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Everything posted by Gone2Ground

  1. Gotta love Double Zigzagoon in these games. Part the Seventh: Moar Grinding and some new friends In here lies my newest ally. Yup, I still did the obligatory Doctor Who reference even though it's male. Aw yeah Oh hey wally ...yop, you'd have been crushed if you tried to take on Wattson. Brawly might be possible though. This'll be easy *Not Pictured - the Winstrates dying to Headbut Spam* Frickin' A Watson, here comes the bitch-slapper... MOMENT OF TRUTH! YEAH! SUCK IT DOWN! Damn right you did. PARTNERS FOR LIFE
  2. May, Round Two - FIGHT ** BEGIN! ROUND ONE - KNOCKDOWN VS WAILMER! FIGHT! WINNER - KNOCKDOWN Round Two - Knockdown vs Numel FIGHT! WINNER - Knockdown. Round Three: Flyby vs Grovyle! It's a one-sided super effective CURBSTOMP! Yaaay!
  3. Part Six: Slateport, eff yeah Well, time to wreck everyone on the beach! Twisty, you have eaten five protiens that you and Zigzag picked up during the level grinding. You're up. Beach is down, let's kill these morons. Not pictured: Copious amounts of Headbutt Spam Oh great, these bozos. Time for a new pokemon! SOD YAAAAY! TRICK MASTER...my mortal enemy... Done in 5 mins ayup Anyway, Ninja's at lv15 so he'll be fine for now. I've taught Rock Tomb to Knockout, so the EXPShare goes on him so that he can deal with Watson's gym. ...and time to do more level grinding pre-Second May Fight.
  4. So...who exactly does this leave you with?
  5. Yes, yes I did get a Nincada. I am luck as all heck. PART FIVE - Steven, where art thou? Because Flash is for pussies, and I want my XPShare to put on Ninja. Also more Flyby grinding. Everstone. Neva. Forget. I'm...not quite sure who to give that to. GIMME MAH LOOT! Yup Oh not this shit again NOW Flyby, KILL THE BITCH Well, this seems fair. YUP Bring it LOLnope There was another trainer here, but it was pretty much the same as the last two - Wing Attack/Kill TO BRAWLY! Let's Wrassle, bitch That would be pure 100% Scottish Meat, and ready to kick your ass Good god, what is with that face? And pose? Do you need to use the bathroom or something? Or is this meant to be intimidating? I've seen better battle poses from my 14-year-old Sister! She might be a judo red belt who can kick my ass but thats not the point IT WASN'T A ONE-HIT KO?! This might get nasty... This is it, brah. The one gym leader pokemon that made 6-year-old-me tremble with fear (The rest I'd level grinded the shit to fight against, but I still felt cocky with my Ralts the first time through) Frakking super potions Quick Attack, bitch I guess he couldn't handle... *Sunglasses* My Tailow's Wings. YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!
  6. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-20712815 I love you BBC
  7. Nah, it looks a lot better now actually. The belt-thing looks like actual dyed leather instead of...whatever the heck it was the first time around.
  8. Well screw you too pal. However, if the world ends via Vogons making an interstellar highway, at least I'll die laughing. It would prove that yes, the universe does have a twisted sense of humor.
  9. ACT FOUR - Roxanne Rocks (Sorry, couldn't resist) New Pokemon! Yaay! Meh *ONE HOUR OF LEVEL GRINDING AT 1000% SPEED LATER...* I beat Roxanne with Beautifly. I HAD TO GRIND IT UP TO LV22 BEFORE I EVEN RISKED IT, AND PROBABLY PICKED UP ENOUGH NUGGETS TO RETIRE IN PEACE, BUT I DID IT. Now let's deal with this Team Magma fucktard ... and do some more grinding so that Flyby can actually deal with Brawly's gym DAMMIT Might as well grind Twisty while I'm at it...feed all the Rare Candies I pick to Screamer... *Another half hour later* DONE. Let's go kick Brawly's ass too now. I still don't know what this is meant to be... NEW POKEMON! Let's see now... Fighting Gym? No worries... SHE'S GOT THIS
  10. That would be the best thing. PART THREE! - To Beat a Forest! It is a sad day. Barker - LV4-LV5 Killed by: Youngster Billy's Tailow Achievements: Ate a rare candy. It was his first combat. *Mourn* Well, new pokemon! Welcome to the team! Because forests in nuzlockes are bastards. Combination of AWESOME and SHIT NOT A SHROOMISH Ah well, at least I have a way to beat Brawly now Wait. How am I going to deal with Roxanne? OHSHIT OHTHANKGOD something with a grass attack. Well, I've made it through. Now to level grind like no tommorow!
  11. ...well, then you'd be screwed. Serves you right for LVgrinding before your rival fight. Alternatively, you can shrug and wander around until that doesn't happen. Also, PART TWO! - To put up with Wally The two additions to the team - Other Fighter and HM/Pickup slave, leaving the female Zigzagoon to do all the work. Twisty has Headbutt Life is now worse for everything on the mainland. This is the best text to get from Pickup. Except maybe Full Restore. ...that's also nice. Twisty gets an ATK boost~ Wally is a lucky shite. Crap. That's going to get old and annoying quickly...
