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Posts posted by Ricey


    Wow... what do you know? I guess that my uncle works at Nintendo so I had knowledge about this game coming out soon. Yes! How fun... this game that I have been planning is actually releasing for the first time in English on December 4th. This is actually a wonderful time to make an update. Even though I should have done so days ago when this trailer first was announced.

    First off, I have been shitty and not really prepared myself for this game as much as I usually do. I'll be honest, HBO Too has been my one and only dedication lately. Plus my work schedule has changed heavily. With my mom visiting for a week now in a few days... I just do not feel prepared enough. I literally have almost nothing prepared for this game. 🧚‍♀️

    Thankfully, this game is being released in English for the first time ever... which means that I have an excuse to postpone this. So the new start date will be December 4th... That is the day that this game actually releases. I feel like I might try to remake the avatars and everything cause lord knows I haven't even made challenges for this game either. We shall see. 

    Either way, probably on Saturday... I will send confirmations to the like... ten people I have signed up for this since I never tried to recruit for this.  This is STILL happening. I promise! Just... I need a bit more time and thankfully people can play this game on the Switch for $6 to know their characters now. 🎅

  2. Hi! It's now October which means that I am going to be going a little bit heavier with recruiting. I probably should have posted more to know people and find people who would feel comfortable playing here. It probably doesn't help that this is such an active part of the board because no one can really even read this thread before it gets bumped away. Anyways, I am still going to try my best to see if people will want to play here!

  3. Quick little update... I have about seven people signed up for this with reps currently. I still haven’t even thought about pestering people to play just yet. I’ll probably ask around and recruit people sometime in October? As well as send out confirmations to the people that signed up forever ago.  

    Last, but not least... this game is now scheduled to begin November 6th. So we still have quite a bit of time before it begins still. ^_^ Thanks for the interest so far and if you aren’t interested... have fun still being asked to play anyways? 

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    Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light is the first game in the Fire Emblem series, developed by Intelligent Systems and published by Nintendo. It was first released on the Famicom (known internationally as the Nintendo Entertainment System) on April 20, 1990. It takes place on the continent of Archanea.

    Hello everyone. My name is Ricey and I am here to announce my new online reality game, or ORG, that I will be hosting in the next coming months. I am from another forum that plays these games religiously. They are several different games that span different formats and different genres. This is actually going to be my sixth game that I have hosted so far and the first from the Fire Emblem series. I am actually a huge fan of the Fire Emblem franchise, which is why I am here in the first place. 

    I though that the best thing that I could do for this series is put all of my love and passion into a game. There is nothing more exciting than finding a cast who is dedicated and really put their souls into making the performances come to life. On top of that, a great host that puts so much effort into it too can really bring things to life. I thought that there would be nothing better than to ask some hardcore fans of the series to play in this. The community that I host regularly from has a few Fire Emblem fans sprinkled in, but nothing that would really bring a Fire Emblem ORG, especially one that is dedicated to FE1, to life. That's why I thought that it would be great to ask if anyone wanted to join here.

    If this game goes well, I plan to make a game for every single Fire Emblem game. Possibly barring possibly making the Tellius games into one big game since Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn have the same cast for the most part. I actually have never even played FE1, but I thought that it would be foolish to start a series and not start with the game that started it all. Though, don't get me wrong. I am not going to be doing Gaiden. I am going to go use Shadows of Valentia for my next game. Better graphics to work with. The avatars that I have made for this are rough enough looking. That's for sure.


    In the simpliest terms, an ORG is an online reality game. What that means is that it is an online game, usually hosted on another site, that is somewhat related to reality shows. The most common reality game that it is based on is Survivor. Which is when two teams face off each other. They have challenges and the team that loses the challenge has to vote someone out of the game. ORGs have evolved a lot in the last decade that I have been playing them. Most games now have formats that host themselves have made up, but they usually do have at least some similarities to the simpler formats like Survivor that I mentioned.

