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Everything posted by Gone2Ground

  1. I kind of want all of Awakening to be a surprise, to be honest. Well, the bits of it I managed to not get in trailers. Rings work like Bands and Knight Wards from the Tellius series, as does the Seraph Robe/Draco-shield. The other consumable items are still consumable, though. Unarmed is just making an attack without a weapon - it's mentioned in the Combat chapter I'm working on after the Character Creation. Mamkutes/Laguz/Those Rabbit-people/Dragons etc. are going to be one of the last things I do, and they'll be in the 'Setting Packs' I make once the actual game is finalized.
  2. I'm staying the hell away from anything involving FE13 due to spoiler reasons. I'm actually giving Dancer's swords from FE4, and the Rings can be given to any unit for regular bonuses (Like rings from other games). The Knives are there as well, but I'm debating if all units should be able to use them or just some of them. The help would be appreciated, just hang on until the beta PDF is finished if you don't mind.
  3. I split Anima as I wanted an element from FE10 in the game, and the double-layered Magic system is the most obvious to pick. Dancers use Swords as their only weapons, and Bard is actually a promotion choice for the Dancers. The promotions are indeed double branched. So, you could have a class that uses Light, Dark and Staves, as all characters keep their previous skills and weapon levels after promotion. I'm probably going to need some help making some of the third-teir classes, as we only have FE10 for that and only so many of them...but Third-Tier is going to take a while to do anyway, so no need to worry. (Sage into Archsage or Saint, BTW) (Mage Knight into basically Sage on a horse or Mage Knight on a Pegasus)
  4. Mastery Skills are planned to be part of the Third-Tier promotion, as each promotion will provide a few new Innate skills (Masteries will be one of them) There isn't going to be any reclassing, but the promotions will be branched. No other classes have the Anima Mage deal, it's just them.
  5. FIONA. Why? Because when she finally levels up, she's freaking awesome. With regen that is good if you kept Imbue on her.
  6. Ah, that makes more sense. Priests have slightly more STR than Clerics, so they can use heavier Light tomes after promotion (And have a chance of doing damage with their staffs), while Clerics have slightly more LCK than Priests, so they're more likely to dodge/hit/etc. There's no in-combat skills that are Class specific, or at least there aren't in the Beta (Unless you count the Dances!)
  7. (Please note that, because this is not an actual chapter, some of the entries may not make sense. This is just so people can create their Beta characters properly.) SKILLS Ride – Any of the Ride skills allow you to ride the specified animal without penalties. They are: · Ride: Horse (Ride any kind of Horse) · Ride: Pegasus (Any kind of Pegasus) · Ride: Wyvern (Any kind of Wyvern) Drive – Any of the Drive skills allow you to pilot or drive the specified vehicle. They are: · Drive: Boat (You can sail a ship of any kind) · Drive: Cart (You can drive a cart, drawn by horses) Track Animal – By rolling a D%, you can track any animal to its burrow/nest and current location if you find their first tracks. The difficulties to roll under are, at the GM's discretion, as follows: · Easy: 75% or lower · Routine: 65% or lower · Hard: 50% or lower · Difficult: 25% or lower Planning – A character with Planning can organize large activities, not necessarily of the building kind. This provides a bonus of +10 to any skill check's difficulty level that involves planning something ahead of time. Forestry – A character with the Forestry skill knows how to survive in the forest, and which plants are edible and which are poisonous. They also know the proper techniques to cut down trees and how to spot which ones will take less time. Swim – A character with the Swim skill does not have to make a Difficult Terrain check to swim through a body of water, unless they wish to move at full speed. Climb – A character with the Climb skill reduces the difficulty of any action involving climbing by 1. Example: A 'Hard' (Roll under 50) climb check to reach a Wyvern cave is instead made Routine (65%) by a character with the Climb skill. Pillage – A character with the Pillage skill gains bonuses to setting buildings on fire or smashing down doors. The bonuses should be applied at the GM's discretion. Discipline – A character with the Discipline skill increases one of their weapon levels every 5 experience levels instead of 10. Cancel – A character with the Cancel skill has a chance to stop an enemy making a counterattack. The chance of it activating is equal to their Skill and Luck combined. Shade – A character with the Shade skill has a chance equal to their Luck x2 of not being attacked until their next turn. It is always activated, and they should make the check at the end of their turns. Gamble – A character with the Gamble