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Everything posted by Kramy

  1. Wow, looks pretty good. Though the back leg is pretty hard to see.
  2. And in that mean time... Someone is gonna get hurt real bad
  3. Haha!! Goddammit Brom!! She's looks beautiful XD
  4. Going with #3, I like segmented body armor >__<
  5. Kramy

    Lenh's Locker

    Woah! You actually going to animate that griffin of yours O__O
  6. Gotta say, pretty nice Lyn (Durandal) sprite edit
  7. Man, looking at how good these point cards look, I would rather just collect them rather than use them >__<
  8. Looks decent enough. Bet there is some messy shading here and there... [spoiler=Proof, just in case]
  9. Kramy

    Mica's Sprites

    Looks darn good O__O
  10. Kinda like this? http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20081025174561/castlevania/images/4/4a/Ch_back_vl13_Irena.jpg
  11. A flashy title always attracts readers ;)
  12. Naw it's a good set. Just don't have the time to finish...
  13. Get a image sharing site account like photobucket or something else so you can share your images without resorting to attachments
  14. Lets do this!! Whooo! I should probably take my time on this one XD
  15. Since there will be two Minervas in this time, wouldn't one be older than the other one? It must be pretty weird even for a dragon to see it's older self...
  16. Unique pose or bunny ears hmmmm... I guess I go with bunnies :3
  17. Lol True ^__^; I'll stretch her shoulders a bit
  18. fixed that for you :P Lol True dat dawg, true dat XD
  19. Lol He looks like a pope XD
  20. Cutting it close >__< EDIT: Small update :p EDIT: Outline fix, thanks Amelia ^__^;
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