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Posts posted by Fel

  1. 14 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

    Estoy de acuerdo en que la calidad es lo que hace que un soporte sea bueno o creíble, no necesariamente la cantidad. El problema con Awakening and Fates es que hubo una gran cantidad de conversaciones de apoyo que fueron superficiales y progresaron tan rápido hasta el punto de ser poco realistas. Compare eso con 3H y Path of Radiance (y algunos de los convos de información en RD también), donde las conversaciones tenían en general más sustancia y peso detrás de ellas, por lo que tener dos, tres o cuatro no era un gran problema.

    Can you tell me wich ones are the best support in 3H and path of radiance?  I have not played them...

  2. 47 minutes ago, Ottservia said:

    Predica, mi hombre, predica

    de todos modos, depende de lo que quiere decir exactamente "dinámico" y "desarrollado" porque esas dos cosas pueden ser independientes entre sí. Un personaje bien desarrollado no es necesariamente dinámico. Entonces, ¿estás buscando un personaje dinámico o bien desarrollado? ¿o ambos?

    Well developed. So, since we're talking about that, what makes a good fire emblem character good?

  3. 32 minutes ago, Samven said:

    Honestly, I think that most of the FE characters from the GBA era onwards are pretty well-developed.  The Lords get the lion's share of the character development and some are better-developed than others (Hector especially probably has the best arc of that particular age) but Supports do a lot to flesh out the, erm, supporting cast and I think their importance as tools for giving people a bit more to their personalities shouldn't be underestmated.

    As far as a good dynamic character goes, I would say Dimitri is the best example I can think of.  I think the changes that he undergoes and the demons that he's forced to confront over the course of his story make for a particularly effective arc that, for those of us with our own mental issues to grapple with, can certainly hit quite close to home.  What I like about is that his tale ultimately seems to preach a, "World half-full" ideal.  Sure, people are flawed and messy and horrible but they're also trying, and that has to be worth something.

    Oh thank. It's been a long time since i play fire emblem and i want to know some example of good written characters. Im going to investigate dimitri later.


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