    These games are completely anonymous. You have no idea who is playing in these. In these games, you will be playing a character. In this game's case, you will be playing as someone from Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light. In a sense, you are roleplaying as that character. It doesn't really matter if you are in-character or not. I have seen some people completely be out of character. Like imagine Bowser from the Mario series be played like a effeminate paranoid queen. It does not matter how you act. You can even act just like yourself if you wanted. You just have to make sure that you never tell anyone who you are outside of the game. 

    Communication is based through the PM system. In most games, you can talk to everyone on the main forum like this forum right here, but then you can talk privately to people on your team through private messaging. Usually, there are rounds every night from between Sunday and Thursday with Friday and Saturday being days off. There will sometimes be days off on the weekdays, but that is up to the host. Most hosts are forgiving and will do a day off if a lot of the cast begs hard enough. Not all games are Sunday through Thursday though. That's just the most common. Some have rounds that are a few days a part. This game will not be one of those though. 🙂 


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    We are all familiar with Fire Emblem games. We know how they work. There is a war going on. Good verses evil. Then we end up finding out that the evil people have a dragon or is a dragon or made the dragons mad. You know. We always have to defeat a dragon in the end. I don't know why I am mentioning dragons so much. Basically, the main premise of Fire Emblem, at least in the beginning, was about combat. That is why the format of this game is going to be all about defeating your enemies in battle. Gotta make sure that you don't have your HP go down to zero before your enemies. That's for sure. 

    The format of this game is Arena format. I am sure that none of you know what that even is so I will explain it to make it a little bit easier. In the arena format, there will be two teams. These teams will be made at the start of the game by the players themselves. Every round, every single person in the game is going to do a challenge. This challenge will basically be your life or death. Challenges in these games are usually the same mainstays. Mazes, word searches, crossword puzzles, and a few other ones that basically are in every other game that have challenges. The person who finishes the challenge first on each team will be immune from the vote and can not be voted out. Then, each team will vote out a single person from their team. Then,  the people that have been voted off each tribe will go against each other in the arena. The player who did the best in the challenge will survive and the person who did the challenge slowest will be eliminated from the game. The person who survived the duel will then be able to pick if they would like to go back to their original tribe or mutiny to the other tribe. 

    This will be the only format in this game. If this game goes well and a lot of people are interested in it, then I would love to add different formats to future games in this series, but I really do want to have people in this format actually try these ORGs. I would hate for people to get overwhelmed because I added too much in this game. I know that even this might be a little too much to new players, but I promise that it won't be that bad! 

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    I know that I literally JUST in the last paragraph mentioned that this would be a simple game, but there is going to be one small twist in this game. The twist of this game is going to be the standard money twist that has become somewhat of a staple of the ORG community that I am from. I know that none of you know what that is either so I will explain it a little bit. I haven't explained everything to the other forum either, but I will basically give a small rundown just to make it easier.

    Anna's shop is going to be opening up in my game. In this shop, you can buy a few items and weapons that can help you along your travels through this game. The things that you could buy are advantages in the challenge that will cut down on your time. Say that a steel sword takes ten seconds off your challenge time. That means that whenever you play that, you will have ten second taken off the challenge that you did for that round. You could also buy a shield. This would block a vote against you whenever you play the vote. That is basically a small rundown. There will be a lot of different items in this game. The whole shop will be shown from the start of the game and won't be shown until then. 

    How do you get the items though? You will have to spend your hard earned money, duh! How do you get money? You get money through a few different ways. This will also be explained more once the game starts, but I will tell you a few of the easier ways. You get money for surviving each round. You get money for each vote cast against you. You get money for surviving the arena. The arena loser will give their money to someone of their choosing. You can also do a few different tasks throughout the day that will be explained as well. Money is important and could change the tides of the game in your favor! 

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    Here comes the fun part. This is probably the part that would entice you guys the most? I don't really know, if I am being honest. I don't even know if anyone is going to read this thread or care about this in the slightest. All I can do is post this thread and bump it periodically to hope that people can get involved with it that way.