skill can reduce their chance of hitting by any % to increase their critical chance by ½ that number, rounding up. Example: A Myrmidon uses Gamble to reduce his chance of hitting from 90% to 80%, boosting his Critical chance by 5%. Vantage – A character with the Vantage skill will always attack first, even on the opponent's turn. Wrath – A character with the Wrath skill gains a +25% chance to have a critical hit when below half their health. Elite – A character with the Elite skill gains a permanent bonus of +2 to one characteristic of the player's choice (+8 if HP is selected). Adept – A character with the Adept skill has a chance to attack once again in a row with every attack they make. The activation chance is equal to ½ their combined Skill, Speed and Luck. Tempest – A character with the Tempest skill can skip their next turn to double their Damage output until the end of this turn. Knife – A character with the Knife skill can use Knife weapons. Sneak – A character with the Sneak skill can make a Sneak check to become invisible for either 10 minutes (Outside of combat) or until the start of their next turn (Combat). To pass a Sneak check, make a roll underneath their combined Skill and Luck x 5. The GM can increase or decrease this number through his discretion. Locksmith – A character with the Locksmith skill can both make their own locks, improve existing locks, and make a Pick Lock check with a +20% bonus to the difficulty level. Vigilant – A character with the Vigilant skill gains a permanent +10% bonus to their Dodge. Celerity – A character with the Celerity skill increases their M value by 2. Critical +X – A character with any form of Critical +X skill gains a bonus to their Critical value equal to X. Prayer – A character with 10 or less hit points gains +20% to dodge with this skill. Blessing – At the beginning of the character with this skill's turn, all adjacent characters may gain HP equal to this character's MAG stat. Dance of Energy – A character with this skill may perform this Dance instead of their usual turn. All allied units may immediately make another move, another attack OR use another item. Dance of Inspiration – A character with this skill may perform this Dance instead of their usual turn. All allied units become Inspired if they can see this character. Dance of Might – A character with this skill may perform this dance instead of their usual turn. All allied units gain +1 STR and +1 MAG until the start of this character's next turn. Serenity - A character with this skill gains a +10% to accuracy if they did not make an attack last turn. This bonus is not cumulative.
  8. 1. Five 'Careers' divided into Classes. All the Careers do is generate your bases, and tell you which classes you can be. 2. There are indeed out-of-combat skills! Most of these are 'innate', and come with the classes. The in-combat skills are selected during character creation, and you can get more by finding Scrolls. 3. When you create an Anima Mage, they have Fire: E, Thunder: E and Wind: E. The player chooses which of the weapons to Level Up every 5 EXP levels, which shall be covered in more-depth in the Leveling Up chapter. The skills have not been posted yet, but I'm going to put up an incomplete 'list' right now, which I will replace with the actual chapter when I finish it.
  9. It depends if you want more Maueverability (Raiders have the Nomads, Pirates and Brigands, so they go places) or the slightly higher chance to hit something. I'm trying to make all of the careers and the classes within as balanced as possible.
  10. Daily Update April 22nd: - Minor class balancing issues - Raider classes added ToDo Week 2: - Remaining Character classes - Skill chapter - 'Mounts' chapter and PDF stat sheets - PDF-ify Character Creation+Class List+Skills - Make cover page/signature banner ** So far: 2 Peg Votes (Alyssa's staying, then) 2 Thief vote 1 Shaman/Anima Mage vote 2 Priest/Cleric votes 1 Pirate vote
  11. ...is anyone else really not surprised that of all states, FLORIDA is the one doing something this stupid? I've watched way too many episodes of What the Fuck is Wrong with You? to take anything Florida-people do seriously (No offense intended)
  12. That's the problem I had with it. I want to see FE4/5 remade, with the Generation system going so deep that you play 5 in the middle of 4pt1 and 4pt2. All good mechanics from Thracia (Capture, etc) would be added to FE4, and FE5 will have the more open maps of FE4.
  13. I have been staying the hell away from the Kakusei section of the board, compressing myself to the 'Entertainment' section and the FERPG thread. So I know nothing. Thank Insert higher diety of your choice here.
  14. He will find them, it's just debatable if he'll survive the encounter or not.
  15. So King of Westeros = Batshit insane Mass-Murdering leader of an army of cannibals? With a wolf? Aerys makes more sense now.
  16. All I'm going to say is it doesn't work out like that. Like, at all. Littlefinger won't rule supreme. He doesn't need to - he's doing it already.
