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About Kirie

  • Birthday 11/12/1985


  • Member Title
    FE Cipher Correspondent

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  • Interests
    Fire Emblem, FE Cipher, Granblue Fantasy, other video games, cats
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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Blazing Sword

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  1. ___

    who's the girl in the avi? it's the same as the one in your profile banner, right? I'm curious about the lord, too...sorry if this is a bother.

    1. Kirie


      They're different characters, actually! The avatar is of Florina From Blazing Sword (FE7) and the profile cover picture is of Sigurd and Deirdre from Genealogy of the Holy War (FE4). Both pieces of art are actually from different FE Cipher cards, with Florina's art done by the artist Mayo, and Sigurd/Deirdre by Rika Suzuki. :)

    2. ___


      ...ah, thanks...do you ever, like, get stuck looking at art for who knows how long? ever thought that it's kind of strange and unfair for a bunch of colors arranged in certain patterns and shades to seem to posses more importance and allure than they really do?


      anyways, strange questions, but art feels like that type of thing to me; thank you for your help!

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