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Posts posted by Jagen

  1. Now don't get me wrong! I LOVED this game Might just be my 2nd favorite right behind shadow dragon. Every minute was so thrilling! laugh.gif I actually had so much while playing the game though, that I didn't realize how disappointing part of it was till I got to the very end...

    The thing I noticed that was so disappointing to me was that there was no hype in this game at all. Unlike how shadow dragon had Camus the knight of the legendary sable order, Michalis the wryvern riding king of Macedon, The dark Pontifex Garnef, and the Earth dragon that started it all, Medeus. When we hear about them for the first time we know they are going to be very important characters, and the game never lets us down. Hype for them is built up so much throughout the game, that when we finally beat each of them were... "He was probably the toughest person I have ever faced. I will never forget this..."

    While in new mystery we first have Katrina who we find out it A traitor in prologue 10. Yah. Not chapter 10. Prologue 10. (yah like that wasn't obvious. She wasn't even in the original game.) After all the gaiden chapters we end up killing her for extra exp. (Or I did anyways...) Then we have Hardin where throughout most of the game we barely know what the fuck he's doing, then there's Is there another...? I guess Garnef and/or Medeus counts but we kill them both maybe 4 or 5 chapters after we even hear that they both are in the game.

    What do you guys think? Did this game meet your expectations? Did it downright suck? Or was it just A great game?

    I personally think this is one of the best fire emblem games ever. It just... isn't the best I guess.

  2. Before the events of Shadow Dragon, Naga was said to have perished, but it's likely they didn't "die" in the traditional sense. If Nagi really is Naga, then Naga/Nagi was sleeping, presumably to restore her power.

    Between Marth's stories and Awakening, everything gets a tad confusing.

    1000 years after Marth's time, Gimle invades the world, but they're stopped by Naga and the first Holy King of Iris.

    I thought it was 1000 years before Awakening's time. Not 1000 years after Marth's time. Or is Awakening really 2000 years in the future?

  3. Wasn't it Marth's descendant (the first holy king or whatever he was called) that fought Gimle, not Marth himself? And hasn't it be said a couple of time that Gimle is not Medeus?

    Actually In Awakening it says the person that defeated Medeus was the first Holy king of Iris (AKA Akaneia). Anri was only the king of Altea. Not all of Akaneia. Marth became king of ALL of Akaneia after the events of fire emblem 3/12

    and No. Medeus is ever even mentioned in Awakening as far as I know.

  4. Awakening will be my first FE game and so I've been diligently reading a lot about Naga FE's history.

    But I am so confused about Naga. Apparently, Naga died but was resurrected as Nagi? And then Nagi also "disappeared".

    So did Naga die or is she still alive? Because she clearly appears in Fire Emblem Awakening?

    And then there's Tiki. Tiki is Naga's child born via blood-bonding with The Saints or in particular with Heim. Judging by past events, Tiki is about 3000 years old (probably a young adult in terms of human ages). Tiki has been sleeping for at least 1/3 of her life (1000 years), she then awoke and was taken care of by Marth and Gotoh when she was still in child/teenage form. Then apparently she slept again until a few centuries before the start of Fire Emblem Awakening and is currently the Divine Dragon priestess of the continent of Warm - in which Valhart is the Emperor.

    For those of you who are very acquainted with FE's history, can you please answer my question regarding Naga? And can you check if my understanding of Tiki's history is more or less (more or less because I think even the developers are sort of vague on the specifics?) correct?

    I wish I could just say yes or no but... it's really complicated...

    Back in the past WAAAAAY before the very first fire emblem game when she found out she was going to die she had A child named which she named Tiki and put her to sleep. She done this because since she was going to die, Tiki could now take her place as the divine dragon god. HOWEVER many years later when Marth found Tiki, Tiki's power wasn't enough to stop medeus alone so she was forced to resurrect herself and help Marth defeat Medeus. (This time as A humaNote. Medeus is only an earth dragon at this time.n named Nagi.) Medeus and possibly Gotoh,(Tiki's protector) were the only ones who knew that Nagi was really the divine dragon king Naga.

    After Medeus's defeat Naga disappeared and Tiki went back to sleep.

    Once again 2 years Later. Medeus attacks but this time with the power of the darksphere which had turned him into A darth dragon. NagI once again appears out of nowhere to help marth. However this time she didn't have any memory of ever helping marth before. (Which is weird. this is never explained why. Some people assume that this means Nagi can appear whenever she is needed but she has no memory from the past so even she might not know she is Naga. Once again Medeus is defeated and Nagi disappears like the wind.

    Warning! Everything after this point is spoilerish for awakening! NewYearsEmoticon.gif

    [spoiler=Click to view]2000 years later on A continent called Iris. Which is the continent this fire emblem game takes place in AND is Akaneia but (2000 years later? I don't remember...) Anyway war breaks out and A dragon by the name of Gimle appears and destroys the world. Lucina, Chrom's (The main character) daughter and the decendant of Marth, goes into the past with the falchion to help her father defeat Gimle. She is in disguised as Marth which is there ancestor. After some stuff happens Gimle appears they run into someone.

    Tiki who is now A princess in the country of Warm tells them the only way to defeat Gimle is to restore the predistal of flames. (Which is actually the shield of seals from the first game. Also known as the fire emblem that Marth originally used to defeat Gimle with.) Many people take this as A sign that Gimle is actually Medeus but was resurrected just like how Naga was resurrected as Nagi. Eventually Chrom's army gets into A battle with Gimle, and just when Gimle is about to finish everyone off Nagi appears once again to save everyone but this time with the name Naga. Gimle makes A remark how Naga is always the one to finish him off (Once again pointing that he is possibly Medeus). After the war Naga vanishes and Tiki goes back to Warm.

