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Posts posted by opheliahaha

  1. Well, the banner is okay-ish, not anything great or new, but atleast it wasn't as boring as the new heroes we just got, other than fjorm of course.

    Igrene looks okay, but being the same class as duo lyn with a similar weapon that has no slaying and no duo skill, hurts her alot. The warping is good but it won't help that she's not too efficent in killing stuff. 

    Shinon is just fodder, i'm personally feeding him to my Y!Innes so i can do funny stuff with the Ninja Yumi+ and Deadeye.

    M!Corrin seems like a great demote with that special spiral, and outclasses S!Norne and S!Ogma imo.

    F!Corrin + Elise is definetly wholesome, but i would have preferred M!Corrin + Sakura much more as Elise is quite boring to me and i favor Sakura much more.

    Shamir is a nice pick, but she should have swapped with Shinon and been on the banner imo and been a sword, axe is so lame when Hana exists as a TT as well. 

  2. 70 orbs on deck, I try to pull micaiah along with rafiel as backup, and all I got were another base claude, two healers on 4star specials, and rafiel. But after "sacrificing" my mythic banner orbs, I finally pulled her, with an atrocious -atk +hp iv. Still worth it, she's a good edelgard counter which seals my aether raids offense for the week.


  3. Finally finished sparking on the fallen banner, here's the 5 stars I got in order- 

    Targets- Dimitri, Edie, Female Morgan

    Leila, +spd, -def ( i never expected this one! )

    Normal Claude, +atk, -res ( just lull fodder at this point, also funny how both morgans have the same effect as his weapon on their weapons and claude came to greet me )

    Fallen F!Morgan, +hp, -res ( yes, my first target! even her ivs are great )

    F!Edelgard, +res, -def ( the most unfortunate ivs she could have, waaaaaa )

    Normal Lethe, +res, -hp ( lethe, of all 5 stars? i don't know what to do with her... )

    Fallen M!Morgan, neutral ( i tried red since i decided to spark dimitri, and on my 40th summon he comes home! )

    Sparked F!Dimitri ( was gonna spark edelgard, but seems like dimitri was still looking for edelgard, so had to force him out )

    I didn't expect this good luck, definetly happy about this summoning session, especially after 4 mirabili? pitybroke me before sigurd and lilina on the legendary banner, along with 3 asbels and no celica 😞 


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