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Posts posted by MoskalMedia

  1. Thank you all so much for your thorough replies! This helped clarify everything for me. 

    I have another question about reclassing that just occurred to me. The first time I played the game, I was a bit inexperienced with reclassing, so I think I made a few mistakes. Mainly, I kept thinking about promotion in terms of regular Fire Emblem games and not promoting some of my characters until they were a higher level; whereas in this game you can just promote a unit at level 10 if you want to without having to worry about it, since you can always reclass later.

    Let's say I want to pair Robin with Lissa, and I want to pass down Galeforce to Lissa's children. What would be the best way to go about this?

    1) Get Lissa to level 10. Use a second seal on Lissa to make her a Pegasus Knight. When she becomes level 10 Pegasus Knight, promote her into a Dark Flier. Get her to level 15, pass down Galeforce.

    2). Get Lissa to level 10. Use a master seal on her so she becomes a War Cleric. When she reaches level 10, use a second seal and reclass her into a Dark Flier. Get her to level 15, pass down Galeforce.

    Which option would be the easiest/quickest choice for passing down the skill? Is there an efficient way to make my characters get good skills quickly through reclassing? 

  2. Hello everyone,

    I am a huge Fire Emblem fan and the series has been a huge part of my life since childhood. I grew up with Path of Radiance, Radiant Dawn, FE7, and The Sacred Stones, and I have beaten those games several times. I started playing Fire Emblem: Awakening a few years ago and I loved the game.

    During my first Awakening run, I got about 2/3rds of the way through the game, and I wanted to finish it. However, I think that was during my last semester of undergraduate classes in college, and at the time, I just got too overwhelmed by schoolwork. I put the game down, got too busy, and never picked it up again.

    Well, now I have a Master's degree and I'm finally done with school! I am getting back into gaming and I am excited to return to the Fire Emblem games. I want to replay Awakening and then go on to play Fates and Three Houses afterwards. I have a few questions about Awakening before I start the game up again, and I figured I should ask the board here.


    1) Does the Support Conversation log record ALL the supports you've unlocked, regardless of whether you've beaten the game?

    Since I was 2/3rds of the way through the game the last time I played it, I got a lot of support conversations from my old save file. I know that when you beat the game, you unlock extras, like the Support Conversation log. Would I need to finish that incomplete save file in order to get the supports registered? I was originally going to delete the old save file and just start fresh. Should keep that save file until I beat the game again?


    2) How hard is hard mode?

    I originally played the game on Normal Mode. I remember that there were some surprisingly difficult moments in the early game, but I think I reached a point where the game went from being moderately challenging to super easy. Is Hard Mode a huge step up from Normal Mode? I'm thinking that when I start the game again, I should do it on Hard instead of Normal this time, as long as it's not really difficult.

    I would like to be able to get all the child characters. While I intend to get good skills for them, I don't think I'm going to obsessively try to get the best possible stats/skill combinations for the child characters. Is it too difficult to do this in Hard Mode? 


    3) Is the DLC worth it?

    I know the game has some DLC chapters, but I don't know much about the DLC. Are the DLC missions worthwhile? Do they add anything to the story, or are they similar to the trial maps in previous games?


    Finally, do you have any other tips/advice for starting the game again?

    Thank you so much for your help!

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