  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JH09UWQDNxA

    Geez. I'm actually starting this.

    For the first few episodes, and on important chapters, I will have guests co-commentate with me.

    And when that happens, it's less story commentary, and more "we're random and we're going to do it for the hilarity."

    Just got done watching the first episode and loved every minute of it. smile.gif Good luck with the lp! Will you be doing supports to?

  6. I always thought people loved are pantless hero. That is, until recently I started to notice so much people saying stuff like. "Oh. Ike is so much better than someone like him" or "Marth? Nah. He's nothign special." and even some people saying they hated him just for being in so many games. I always thought the fan base liked him. When did people start to hate him?! and where have I been?! mellow.gif

  7. MU x Serge. S rank only.

    S: Rufure, sorry about earlier.

    S: After all the trouble trying to introduce that Wyrm to Minerva, it didn't go well. (* note: Minerva is the name of Serge's Wyrm)

    R: That was a quite a fierce fight they had.. I thought the world was going to end.

    R: ...but I was even more anxious about how you stopped those Wyrms from fighting

    S: Ha ha.. well. I just scolded her a bit

    R: We'll try to find another mate for her, so don't give up yet.

    S: That's right, I can't let her miss her chance to marry like me. (lit: Serge is saying that she's a pass her marriageable age)

    R: Miss your chance? I take that it means you've been through marriage interviews once?

    S: Yes, but those never went well. They fled the moment they saw Minerva

    S: Minerva and I are one set, so if they can't get along with Minerva than I can't accept a marriage.

    S: Maybe I'm just stubborn about that. I guess that's why I missed my chance.

    R: I don't think so. I must thank Minerva for shielding you away from other men.

    S: What do you mean?

    R: This is what I mean (gives something to Serge)

    S: Oh my.. a ring.. is this?

    R: I love you Serge. Let's be together from now on. Of course, it goes without saying that I'll take care of Minerva as well. Will you marry me?

    S: Rufure.. I.. thank you.. this is the best proposal I ever had. I accept it.

    R: Thank you. I'm so happy.

    S: What a twist.. I intended to find a mate for Minerva, but I got one for myself instead.

    R: Well then.. let's announce this to everyonebey t

    S: Yes, I'm sure they will be delighted

    S: I love me. I must have survived this long to meet you.

    About marriageable age in Japanese fiction


    Minerva?! Oh wait. That's the name of the wyrm? Shoot. Well considering She has red hair, and is A dragon knight, maybe she's A possible descendant of her and she named her wyrm that out of respect... Or it's just A coincidence...

  8. Maybe I'm not looking at the right character art, but Libera doesn't look all that feminine to me. I mean, Lucius definitely passes as a woman, especially if you're not familiar with the game or even the name Lucius. But Libera ... what I've seen of him, he doesn't look feminine. ._. Maybe if I squint a little harder ...

    I'm with you. Never once until now, hot I even given any thought about him looking feminine.

  9. Now first of all I already saw the leaked fire emblem awakening screens and videos so don't say i'm wrong. This is just A theory. Now. On with the thread!

    In the leaked footage it was revealed that the masked Marth was Lucina. Krom's daughter. If that is her name. I kind of forgot... Or so we thought. I have gathered up fact's that PROVE there are in fact not one, but two people using Marth's name. 1st there is Krom's daughter. Then there is another. That person is... Frey

    That's right. Frey. From the original Fire Emblem game. Now I know what your thinking. Why would Frey even do such A thing? He is doing this... because of revenge. Him and his comrades were being surrounded by the enemy. They had to give up A member to lure the enemy away at all cost to protect prince Marth. Of course the obvious choice would be the old frail man who could die at any moment. Jagen. However, because Frey already resembles the prince so much (The blue hair), he was chosen to be the decoy. Even if he felt it wasn't the right choice, he had to go to protect his prince. Eventually he lured the enemy away without fail... but with A price.

    he was on the verge of death when he came across someone but the name of Gotoh. Gotoh treated him back to full health. However Frey was still angry with what had happened. He became nothing but A pawn for his country, but most of all... his prince.

    Out of anger for his prince, be begged Gotoh to send him far off into the future with the divine sword Falchion. Gotoh refused his request knowing Marth was the one who needed the Falchion. However that didn't stop Frey. He stole the blade from the dragon's altar that Nagi had kept with her. This is why when Nagi joins you, she gives you A weaker version of the Falchion. Because it's really A silver sword that was painted to look like the Falchion.

    With the Falchion hand Frey challenged Gotoh to battle claiming that if he won, he would send him into the future. Frey won this battle, but not without A heavy price. During the battle Gotoh had greatly damaged Frey's eyes, forcing him to wear A mask. because of his victory, Gotoh sent him into the future. He heard about someone by the name of Lucina and and found out she was marching around using the name Marth. This gave frey an idea. Half way through the game he killed Lucina and took on the name of Marth to seek out Krom. Why? because Krom is the descendant of Marth. Frey wanted to get rid of him because he didn't want someone like Marth to be born ever again. He knew how evil someone in Marth's royal linage could be, and he wanted to put an end to it at all cost.


    and that is my theory. It all makes sense. Both have blue hair. Frey's anger against the royal family. Two Falchions. How the enemy mistook Frey for being Marth. What do you think?

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