  17. Daily Update April 21st: - Warrior and Rogue career classes added - Weapon Levels added into Character Creation - Some table problems fixed
  18. CH2 – Classes WARRIOR CLASSES ARCHER Archers are people who have used bows all their lives, hunting to supply their villages as a youth before being recruited by local guards for the obligatory two-year militia service. Some stay for longer, glad for the attention, but most leave afterwards and either return home or set out to make a name for themselves. They are normally easygoing and good to get along with. ** ..................HP......STR......MAG......SKL......SPD......LCK......DEF......RES......FEL.......LD......M Bases......0............0.........0............+1........+1............0....... -2........ -1.......... +1...... 0........ 0 Growth.. 60+2d...25+2d..10+2d..35+2d...30+2d...20+2d....25+2d..15+2d..30+2d...20+2d ** Weapon Level: Bow D Trappings: Iron Bow Herb INNATE SKILLS: Track Animal SKILL CHOICES: Cancel, Shade, Gamble SOLDIER Soldiers are troopers who have spent some time as conscripts in militia or the army, and have been taught how to use a lance. Most Soldiers begin really pathetically, but a small number have true talent – and these often become amongst the world's greatest mercenaries and adventurers. ** ..................HP......STR......MAG......SKL......SPD......LCK......DEF......RES......FEL.......LD......M Bases......+5.......+1.........-1............0........0............0............+1........ -1.......... 0...... 0........ 0 Growth.. 50+2d...35+2d..15+2d..50+2d...45+2d...20+2d...30+2d..10+2d....25+2d...25+2d Weapon Level: Lance D Trappings: Iron Lance, Herb INNATE SKILLS: Discipline SKILL CHOICES: Vantage, Wrath, Cancel MERCENARY Mercenaries are common sellswords, out to fight for the highest bidder. Occasionally they may be found as a member of a local military force, where their skills with a blade are instrumental in driving off bandit raids, as does their knowledge of logistics. ** ..................HP......STR......MAG......SKL......SPD......LCK......DEF......RES......FEL.......LD......M Bases......+5.......+1.........-1............+1........+1............0.........0........ -1.......... 0...... 0........ 0 Growth.. 60+2d...40+2d..10+2d....40+2d...45+2d...20+2d...25+2d..10+2d....30+2d...30+2d Weapon Level: Sword D Trappings: Iron Sword, Herb INNATE SKILLS: Planning SKILL CHOICES: Discipline, Elite, Adept FIGHTER Fighters are men who have picked up an axe and used it to defend themselves and their friends, whether in the military or by themselves. They are also recognized for their utility outside of combat – they were often lumberjacks before becoming fighters, so their knowledge of the forest and fires has helped many an adventuring group through a hard winter. ..................HP......STR......MAG......SKL......SPD......LCK......DEF......RES......FEL.......LD......M Bases......+10.......+2.........-1............0........0............0..........-2........ -3.......... 0...... 0........ 0 Growth.. 75+2d...55+2d....5+2d....35+2d....35+2d...40+2d...20+2d.....5+2d....20+2d...10+2d Weapon Level: Axe D Trappings: Iron Axe, Herb INNATE SKILLS: Forestry SKILL CHOICES: Tempest, Wrath, Provoke ROGUE CLASSES THIEF Thieves are, well, thieves. They sneak into places, steal something, and then waltz back out. If they're good, they get rich, if they're not, they get press-ganged into military service as spies. Most actually prefer this life, and once they leave it decide to become adventurers to use their new skills to push the frontier of life…officially, that is. Most just want to get out of town before the mayor wonders where that new pocket watch is. ..................HP......STR......MAG......SKL......SPD......LCK......DEF.........RES...........FEL............LD......M Bases......0.......-1.........-1............+1........+2............0..........-2............. -3...............+3............ -2........ 0 Growth.. 45+2d...25+2d....5+2d....40+2d....55+2d...40+2d..15+2d.....5+2d....20+2d.........10+2d Weapon Level: N/A Trappings: Knife, Herb, 10d10 Gold Pieces in stolen goods INNATE SKILLS: Knife, Sneak, Locksmith SKILL CHOICES: Shade, Vigilant, Celerity MYRMIDON Myrmidons are wandering swordmasters, honing their blades in combat and yearning to become heroes of the songs, and earn a title to themselves. Often, they become involved in adventuring groups in the hopes that they will perform some mighty deed and their blade will be remembered for years to come. ..................HP......STR......MAG......SKL......SPD......LCK..........DEF..........RES............FEL.......LD..........M Bases......0..........0.........