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Posts posted by jubedube

  1. Yeah, I have this thread bookmarked in an obvious place and check it once every two or three days. Given how long this thread has been up, I've probably spent more time than I'd like to admit checking for updates.

    I might as well use this post to comment on Alex's Bryce. I actually dig it, specifically the tone you managed to pull off. I would have no issues with you getting the roll.

  2. Well, there are alternate ways to get the effect of removing the original voices to seamlessly fit the cinematic with our dub. It would require you to edit in the music and sounds yourself though (After, of course, muting the original track). With the use of echo and other various effects (Including birds chirping for ambience), you can fit the sounds and voices to the desired environment.

    Edited for clarification

  3. Hey Alex, I'm pretty sure we're always happy to see some new auditions.

    Constructive criticism please?

    I think you have the range for a lot of the characters you voiced, I particularly liked your Oscar, Kieran, and especially your Nealuchi; you do the "old man" voice pretty well.

    Expanding what I said about your range. I can imagine you voicing a lot of the characters you posted but I think you should try doing different voices for them (Example, I think your Boyd is more fitting of one of the unnamed enemy soldiers, since you gave him a relatively noir-sounding voice). It's hard for me to provide specific direction since vocals are somewhat subjective, but I would wager that you won't have much trouble with any character that has a mid-tone-like voice.

    I just read this entire thread!


  4. Any available female parts? This looks really interesting, but I've never really done actual voice acting projects before, so...

    The first page provides all the information you need regarding filled roles.

    However, you're free to provide a voice for any character you'd be interested in. If it comes down to the role already being filled, a character can be suggested for you so long as you have no issues with that.

    Edited for clarification

  5. So I suppose I'm technically still a part of this. I think most of the problems stemmed from the fact that not many people signed up for roles, but the selection was far too picky considering the amount of people that were were willing to voice multiple characters.

    This is Serenes Forest grabbing random members, it is not going to be Team Four Star quality voice acting

    You have to take what you can get.

    I don't recall this dub being overly selective at any point. To be honest, I think what happened was that we got a couple of great voices with good equipment and it ended up intimidating potential applicants.

    Anyway Fionorde, Tomo and I actually came from a 4chan community that this dub was reaching out to some time ago, while Jvonm came on board after a post was made to a hobbyist (Of sorts) voice acting forum. So this dub is open to reaching out towards other people that are interested in Fire Emblem/Dubbing if you have any suggestions.

    Anyway Fion, don't be afraid to apply to a few roles if you're interested. Same goes for you Joethebrave.

    Edit: I forgot to comment on Jvonm's update. I'm sure Adam will appreciate the effort you've put in towards modifying your voice. If I can say anything about your Black Knight I think you really got the mannerisms down.

  6. I'd hate to have no input regarding scenes, but nothing really comes to mind for me in terms of what we should prioritize. That being said, I'm okay with the singing scene as long as the voices behind it are up to the task.

    Also Etern, for your convenience I'll be posting the characters that I have been accepted as so we can open up the number of scenes we can do:

    Seeker - http://fireemblem.wikia.com/wiki/Seeker

    Mackoya - http://fireemblem.wikia.com/wiki/Mackoya

    Kotaff - http://fireemblem.wikia.com/wiki/Kotaff

    Kasatai - http://fireemblem.wikia.com/wiki/Kasatai

    Ashnard - http://fireemblem.wikia.com/wiki/Ashnard

    Ikanau - http://fireemblemwiki.org/Ikanau

    Heddwyn - http://fireemblem.wikia.com/wiki/Heddwyn

    Gashilama - http://fireemblem.wikia.com/wiki/Gashilama

    Gromell - http://fireemblem.wikia.com/wiki/Gromell

    Balmer - http://fireemblem.wikia.com/wiki/Balmer

    Maijin - http://fireemblem.wikia.com/wiki/Maijin

    They're all bosses, ranging from several points in the game, so feel free to draw from this selection. Just so you know, I've recently been considering redoing my Maijin, so if you request that I do his voice I'll provide you the old voice I did in addition to a new one I have been practicing.

    As for main characters, the only role that I have done is Mordecai (http://fireemblem.wikia.com/wiki/Mordecai)

    Edit: Fixed some links that didn't work

  7. That was a nice thing you did for TheBeard Etern, I was just about to download the files until I saw your link.

    I'm going to be honest, I really enjoyed your voices TheBeard. You have quite the fabulous range, that being said, if you ever want to do future auditions you would be helping tremendously by doing the older characters. I only suggest them because they still remain mostly uncasted, however, if you want to try for youthful characters I won't dissuade you.

    The only audition I would suggest you reconsider is Rhys. Being that he's a younger character, I thought there was a bit of a miss match when I heard it. If you you think you can provide a more youthful voice I'd say give it another go.

  8. Jubedube, I'm more than willing to do that, but it does raise questions. Assuming I understood what you meant, you're probably saying making the dialogue look like this, right?


    And while I'm fine with doing that, it does raise some questions about other text boxes, like these two examples:

    Naesala's Death in Chapter 19




    How would you advise we get around scenes like these?

