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Posts posted by Siraa

  1. On 8/28/2019 at 2:43 PM, psy_wombats said:

    Yeah, that scene's what I'm talking about. It feels like they say "we will never see eye to eye!!" to each other half a dozen times, and maybe I misremember but beyond Dimitri yelling at Edelgard about sacrificing a lot of people, their positions aren't actually established. I feel like the game /wants/ to set this up as the primary difference between those two characters but skips ahead to this payoff argument scene without setting up Dimitri in opposition to Edelgard at all, and Edelgard's position is undermined by the question of how "invading every single other political entity in Fodlan" translates into achieving her ideals.

    I was expecting her route to attempt to explain some of that, but it jumps right back into the whole conquest thing and I don't think it really does a good job of justifying Edelgard so much as making her as a kind of like... more personable Ashnard? It seems like the route is less necessary to understand the plot per se, and more necessary to get x Edelgard endings haha

    like, she goes from "person with flimsy excuses to justify actions required by the plot" to "person with flimsy excuse to justify plot-required actions, but finally learns to express feelings and show weakness"

    What the heck lol. Did you not do Edelgard’s route with high support for her??? 


    She was literally tortured and had all eight of her siblings killed so that she could be forcibly given a crest, which is a hierarchical thing that was established and reinforced by the church and specifically done by somebody who worked for the church. She knows that the church is incredibly corrupt and harmful. I don’t know how much more reasoning you could possibly want for her to go against the church beyond ‘they tortured her and killed her whole family’ like tf??? 

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