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Posts posted by Jagen

  1. So just how many hair colors has Navarre had over the years so far??? At this point in time he's had black, brown, blue, green, red, and purple. And the fact that his hair color literally changed here when he class changes doesn't help either.

    Also, gotta give props to Navarre's little demon tail.

    Edit: Neat little easter egg how Navarre is wearing the same orb on his belt that he wears in his Shadow dragon art.

  2. No, because none of these concepts are exclusive to Persona.

    Hell, most Persona games aren't even like this.

    It still gives of more of a Persona vibe than SMT. The gameplay system here is nearly identical to Persona's instead of SMT visual wise. Even the whole Persona/Performa concept is more or less the same.

  3. When did Marth do anything close to that in the War of Shadows?

    I'm sure you're referring to Elice's talk with Kris. That's not really one of New Mystery's better moments considering how Marth acted in Shadow Dragon and the shilling Kris gets.

    The English version of Marth is far different from his actually Japanese counterpart in Shadow Dragon. In the English version of Shadow Dragon they made him much more calm, collected, and overall a real leader while in the Japanese was more naive and innocent. So what Elice is talking about in FE12 actually is accurate.

    And on topic, yeah. I agree with Dragoncat about, if Marth wasn't royalty, he'd be dead long ago. Marth may be one of my favorite characters in the entire series, but I won't deny that he's also one of the most idiotic/childish at times.

  4. Still need to play the first one. How does this compare to Etrian Odyssey/SMT?

    When it comes to the story, I'd say it's far better than either of those two. Great great characters, great world, great plot twists(Really there are a LOT and you wont see any of them coming). And don't even get me started on the music. yoko shimomura really shines here. The only downside I would have would be that the grid like gameplay system is a bit difficult to understand at first and takes some getting use to, but after you get the hang of it, it's pretty fun/interesting.

    It honestly makes me wonder how it's taken so long for interest in a sequel to be brought up.

  5. Sirius (FE12)

    HP: 95%

    STR: 65%

    MAG: 0%

    SKL: 60%

    SPD: 50%

    LCK: 60%

    DEF: 50%

    Palla (FE12) (HALVED)

    HP: 35%

    STR: 30%

    MAG: 0%

    SKL: 45%

    SPD: 15%

    LCK: 10%

    DEF: 15%

    Resulting kid

    HP: 130%
    STR: 95%
    MAG: 0%
    SKL: 105%
    SPD: 65%
    LCK: 70%
    DEF: 65%
    I just really wanted to see what would happen if you take the two arguably strongest characters in the game and put them together. obvious enough, they certainly don't disappoint.
  6. Tsubasa's trailer got uploaded two days ago, as well as a video showcasing side stories. Blog posts from Tsubada's VA, Shiida's/Caeda's VA were also posted, alongside a post regarding the CD that comes with the fortissimo edition of the game. It includes 6 songs, though only 5 of them is known right now

    Also, toi8's art for Tsubasa was posted on Twitter. Here's one via FE JP, and here is the other one from toi8's own Twitter page

    Looks like the side story trailer more or less confirms that the person in the green suit is going to have Abel as their mirage since Cain turns into a red suit of armor for Tomo. The green suit even sounds similar to Abel's voice form the FE anime.

  7. I really hope somebody translates these soon. I doubt any of them will have mirages, but on the off chance that they do, I would definitely see that guy with the scar over his eye and the red satchel having Ogma or the guy with the purple hair and red/orange scarf could have Xane. He just really gives off a manakete vibe to me probably because of the firey scarf and the circles on his outfit somewhat looks like dragon scales.

    and as for the one on the top left. Something tells me we may just have Tiki's #1 fan.

  8. Playing Fire Emblem Awakening. It's a fine game in its own right, but at the same time, it created to many plotholes(Tiki going insane, Earth Dragon's return, etc.) and left to many things unexplained in the Akaneian timeline. It pains me to look back on Awakening because I know there's little chance of them ever going back to clear some things up.

  9. http://www.deculture.es/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/tsubasa-oribe-dlc-atlus-fe-03.jpg

    Found something interesting in a new screenshot. On the right with the party members, we get to see that blue haired character that appeared earlier in another trailer on a billboard with the green haired lyn lookalike. Turns out he's going to have a mirage of his own as well. Although I can't really tell who it is since the screenshot isn't that big, but whoever it is appears to be of the hero class assuming that's what the sword symbol means. My first thought was the My Unit from FE12, but I don't know. Anyone else have a guess?

  10. Well I never thought Draug was that popular either, never really used him myself. But the most popular imo are Marth, Caeda, Minerva, Ogma, Navarre, and Tiki.

    Don't forget Camus and the the Whitewings(Catria, Palla, Est). There's a reason they've had the most appearances out of any character in the entire series. Including the lords, and even Marth.

    As for Draug, I think he has a huge following due to his character being a joke among the Japanese fandom. Similar to Wrys and Bantu.

  11. Best: Shadow Dragon without a doubt. Sure there is very little dialgue to be had with anybody who isn't Marth, Nyna, or Minerva, but what they do with that little dialogue is astounding.

    Worst: Radiant Dawn, for same reasons others have pointed out. Entire scenes were literally just cut out from the game.

  12. Blowin' in the Wind would be amusing. :P

    But seriously, are we talking just songs (which are, by definition, vocal pieces)? Or are you including instrumental pieces as well?

    I have to agree with Blowin' in the wind. That one, and the other one, "Wind" from BS Fire Emblem. I'm also expecting Tiki's theme to be there.

    As for what I hope is played there, I really hope they play Festival of Naga(from fe12 and the opening of the Fire Emblem OVA), Nyna the Forlone Princess, and/or Clash of Two Virtues.

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