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Posts posted by kellyf

  1. On 2/9/2021 at 4:31 PM, LeifOfLeonsterTranslations said:



    Link to translation on Google Docs (Links to the folder with the translation, plus folders with high quality files of the image and art scans.)

    Link to translation on tumblr (Includes links to my other FE novel translations as well.)

    Update: This project is now 100% complete! 🥳 Please look forward to next year's projects, the completion of the FE4 short story translations, and the beginning of the FE7 novel translation!


    Follow me on tumblr for new translations the moment I finish them! I also have twitter, but since it is secondary in my brain to my tumblr and Google Drive, I tend to update it really late.

    I also do FE game localization vs. Japanese translations and analysis posts, so follow if you are interested in those as well!

    FE8 was the second most popular option on my poll, so translating this novel set is my major project for 2021! Its 2 books are the longest of any of any FE novel series not divided into 3~4 books, so it's an ambitious project to do in just a year, but I'm determined! Enjoy. 🙂



    You're doing great! I liked the translation. Keep up the good work. 

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