-1............+2..........+1............0..........-2........ -3................ +1.............. -1............ 0 Growth.. 55+2d...30+2d....5+2d....50+2d....50+2d...25+2d...20+2d.....15+2d.........20+2d...10+2d Weapon Level: Sword D Trappings: Iron Sword, Herb INNATE SKILLS: Critical +5 SKILL CHOICES: Vantage, Adept, Counter DANCER Dancers wander from town to town, performing to please locals and leaving once the money stops flowing in. Trained in the simplest art of the blade in order to defend themselves, they rely on their special dances in order to inspire their allies in battle. ..................HP......STR......MAG......SKL......SPD......LCK......DEF.........RES...........FEL............LD......M Bases......0............0........-1............+2........+1............0..........-2............. -3..........+4............ -2........ 0 Growth.. 45+2d...10+2d....30+2d...10+2d...10+2d...40+2d...10+2d.....35+2d......55+2d.........10+2d Weapon Levels: Sword E Trappings: Slim Sword, Herb INNATE SKILLS: Dance of Energy, Dance of Inspiration SKILL CHOICES: Prayer, Blessing, Dance of Might RAIDER CLASSES PIRATE Pirates are raiders of the sea, preferring the freedom the ocean offers to the confined spaces of the land. They are strong swimmers, and are also among the best sailors the world has to offer. In combat, they come in fast, and they come in hard – if they can hit their opponents. ..................HP......STR......MAG......SKL......SPD......LCK......DEF......RES......FEL.......LD..........M Bases......0............+2.........-1...........0........+1............0....... -2........ -1.........-1...... -1............ 0 Growth.. 65+2d...60+2d..10+2d…15+2d...40+2d...20+2d...15+2d..10+2d..20+2d...20+2d Weapon Level: Axe D Trappings: Hand Axe, Herb INNATE SKILLS: Swim, Drive: Boat, Pillage SKILL CHOICES: Tempest, Gamble, Provoke BRIGAND Brigands are bandits who live in the mountains, descending to raid villages for the resources needed to survive. They are tough, hardy people, striking hard when they do hit, and often taking many themselves before finally submitting. ..................HP......STR......MAG......SKL......SPD......LCK......DEF......RES......FEL.......LD..........M Bases......+10.........+2.........-1...........-1........+1............0....... -2........ -1.........-1...... -1............ 0 Growth.. 85+2d...60+2d..10+2d…15+2d…..25+2d...20+2d...15+2d...0+2d…15+2d...15+2d Weapon Level: Axe D Trappings: Vulnerary, Iron Axe INNATE SKILLS: Climb, Pillage SKILL CHOICES: Provoke, Tempest, Smite NOMAD Nomads are the horsemen and women of the plains, striking at those who dare try to befoul their purity with cities and stone buildings. They focus on riding swiftly, many arrows raining on their foes, before retreating out of the line of fire once again. Outside of combat, they are capable hunters and trackers. ..................HP......STR......MAG......SKL......SPD......LCK......DEF......RES......FEL.......LD..........M Bases......0.........+1.........-1...........+1........+1............0....... -2........ -1.........0...... 0........... 0 Growth.. 50+2d...25+2d…5+2d…50+2d…..60+2d...30+2d...10+2d...5+2d…20+2d...25+2d Weapon Levels: Bow D Trappings: Herb, Short Bow, Horse INNATE SKILLS: Track Animal, Ride: Horse, Canto SKILL CHOICES: Serenity, Savior, Adept KNIGHT CLASSES PEGASUS KNIGHT Pegasus Knights are a graceful order of knights, compromised solely of women. They hail from the large city-state of Silverfall, where they are the main enforcers of law and order. In order to be inducted, a young girl must form a bond with a young Pegasus at birth. Then, when it reaches riding age, they have to set out and hunt down a wild Wyvern, killing it. They are expected to gain much experience while out in the world, and often join adventuring groups with this in mind. Occasionally, they do not return to Silverfall, preferring this new life of freedom and danger. ..................HP......STR......MAG......SKL......SPD......LCK......DEF......RES......FEL.......LD..........M Bases......0...........-2.........+1...........+1........+2............0....... -3........ +3.........+1...... 0........... +1 Growth.. 