  12. Rules: - I cannot use my starter past first fight/Catching first pokemon - If a pokemon faints, it is dead forever - I can only catch the first pokemon I see in each area AFTER I get some balls - All pokemon must have silly names - I can only buy the lowest-level Ball/Potion from each store - If my commentary fails to be humerous, I punch myself BEGIN! Act 01: Get the stupid stuff over with and find me new Starter out on Route 101 Gone2Ground looks stupid on the trainer card >_> Because every parent lets their child ride in the back of the moving truck, waiting to be flattened. Probably couldn't even get cel reception, the poor kid. Does anyone at all set these? Ever? It's not like Day/Night is in GenIII... WHY IS THE AGE SOMETHING YOU'D BRING UP?! Well, this just got...creepy... Well, she seems normal. ...getting...creepy... But here's my number- So call me maybe~! THERE! I DID IT! I GAVE IN! I MADE A CARLY RAY JEPSEN JOKE! ARE YOU HAPPY NOW INTERNET?! ARE YOU?! Rejected player character applicant. Reason: Too much of a pussy. Well gee, I've already done one meme today, why not do some more while I'm fucking at it. Because she is. Why do all three adults in this town want us to hook up... ...whatever, I've always wanted a creepy ass moe anime stalker. Upside of using Mudkip: May has the shite starter. This relationship is escalating scarily fast... OUR NEW STARTER, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! ROUTE 101 REPRESENT! Wait a second, I'm playing Ruby. And that means... WOO! PICK-UP IS BROKEN AS ALL FUCK! Wait, she's level two This is gonna suck for a while... Now gtfo, Temp. You served us well. ONWARDS, TO GREAT JUSTICE!
  13. I like most of them, but the coloration on Blood Valter seems a little...off to me. IDK why, it just hurts my eyes to look at it - maybe less of a direct clash with the coat might be in order (From brightish red to dull green? OW MY EYES)
  14. How many other random trainers don't have a starter? What if that WAS their starter? ... Rules: 1. You cannot use your starter, except to catch the first pokemon you see after you get balls, ala Nuzlocke. Box it, release it, whatever, but after your first catch it must never be seen again. 2. Your first pokemon is now your new Starter, and you must always have it in your party. Yes, even if it's a Bidoof. Can be combined with Nuzlocke for extra silliness. I did this with Ruby (I'd played through that damn game too many times) last night, and my new Starter was a Poochyena called Zack. He was friggin' AWESOME. Anyone up for it?
  15. It would also have to suck, for balance reasons. Like, 3.5 Acid Splash which does less than a friggin punch sucky.
  16. The Hunger Games is overrated as a series. It just gets more ridiculous with each book, although not quite to Eragon levels, and the film didn't really do anything for me. If I wanted to read about teenagers killing each other I'll stick to Battle Royale, thanks
  17. Well Miciah had Sacrifice, and you could just chain-heal on Easy/Normal (It kept Laura away from the pointy sticks, at least Miccy coulc counterattack), but it does sound like a fairly stupid idea. So, unless mages came with those spells and a truckload of HP, unlikely to be done well. EDIT: For counterattacks: Don't have one, and buff the spells so you kill them first try more often. This ties into the fluff in a lot of RPG's about how if you disrupt a spellcaster's concentration they can't hit jack shite, and the best way to do that is make them useless on the enemy turn.
  18. Other than having to code another system into an already complex game back in the NES era? Maybe because it's been done before? How are you going to pass down Legendary spells if you're using a MP system instead of the Tome-uses? How would you allocate MP off of FE stats, by the user's MAG store? Would MP cost more for higher spells, or would it be augmentable (I put 1-10mp into this spell, higher making it more powerful)? If augmentable, a bunch of different spells or just one?
  19. ....are you saying that isn't the default mode of interaction with a younger sister?
  20. I don't use her because she sucks. And coming from someone who actively tries to use Fiona at every possible turn (I brought her into Endgame once, she KICKED ASS), that's saying something.
  21. I'm sorry, I saw the title and all I could think was... ...why? You don't need to be a film student to see all the things WRONG with this movie, even if all you have to go from is the trailer. They still can't act, the writing is abominable and the special effects are ludicrous. Example: They are fighting on a lake. A frozen lake. In winter. WHY THE HELL IS NO-ONES BREATH MISTING?! Before you give me the 'undead' bullcrap, the WEREWOLVES aren't dead, why isn't THEIR breath misting.
  22. A whole bunch of crazy-ass Warmachine minis. I love my uncle.
  23. I think our butthurt originates from the cancellation of Legends 3 because Capcom didn't get enough fan support...despite not telling us they needed fan support...fuck capcom.
  24. I wanna be 7 and persuade my parents to NOT throw out the perfect condition SNES. Telling them that there's no use for it was the stupidest moment of my life.
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