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A person

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Posts posted by A person

  1. Original R/B

    Good - Started it all. And  I love the concise 151 and the question of what will come next, as there was nothing to base it off of. I'm not a genwunner, but my favorite region.

    Bad - It was a hassle to catch 'em all, as the game was advertised, and I guess it didn't age well. THe random enounter rates could have been lowered too.


    Good - Again, easy 151 pokemon. And now you can get all the starters and follow the adventures of your childhood hero, Ash Ketchum!

    Bad - Pretty cheesy, and the same flaw as R/B


    Good - I loved the new pokemon.

    Bad - The level curve is so obvious, and the fact that almost no gym leaders have a gen 2 pokemon as an ace angers me. I don't like gen 2 at all.

    Crystal - never played


    Good - My second favorite region. I love the new pokemon more than anything and how great the replayability is.

    Bad - I guess too much water?

    FR/LG - never played


    Good - See R/S, plus Battle Frontier.

    Bad - I'm honesty not sure. While I said too much water before, Emerald's story and interesting water encounters tone down the annoyance. My favorite pokemon game by a large margain.

    (Forgive for any wrong order past this point)


    Good - I loooove the new minigames and mechanics.

    Bad - See S/G, although it was helped a bit, stil unbalanced.


    Good - Decent animated sprites, finally! And I love the new designs.

    Bad - I hate the storyline. Completely overshadowed by B/W. My least favorite games


    Good - FULLY ANIMATED SPRITES YES YES YES and an amazing storyline. N is amazing, the only truly good rival in my opinion.

    Bad - Too many exclusives, and I don't like the way the difficuly mechanic was added in.

    B2W2 - never played


    Good - Decent storyline, love the new designs, great jump to 3d. The best addition is definately Mega Evolution for me, though.

    Bad - Team Flare. 'Nuff said.


    Good - I'm way biased towards gen 3 games, but still. I think the characters were well-handled in 3d, and see R/S.



    Good - I like the Hawaiian asthetic, and the colorful menus. They took a lot of risks here and I think it payed off. You can start to see 3d being entertained more and more.

    Bad - Trials and ride pokemon just don't cut it.


    Good - They covered a lot of plotholes with this one, like where Kahili came in.

    Bad - I don't really like the warp ride. Cool idea, not really well implemented.

    LG P/E

    Good - Finally overworld pokemon! I might be labled a genthreer, but this would be a perfect pokemon game if not based off gen 1.

    Bad - See R/B


    Good - Wild area, great DLC, amazing new designs.

    Bad - Pretty much everything else. Seriously, Gamefreak? It feels SO rushed.

    If I missed any, tell me.

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