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Just call me AL

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About Just call me AL

  • Birthday 07/12/1991


  • Member Title
    "I'll stake everything so others can choose their own path!"

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  • Interests
    Television, Video Games, certain genres of movies, etc.

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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Blazing Sword

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    Deirdre (Cipher)


  • I fight for...

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  1. I was wondering, were you able to get your cell phone battery issues sorted out? You asked me about it a while back, and I wanted to check if you were able to find a solution for it.

    1. Just call me AL

      Just call me AL

      Not yet. But considering some of the other minor but annoying issues my phone has, such as the main menu frequently being unresponsive, I'm considering an upgrade.

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