    The third one would be the simplest solution, just lower the contrast to the point where the scene is pitch black (Or make a black image in MS Paint and just put that in above the video layer for the time there are no images accomodating the dialogue).

    The Naesala cutscene would just be zoomed in to the point where the text box is off screen. You can do camera pans and whatnot to keep it interesting.

    That being said, the idea is purely for visual flair and may not even be worth it in the end. However, the effort would certainly make the dub appear uniquely presented. I actually look forward to seeing what this type of editing would to for some of the really static dialogue moments like the support conversations.

    Hello, I am a huge Path of Radiance fan and just sent you a bunch of Auditions! I actually joined the forum just for this! I am going to post some of my favourites here.

    Hope you enjoy them!

    Your voice really suits all of the voices you auditioned for, and I'm glad to see that another boss role has been done. They're really fun and campy and I'd recommend them to anyone if they wished to contribute a minor role. Regardless, I'm certain that Etern would approve of your singing, we have had Reyson auditions in the past just as capable, but since his role requires a lot of talent I'm sure he'd be willing to have a few extras.

    Unfortunately your Ashnard could use a bit of work. I can't say I'm an ideal model since I feel my voice is not deep enough to do Ashnard, but that being said, I go as deep as I can and give him a lot of rasp when I perform him (https://soundcloud.com/jubedube/ashnard-yelling). If you think your voice can handle it, which you should DEFINITELY consider since you're singing, I'd say go for it.

  9. Well, thank you very much Ms. Tasigat! Even though it's been two years, and we've only gotten minimal stuff, that's entirely because of certain characters. Certain characters involved with special plot scenes, would drive more people to this dub. For example, some of the important parts of PoR would be these:

    Adding to this discussion, something that I've been wanting to bring up is that since we are aiming to create an alternate way to enjoy PoR (Aka, completely through voices), something I've been wondering is how we can put that flavor to our advantage to create a unique and possibly improved way to experience the story.

    To provide an example, we could technically do away with the text boxes, zooming in the camera so they're out of sight to purely focus on the in-game cutscenes. That being said, I know that you're busy these days Etern, and putting forth that sort of effort in this dub was not your original intent. However, a key thing to drawing in people is showing them something new, or at the very least, different.

    The example above isn't really an idea I'm 100% behind, but hopefully you can see what I'm trying to suggest. Tell me what you think, and good luck with contacting Stomoman; I very much enjoyed his voice from what I recall.

  10. I think your Shinon is just fine. The voice you put on for him is fitting of his character for sure.

    Recently I got bored and looked over some of the bosses in the game. That being said, I'm submitting two auditions for these characters: Kotaff and Gashilama.

    Auditions are here:

    Kotaff: https://soundcloud.com/jubedube/kotaff

    Gashilama: https://soundcloud.com/jubedube/gashilama

    I'd appreciate any feedback from you guys. The boss characters are quite fun for me since they're very one note, so I don't mind adjusting my voice if I need to.

  11. If you're seeking a second opinion I'll offer one.

    Zelda Brawler's Ena is definitely suitable in my opinion. The character has the capacity for a broad range of voices given the fact that she's a dragon, but the softer tone Zelda Brawler uses fits her personality well.

    Regardless, I find it funny that Stefan has been mentioned in the last few posts since I've considered auditioning for him recently. The only problem is that his voice has been a REAL challenge for me. I have a great idea of how I want him to sound, but I just can't do the voice the way I want to. So far I just sound like a roguish version of my Ashnard when I try it. Unless you're curious about it I'd rather just see what other people provide for Stefan in the meantime.

  12. No, this isn't dead. I'm trying to think of good things to dub, and I am still hoping for Ike vs Black Knight.

    Once those lines can come in, I'll start the editing.

    I know it's been well over a year - hell, it's probably been two years. But we really need to get "important" videos up, to attract an audience. Things that people would want to see first - Ike vs Ashnard was one of them, and I also think Ike vs the Daein Riders shall also be important. But for now, let's focus on Ike vs Black Knight.

    I am sorry I was unable to respond for a while - I'm trying to do a mixture between my game playthroughs, school, volunteer work, and getting a job. So... I am very busy. :\

    As long as people WANT to continue this, it will never really be dead.

    Did Jvonm leave any additional means to contact him? I'm not certain if he still frequents the Voice Acting Alliance, or if he initially sent you his audition through email. He definitely needs to know he's needed.

  13. too bad, I was hoping for this to happen.

    I am still down to provide voices for this project, regardless of its status. Funny to think that it was conceived years ago now (Even our posts are a year old now), so clearly Etern has made lifestyle changes that has impacted his capacity to dedicate time to this dub.

    Not that I see that as a problem though, it's really just a matter of when Etern is able to do it, and if the people who have signed up are still able to help.

  14. This seems like a pretty cool project. :) I'm pretty sure I have a mic around my house somewhere, so if I can find it and it works well, I'll try auditioning for a few characters. At the moment, I think I could do Lethe, Astrid, and maybe Lucia or Tanith, and I MIGHT be able to pull off some guys, like Rolf, Tormod, Rhys or Soren. I'll try to practice and experiment with my voice a bit to see what characters I can pull off until I find my mic.

    Good to hear, don't hesitate to post them here if you'd like a group opinion.

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