    I made all of these avatars myself. Honestly, someone else usually does them for me and they look a LOT better, but... I decided that I would be a big boy and make my own. They look rough, but I am planning on updating them throughout the game. These won't be their final look. This game was made in 1990 and the sources from the game are ROUGH. Honestly, I am going to probably continue through this game and update it. We will start in FE1 and then probably move into F11 so we can have some updated sources, but for now... these are the sources that we have to work with. 

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    God... don't we LOVE how ugly Abel used to be? He has such a glow-up in Heroes compared to that bucktooth.

    Above are the eighteen people that I initially selected to be in this game. This was based on who actually had sources from Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light, but some of these like Navarre and Lena are actually from FE3.... so I already failed at keeping all of the sources from the same game. That means that if you would like to play as someone like Jeorge or Ogma that have FE3 sources, but didn't have FE1 sources then let me know and I will gladly add them to the cast. I am very accommodating because I need a cast. There are so many random females like Nyna in the cast because the community that I play in love to play as females so that is why I padded the cast with them. In hopes that some people would join that way. 


    To sign up for this game: PM me a few people that you would like to play as. This is just in case that two people sign up as the same person. Got to be fair and all of that. Like I mentioned in the last paragraph, if you would like to play as someone that I did not post then you can. Just let me know and I will see if they have a good enough source to use. The only rule is that they HAVE to be from FE1 or FE3. That means no Mystery of the Emblem only characters. The only reason for that is that they would not mix well with the rest of the game in terms of style. Those dark DS sources against the bright and silly NES ones... iconic.

    PLEASE DO NOT ASK TO PLAY IN THIS THREAD. Like I mentioned before, if you read the massive wall of text that this already is, this is an ANONYMOUS game. Do not tell anyone that you signed up. Do not say that you are signing up in this thread. I mean, sure. You can talk about this and I would LOVE to explain more about these in the thread if you have questions. You can also ask question in PM too. I know that these are foreign as can be to some people so I would love to break it down as much as I can for people. I am not the best at explaining so if something didn't make sense in this thread, let me know.

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    Right. I forgot about this. Probably important to discuss, right? 

    This game is actually not until a few months from now. We like to talk about things months in advance because it can be a hassle casting these. Plus, honestly, these can take a bit of your time if you want them to so it is good to know exactly when this is going to start just so you have some time to prepare for everything. This game is scheduled to start sometime in early November. I do not have a set date scheduled yet for this. I am probably going to announce that in late September. If I had to guess, this would start probably November 6th? I don't know for sure. It will either be November 6th or November 13th. Just having settled on the exact idea.

    This game is going to last around two weeks. The rounds are probably going to be around 9-10PM EST time. You can do the arena challenge anytime during the day. The only requirement is that you have to do the challenge before the round begins. If you can't make it to the round, you can always do the challenge whenever you have time and you can vote someone out of the game earlier in the day too. It is not required to be here during the round. Basically all you need to do is the challenge and vote every round. It is as simple as that. The live results each round will probably last about thirty minutes each round. You will have a fifteen minute period to vote, the votes will be revealed, and then the duel results will be posted. It won't take long at all.

    I think that I explained everything as best as I could? I might have missed something though. PM me here or ask in the thread if you have any questions. I really hope that I get some sort of response for this because I really do think that this could be a lot of fun for people here. Imaging bringing your favorite Fire Emblem character to life. 😮 

  5. I’m fully behind Edelgard as my free pull. She’s just too strong looking to NOT do it. Though, I’m basically going to be pulling for everyone. Don’t have enough orbs to get a second free one by pulling 40 times, but whatever. If I get lucky, yay. If not, well... I’ll at least get one of them. 


    Edelgard > Dimitri > Lysithea > Claude in terms of want right now. Sad that I’m so impulsive that I didn’t save orbs at all. 

  6. I actually love Warriors a LOT and have always enjoyed it. I actually think it's my second most played Switch game other than Animal Crossing still. I think that the cast does leave a lot to desire in terms of characters and clones, but other than that? I really enjoyed it. I really do hope that they make a sequel even though I kinda don't expect them to? I would honestly rather them just release something like the Torna expansion with more characters and story chapters. 

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