 8-bit sprites (Black Mage casts the magic that make the people fall down) but other than that, same complaints as everyone else.

    4: I really enjoyed this game the first two or three times through. But then I had done everything, and have didn't touch it again until the GBA one, in which I did everything again.

    5: Love it. For every single reason listed before. Both SNES and GBA, but SNES more. Galuf rules. Blue mages have never been as good. Freelancers rock. So does Gilgamesh. Haha, Gogo...

    6: Favorite in the series. Love Terra and Relm. Shadow's entire story arc is probably my favorite of any character in the series. Kefka is just INSANEly hilarious (specifically in GBA) Really enjoyed Relm. Gave you Gau to challenge yourself (or break things if you really knew what you were doing). "You all sound like pages from a self-help book"

    7: Great game, if over hyped. Still enjoy materia. Enemy-skill is awesome. Enjoyed Chocobo Racing. Only thing for me is, once Disc One is over, I find it very difficult to get the motivation to move on. I just do not like the second half of the game as much as the first half.

    8: I spent more time playing Triple Triad then the actual game. Is that normal? Also, one playthrough had somewhere between 10 and 20 hours on Balamb. Smoked the rest of the game. I love overpowering people.

    9: Words cannot adequately describe the respect I have for this game. Great character development. Quina (the exception) is comic relief and therefore exempt anyway. Eiko's story. Freya (who didn't really develop either. Dang, maybe not so great character development) Screw it, I still like Freya. Enjoyed Chocobo Hot and Cold. I just did not like Trance, at all. Seriously, I can't control when this happens, but when it does, I'll nuke a couple of small frys?

    10: Played through til second to last dungeon. Memory card wiped. Played through again with no real complaints. Did not play that much Blitzball believe it or not. Obligatory "loved Auron

    12: Balthier is easily one of my favorite video game characters ever. Period. Enjoyed the battle system, even if I really never stategeried with the Gambits cleverly enough. Great shout out to Gilgamesh. Hated that it tried to be a MMORPG without the MMO. Did (kind of) enjoy putting my controller down for the entirety of the last boss as Basch kicked the crap out of him with a big sword. Reminds me of another Final Boss Fight, just more epic...

    Tactics :If I could only have one game for the rest of my life, it would probably be a Pokemon game, but after that, it would (maybe) be this. Nothing else to say that has not already been said. Other than Calculator in Chapter One is awesomely amazing. Like, Blake Griffin with a jetpack amazing.

    Tactics Advance (my mom says I'm beautiful!): I liked it. Played through probably three or four times. Overkill is just peaches with me, so Assasin, Gunner, Morpher, I loved all of them (after I figured out Morpher anyway)

    Tactics Advance Grimoire: Played through once. Ehh. It was OK. Can't remember much about it.

    Really, I like almost any Final Fantasy, and my favorite really comes down to which ever one I am playing at the time. But if I am not playing through one, then Final Fantasy 6 is what I usually consider my favorite.

  4. Except Alvis didn't have Narga blood at all. Only Celice's children would have Narga blood in the event that Julia died, so Celice would have to have a boy and a girl, have them grow to puberty, and then have them mate and have a child and hope that Narga instead of Baldo is dominant, then have that child grow to be old enough to take on Julius, and all this while hiding like crazy to not die.

    Good thing Julia's around.

    Or, you know, we could kill him with Charisma'd Celice anyway, like we normally do.

  5. I have been frustrated with Stafford this entire game. Even that touchdown was because the Packers muffed (another) interception. This reminds me of Thanksgiving last year. The defense did their job in the first half, but Stafford forgot there was a game. So after holding the high scoring offense of the Packers down, the offense does not do anything, the defense got frustrated and started doing stupid things, like stomping on legs.

  6. Part 4

    SS #12 - West of Key Cavern in a tree.

    Got Ocarina. Got Marin.

    SS #13 - Across the bay from the Mermaid Statue, underneath a bush

    Woke the fat walrus up. Got Angler's Key after saying goodbye to the star of the game.

    SS #14 - Lower right hand corner of the map, under a rock.

    Entered Angler Cave. Got Map and Compass. Got Flipper's and Nightmare's Key. Went to the room south of the Nightmare and jumped for the platform so that I could skip the last key and such. Boss time over too quick. Left the room, then screen jumped to the Harp. Instrument get.

    Tra la la.

  7. Part 3

    Took BOWWOW back, got a subpar reward.

    Bought the shovel and bombs. Went Seashell hunting.

    Seashell #2 - Tail Cave, bomb wall

    SS #3 - Southwest of Witch's Hut, Shovel under bush

    SS #4 - Southwest of Seashell Mansion, north of Catfish Maw, pick up rock.

    SS #5 - East of Seashell Mansion, under bush

    SS #6 - Seashell Mansion Gift

    SS #7 - Northwest of Catfish Maw, through cave, bomb wall, dig in front of Owl Statue.

    SS #8 - Mysterious Woods, pick up rock.

    Got myself "cursed" with carrying more bombs. Ugh, so much junk.

    Met with Richard, headed toward the castle. Gave the Bananas to the monkeys, and crossed over into the back way.