70+2d…20+2d...10+2d...30+2d….35+2….35+2d…20+2d…20+2d...20+2d..20+2d Weapon Levels: Lance D Trappings: Slim Lance, Herb, Young Pegasus INNATE SKILLS: Canto, Ride:Pegasus SKILL CHOICES: Adept, Vantage, Savior CAVALIER Cavaliers are the world’s most common form of knight, and make up the mainstay of many a nobleman’s guard. They are dutiful to the end, and skilled riders, who can use both sword and lance. Often, they ..................HP......STR......MAG......SKL......SPD......LCK......DEF......RES.........FEL.......LD..........M Bases......0...........-2.........+1...........+1........+2............0....... -3........ +3.........+1...... 0........... 0 Growth.. 75+2d…40+2d...10+2d...40+2d….35+2….15+2d…20+2d…20+2d...15+2d..35+2d Weapon Levels: Lance D, Sword D Trappings: Iron Lance, Iron Sword, Herb, Trained Horse INNATE SKILLS: Joust, Canto, Ride:Horse SKILL CHOICES: Tempest, Gamble, Wrath WYVERN KNIGHT Wyvern Knights belong to the Order of the Red Sky, an organization of knights-for-hire who live in the mountains, training the Wyverns at great risk to their own lives. They often come into clash with the more peaceful Pegasus Knights, resulting in a high level of tension between the city of Silverfall and the Order. Some Wyvern Knights join bands of adventurers to hone their skills, but they always return to the Order eventually, using their newfound reputation to drive costs of hiring members of the Order up even higher. ..................HP......STR......MAG......SKL......SPD......LCK......DEF......RES......FEL.......LD..........M Bases......0...........+1.........-1...........+1........+2............0.......+2........-1.........+1...... 0........... 0 Growth.. 70+2d…30+2d...10+2d...25+2d….30+2….35+2d…35+2d…15+2d...30+2d..15+2d Weapon Levels: Axe D Trappings: Iron Axe, Herb, Tamed Wyvern INNATE SKILLS: Canto, Ride:Wyvern SKILL CHOICES: Tempest, Wrath, Savior ARMOR KNIGHT Armor Knights are rare on Candrum – the dangers of the world is normally enough to drive away those who would wear armor that is constraining enough. When encountered, though, they are foes to be reckoned with, forming almost invincible bulwarks unless Magic is brought to bear. They are respected leaders, and are often placed in command. ..................HP......STR......MAG......SKL......SPD......LCK......DEF......RES......FEL.......LD..........M Bases......+5...........+2.........+1...........-1........-1............0....... +3........-3.......-1...... +3...........-2 Growth.. 60+2d…20+2d...0+2d...20+2d….20+2….25+2d…30+2d…0+2d...25+2d..40+2d Weapon Levels: Lance D Trappings: Iron Lance, Herb INNATE SKILLS: Command, Planning SKILL CHOICES: Guard, Smite, Provoke
  19. Insomniac for nostalgia. I used to have Square, but then X-2 happened and all forgiveness was lost. Now Valve, because VALVE.
  20. Ah, but if Arya truly becomes no-one, than Nymeria will Reverse-Warg into her. Bran won't get killed off - he's going to show us who Jon's parents are! He is the ultimate exposition device now he's in a tree!
  21. Maybe Tyrion, because the fans will be outside GRRM's house with pitchforks and torches should he die. And I shall be leading them. Also maybe Arya - didn't his wife threaten to divorce him if she died? Author cannot get a break...
  22. That is hilarious. You've not given the Myrm bonuses yet though, and I'm working on making sure stuff like that doesn't happen. Current Beta will have him end up with 6 RES and 2 DEF, but +2 seems a bit extreme when your chances of getting a 0 or 1 is...well, 2/10. Getting a 5 or higher with what amounts to a +1 bonus is 5/10, and Myrms with high base DEF are stupid. This is why I need playtesters! Thanks for the curiousity!
  23. To be fair, Bronn is the only character who ended up in a better position at the end of each book. 1. Mercenary to Lannister Bodyguard 2. Bodyguard to Knight 3. Knight to Lord 4. Lord to Person-pisses-off-Cersei-and-gets-away-with-it-laughing 5. Happens at the same time as 4, not seen. So... 6. Person to General 7. General to King It would follow the trend, and be hilarious.
  24. Daenerys is there to be a plot point, that is all. As soon as Tyrion gets his act together no-one will care when Dany is in the same room, anyway. I actually really like Jon Snow as a character. Even if the L+R=J theory isn't true, he's still going to do a lot of great things [spoiler=Dance with Dragons and Fan Theories]if he gets back up from being stabbed four times. For the uninitated, L+R=J is a fan theory saying that Jon Snow is the son of Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen. There's some evidence for it, but not much. Pretty popular, though, and a good idea. There's still more evidence for it than Syrio Forel = Jaquen H'gar = Kindly Man
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