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Ema Skye

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About Ema Skye

  • Birthday 02/13/1994


  • Member Title
    Note: FE fans love their waifu above all else

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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Shadow Dragon

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  1. So, you have a Wii U? Do you mind if I friend you on it? My Nintendo Network ID is Player¼. You'll have to allow friends by going on the home menu and accessing the friend list from there. I got quite a collection of Miiverse drawings that you may want to see.

    1. Ema Skye

      Ema Skye

      I do have a Wii U, but I had to send it back to Nintendo because it got bricked from one of the softwear updates. So I'm just waiting for it come back. But yeah, I'll friend you on it when it comes back.

    2. Randoman


      It bricked on you? Sorry to hear that. I've heard reports about that happening, but I didn't think it was common to the point of it actually happening to someone here on SF, especially since not many people on SF own a Wii U. What date did that happen? I remember one of the earlier updates was supposed to prevent bricking.

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