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About Leonri

  • Birthday 01/20/1993


  • Member Title
    Enigmatic Man

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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Blazing Sword

Leonri's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. Happy Birthday!!! (again)

  2. Happy Birthday!!! (again)

  3. Happy Birthday!!! (again)

  4. Happy Birthday!!!

  5. Happy Birthday!!!

  6. Happy birthday. Say, I see your towel, could I borrow some gnat spray?

  7. Two friends of mine in a shop: (very loudly) First guy: Sour cream and Onion! Second guy: Original! First guy: Sour cream and Onion! Second guy: Original! First guy: Sour cream and Onion! Second guy: Original! First guy: ... Second guy: ...... First guy: Plain salted? Second guy: Sure.
  8. The first part was a simple joke. I find it hard to take Serenes Forest seriously in a debate like this. As, you know, the pointless flaming indicates. "Obvious contradictions"? Perhaps I missed something, but the guy seemed to be saying that Guantanamo Bay was a blatant breach of UN Declaration of Human Rights (not binding, but still) , US law and plain standard human morality. The Bay is an evil place, where the prisoners have no rights or help, may have not committed any crime, treated to barabrous punishments, and conducted in total secrecy by the American government. The post I was replying to merely said "lol, no your wrong!" I find this pretty unacceptable in a serious discussion, though again I must remeber Serenes Forest is a different kind of place
  9. "Worst" can be interpretated two ways. ;) If you don't agree with someone, point out how they are wrong. Doing this kind of thing is stupid. Use actual facts to back answers. -_- I voted Stalin.
  10. Leonri

    New game smell

    Really old books smell even better.^_^ And yes, I smell fresh games.
  11. Note the "lack of quantified information" and "these are estimates". I highly doubt most make 100k and 60% have children.
  12. I find she is pretty awful early game, but the best sage late-game. I used both Lugh and Lilina last PT. Lugh was doing great in the first chapters, taking out hordes of enemies and DA'ing everybody. His magic and resistence however are sub-par for a mage. Res is important in this game because of all the enemy stave users, and his magic, while fine for most units, wasn't doing much against the tougher bosses. Lilina however, eventually gained enough magic to kill without DA'ing, and was dealing huge damage to the late-game bosses. Against Zephial, Lugh did a paltry 9 damage, while Lilina did 22, with a 15 crit rate from Roy support. Lilina made my final team, and Lugh didn't. Though Lugh is probably better for longer, Lilina is a massive boon lategame.
  13. Yar! Imma pirate! Pretty cool project. Will we see the results?
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