    Got all five leaves, while being reminded how useful the shield can be against the ball and chain soldier.

    SS #9 - Under Richard's house

    Got Slime key. Opened dungeon.

    SS #10 - North of Key Cavern

    SS #11 - Seashell Mansion Gift

    Entered the Key Cavern. Went through the dungeon. Save stated in front of the boss. Split him with numerous Gatoutsu's, then smacked each eye four times, jumping as he slams the ground. Load State. For whatever reason, screen jumping through the boss room kept messing up on me, so I went to the basement area with the five rooms in a cross and screen jumped down to the Bell. Instrument get.

  8. Part 2

    Went and saved BOWWOW from some stupid moblins. Seriously, who kidnaps a chain chomp? And what chain chomp gets kidnapped by stupid moblins? It was harder jumping over that stupid Heart Piece than it was to beat the moblins. Anyway, i digress.

    Went straight to the swamp. Invaded dungeon. Skipped Map, Compass, and Fragment, cause I could. Got Bracelet. Save Stated in front of the boss. Threw the pot three times, several swipes and spin attacks later. Load stated. Returned to the room just north of room with Nightmare Key, with a Crystal in it. Screen warped into the room with the Nightmare Key directly into the Conch shell room. Instrument Get

    This is fun.

  9. Screw it, I'm game

    The Legend of Zelda Marin Link's Awakening

    Let's see if this is even possible.

    Boat crashes, found by girl, wakes up, won't stop talking, got shield, moved it to right hand (read: A button)

    Went to the beach to get my sword. Pushed some stuff, got a sword. PIcked up a seashell in town, and barely remembered not to get the Piece of Heart (durr)

    Owl talking, wandering forest, mushroom, powder, crazy raccoon turns to Mario Tarin, got Tail Key. More owl, more owl, dungeon

    Beat dungeon as usual, save stated before boss, then beat Moldworm in four hits. Load stated, screen jumped the boss, got the instrument.

    Let'sa go!

  10. But that would have been smart.

    Dang, I love looking forward to Wednesdays again.

    EDIT: 11/7/12 - That was certainly an entertaining tribal council. WOW. Why would you straight up tell people everything. Especially when you have lied to their face earlier in the day. "Oh by the way, I like the other guys."

  11. I can't remember who Skupin went for. I assume Pete because there were two votes for him, but man. I just can't get over Jeff. People who are just obsessed with gettting specific people out rather than the big picture just don't fair well.

    I honestly think that Lisa and Malcolm are probably in the better positions to be in, because they are keeping their options open, and being smart about it.

  12. For anyone who might be watching this season...

    Am I the only one almost yelling at my TV at Jeff. Did he forget the the goal is to win the game and not just prevent one specific other person from winning. You already don't have the numbers. Rather than vote out the guy that you don't like later, why are you taking away numbers now when you already only have a slim hope of sticking around much longer. It's like Colton last season only not evil about it and Jeff doesn't have a numbers lead.

  13. Bought Dratini from the Game corner. This will be interesting. Random grinding...

    Whitney gym - Machop all the way.

    Whitney - LOw Kick Clefairy, Low Kick x2 against Miltank. I am very disappointed that I have never used Machop against Whitney before. Badge get.

    Bayleef - 23

    Furret - 20

    Machop - 25

    Dratini - 11

    Bayleef massacres Sudowoodo. Ran west from Ecruteak and got to Olivine. Received Good Rod and fished out my Corsola. <3.

    Went back, beat the Kimono Sisters, got Surf, taught Surf and Strength to Corsola and Surf to Dratini. Went east through the mountain. Caught Girafarig.

    Ecruteak gym - Dratini and Girafarig double team the gym. Drafted Girafarig just to troll this gym, then found out that Dratini was available. Go figure.

    Morty -Found I was too weak for the Gengar. Grinded. OK, go.

    Morty take 2 - Agility up. GIrafarig Confusion sweep through Gastly, Haunter, and Gengar. Haunter had Curse'd him, so second Haunter "fainted" him before second Confusion could finish, so Dratini finished it with Surf.

    Bayleef - 30

    Machop - 27

    Dratini - 26

    Corsola - 29

    Girafarig - 22

    Beat the rival. Confusion Zubat and Gastly, Low kick Magnemite, Surf (Corsola) Quilava.

    Caught the bounty hunter. He'll be fun. I hope promise.

    Caught the Red Gyarados for HM Slavery. Traded the Red Scale for Exp Scale.

    Went up the lighthouse in Olivine. Headed to Cianwood. Got the Potion.

    Gym - This place is alot of work with Pokemon who for the most part are bit players. Much fun.

    Chuck - Dratini Thunder Waves Primeape, two Dragon Rages. Thunder Waves Poliwrath, Dragon Rages while he's paralyzed. Sweep!

    Girafarig - 25

    Dratini - 28

    Everyone else the same

    No Flyer!

    Jasmine - Machop amazingly gets KO'd cause he sucks apparently. Corsola takes out the two Magnemites. Steelix finishes her when she fails to OHKO. Dratini finishes the job.

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