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Everything posted by Deity

  1. One ring to rule them all.
  2. Use to have everything backwards. --nm.
  3. Put some black armor on those legs and it would rock.
  4. *Shakes head* I dunno if you are being honest or not, but you did seem to be dragging me there. Anyway, like I said, it was just a silly question.
  5. Great, how many level ups have gone by? I'm now over 10000.
  6. You almost said it. And, was I a bad guy, I'd reported many posts that tended to ridicule me, make fun of me, flame me, etc. But I didn't because I don't take things like that seriously. Take for example that topic that some dude made flaming me and calling out all others who hated me. Remember that one? I simply shook my head when I read it and laughed. As to the question I posted here in this thread, people tend to joke alot with me, some do it in a bad way and I don't care. so when I post something that is intended as silliness, it gets taken for something offensive, which it isn't. Anyway, I'm a good person, so I apologize if you took that the wrong way. I was merely joking with the question, not serious about it.
  7. I'm not feeding anything, you people just tend to make matters worse out of nothing.
  8. Right, everything I post is posted with bad intentions. Give me a break! You people need to get your brains upgraded.
  9. We're like at 22 now, dude. If you own a ps2, you should try them.
  10. Oh I see. So just because I joked around with a question I did something wrong? What if I go back and bring up all the posts that members made here that I thought were posted with statements such as the ones you believe I posted? I guess that means that I have been stated more than often!
  11. Lol I was talking to Ankle, or Ananke, whatever the name she uses now.
  12. I use to play MS too, too bad I got a new computer which does not let me play it. His current name has something to do with Destiny. --Edit--Damn it, foiled again. He's an egg.
  13. Speak english, come out straight with it. You don't need to hide behind that armor of yours.
  14. Thanks for the add. *Adds*

  15. So you accuse me of something I did not do?
  16. Damn straight I am. ^^ Member number triple9. --Damn it. She's a thunder goddess.
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