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Posts posted by Jagen

  1. Okay, I am really curious about something. Does anyone know why Wrys looks the way he does in his 2nd card? In his first card he looks like his usual peaceful self, while in his 2nd card he looks insane. Is it some sort of joke i'm not getting or what? With the red eyes and pale skin it almost looks like hes being controlled by the darksphere.


  2. I know this is a very VERY out there theory but I hope he has a connection to Xane somehow. If this new fox character really is a shapeshifter, and if this game is set in the same world as Akaneia/Valentia(which is why Severa/Luna is in the game), maybe it could explain why Xane can shapeshift. Maybe Xane is part Yokou and part Manakete, and that's the reason he has both powers but lacks the fox ears.

    I dunno. I just really want Xane... I was disappointed that he wasn't in Awakening...

  3. So i'm sure others have already saw the new female armored knight. Is anyone else a little put off by the breasts that literally serve no other purpose than to be eye candy? Whenever I look at her, I can't help but think about just how much better the classic armored knights, like Sheema looked in the past.

  4. Sothe, Micaiah, Shiida and Lena.

    I agree with Soth, Micaiah, and especially Shiida, but I really have to disagree with Lena. The way she comes in chapter 3, and her amazing base stats make her one of the most useful characters in the entire game. And if we bring warpskipping into the mix she breaks the game in two.

  5. I'm really liking a lot the designs so far. Especially M!Kamui, I might actually go with the default look if I don't find a better combination than that.

    Other than Kamui, I'm really digging Leon. Looking like a blonde Marth really helps, Leon is just so handsome and cute at the same time.

    I agree Leon Marth is the sole reason i'm siding with Nohr.


  6. Or at the very least, told Hardin the real reason she was going to marry him? After all, I think what really drove Hardin to despair, wasn't the fact that Nyna didn't really love him, but was because she lied to him, tricking him into believing his dream of marrying her had finally come true. I personally feel, that things could and most certainly would have gone a whole lot better.

    If she had married marth, then she could have just told Hardin the truth. That she had to marry someone as soon as possible to put the hearts of her people at ease. And the best way to do that, was by marrying the hero of the war of himself. Of course, Hardin would still be in denial, but he would definitely understand that its what must be done. At the very least, he wouldn't have been so weak as to fall to the darkspheres influences.

    What are your thought?

  7. Once I heard the "Onii-Chan" in the new Fire Emblem trailer, I knew we were gonna be in for one helluva ride. Course, it may just be in the Japanese titles, but I hate to think that something "kawaii" like Onii-Chan could penetrate a serious Fire Emblem game.

    "Onii-Chan!" has been in the series from the very beginning. Tiki calls Marth Onii-Chan in the first fire emblem game, its sequel, and both remakes.

  8. Yeah, I was kind of disappointed myself when I found out tey didn't have a support conversation. Especially when Cain can't get a support with ANYONE other than the MU and Abel only has two supports. One with Est, and again with the MU. I blame laziness/popularity. The characters everyone loves, like the white wings get tons of supports with multiple characters, while other characters get close to nothing. Merric should have definitely gotten a support with Marth and Ellerean. Not even Navarre and Ogma get a support with each other when they obviously should have. It would have also been hilarious to see a support with Navarre and Samto.

  9. no-one remembers 2

    I like the whole dynamic map from 2 when if you take too long enemy armies will spawn and move towards you (and congregate with other armies if possible). I think it's nice, but not essential.

    EDIT: Plus the fact that it has noted "non-combat" areas where you can freely walk around helps quite a bit. It breaks up the whole "walking from point A to point B" deal.

    I agree. I really want it to be similar to how Gaiden's map was done. I REALLY want them to bring back the addition to be able to walk around villages like in Gaiden.

  10. No, people were just calling the dancer "Nainin" as a joke. Some people thought they were serious and actually started calling her that. Her name is still a mystery. As for the other characters on the list, i'm not sure.

  11. Why do people not understand FE14 does not have to be connected to FE13

    I'm sure everyone knows that. It's just that with how well FE13 done, it wouldn't really be any surprise that the next game could be connected to it in some way. Especially considering the fact that most continents in the series, minus Magvel, had multiple games telling its story. There's also a huge amount of important events that take place in between Akaneia and Ylisse that really needs to be explained.

    That, and people just like to find similarities for the hell of it. People done the same when Awakening was being released. There were a ton of crazy theories, like how Chrom was related to Sigurd or how Marth and Roy was going to appear because to the dragons gate.

  12. I actually liked it in some cases when done correctly. Especially how they were done in FE12' X chapters where they actually balanced it out by having the maps be pretty small and have less units compared to other chapters.

    I honestly don't see it coming back though because of how much hate it gets.

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