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Posts posted by Element

  1. Flintlock Staff=Most broken thing in existance

    I have shotrange +3, Standing CH +6 and Petrify +4 on it.

    I use the energy charge panel.

    At 150 range in the training grounds, it does 1099 damage per charge shot. Thats more than enough to 2 shot kill any boss.

    Wow. I've got some awesome staffs, but nothing that amazing.

    Also, unrelated, but I just had the most epic Light Vs. Dark match. I was using an epic Knuckle Staff, the other team's angel appeared, and as soon as he appeared, (literally the exact second) I sniped him off the edge and won.

  2. (I'm honestly suprised nobody's made this yet)

    So, I got Kid Icarus: Uprising last Tuesday, and I gotta say, it's my new favorite game. The controls were weird at first, but I got used to them quickly. So far, I've already 87.1% cleared the game... But that's because I've pretty much been playing nonstop.

    So, what do you guys think of this game? (BTW, please use spoiler tags for talking about stuff pretty far in the game, for the sake of those who just got it)

  3. Hey guys, I've been lurking for a while, and finally decided to get an account. BTW If it says anywhere on my page that I joined a few weeks ago, that's because I joined on my 3DS because I had no access to a computer, but I then found out my 3DS can't post anything... :P:

    Anyway, I'm glad to be here! :lol:

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