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Posts posted by fade5

  1. a) Official website content ≠ unused game content. It's an alternative to consider, sure. It's just not a very good one, like a certain "Mamukoot" reference in FE7.

    This is a good parallel to the Aircalibur debate: it's a name that will never be seen without hacking or a cheat device. Actually, this is a good reason for keeping Mamkute in the translation: Mamukoot is a phonetic spelling of Mamkute.

    I'd like to add that Alacalibur in FE8 isn't really "complete" anyway: it's got a Killer Ballista for an icon, and the Music cuts off when it's used.

    I posted this with my earlier update, so I may as well ask again:

    I'm thinking about asking for additional notes or feedback from the SA LP of Sword of Seals; Artix74 and Sydin could probably provide additional thoughts, so would anyone mind if I asked? More people's feedback=better translation. This might also be a good way to get opinions from people who aren't as familiar with the game as we are, and can provide more neutral feedback.

    The thread's here: http://forums.someth...hreadid=3481288

  2. Sorry for not updating; I've been busy with schoolwork. But it's over now, and (I got an Abiggrin.gif) so here's an additional update:

    The period in Ohtz's (Ch14x boss) description is cut off.

    Unlike what I presumed earlier, the Killer Ballista's description is NOT cut off.

    Missur is called "Missul". It's mentioned in by name FE7 as Missur, so that's probably the best choice.

    The forces attacking in Ch 16 are called "Coup-D'etat" and "Anti-Coup-D'etat" by the full name each time. Shortening it to Coup and Anit-Coup or going with something like "Revolutionaries" would be better; it comes across VERY stilted as it is.

    In the unit menu Strength/Magic is called "Pow" and its description is "Current Level"

    Formatting errors in R button descriptions:


    "Revitalizes unit

    so that they may move again."

    "so that they may move again" is all on the second line, leaving empty spaces after "Revitalizes unit"

    Stat descriptions:

    For Luck


    Determines dodge and critical reduction."

    For Con


    Affects speed loss and rescue."

    All other stat descriptions have the stat's description starting on the first line like this:

    For Def

    "Defense. Reduces damage

    from physical weapons."

    The Give command's description text box always aligns to the left side of the screen, instead of aligning to whichever side the unit's command box is on, like all the other descriptions.

    Bors-Astol support: Astol is called "Ashtor"

    The Ch 17 Bern Soldier have the description "Soldiers from the western kingdom of Etruria."

    Sigune's conversation with Tate is cut off:

    Tate? What are you doing here"

    "Yuno" is in both Thany and Tate's conversations with Sigune; if we're changing it to Juno, don't forget about these conversations and support conversations.

    I just had to note this: Using an Iron Ballista, Dorothy was able to kill Sigune with one shot with Sigune at full health. Having a non-moving flying boss with no Delphi Shield in range of an Iron Ballista Facepalm_emote_gif.gif.

    I'm thinking about asking for additional notes or feedback from the SA LPers; Artix and Sydin could probably provide additional thoughts, so would anyone mind if I asked? More people's feedback=better translation.

  3. Melody's a rather nice name, but I don't think it really suits her; rather, I always thought Miledy suited her a lot, due to her loyalty to Guinevere.

    Also, definitely Juno.

    This is my feeling exactly. There's nothing wrong with the name Melody, but the name would be more appropriate with someone cheerful like Fa, Thany, or Lalum. Miledy has a more serious personality.

    Also, the Wiki mentions that Miledy and Zeiss's battle conversations with Brenya are switched (Zeiss says Miledy's lines, Miledy says Zeiss's lines, I'm presuming), so one more bug for the bug pile.

  4. I guess a better translation would be: "An Armorknight that formerly served House Ostia."

    That would be perfect.

    Honestly, Devias, Leygance, and the other traitors are lucky Hector's dead; Hector could tear though all of them using his Wolf Beil even at his Base FE7 level.

  5. Ah, Welcome back Popo! Good to see you again.

    A minor update:

    Devias's description is "A Knight serving Ostia"

    He's a traitor, he's not serving Ostia in any way.

    A couple of the houses in Ch7 have the "text scrolls by too fast" I know the Physic and Hero Crest houses are some of them.

    From what I understand about how the game works the text scrolls until it gets to a "stopping point" where pressing A is required to advance text, and is indicated by the blue arrow flashing down. If this is correct, then since most if not all text is displayed in two line boxes, would having "stopping points" after every two lines fix all the scrolling problems?

    Also, I'm glad people are planning to go chapter by chapter and look at all the text, doing it myself was rather boring. I'll still mention any particularly notable errors I find though, and any more technical errors.

    Finally, I noticed a very cool Easter Egg: the Link Arena scores are actually the names of the people who worked on the translation patch.biggrin.gif I'm glad they gave themselves credit somewhere.

    I'd like to note that they did an excellent job on the translation patch, most of what I have noted are relatively minor problems in grammar and programming.

  6. Updates to Ch6

    From what I've noticed, what this patch needs is a thorough Chapter by Chapter proofreading. I've noticed a fair few Grammar and sentence structure errors, but no spelling errors. This update will be separated into Technical errors and Grammar errors.

    Introduction: Some text lines are spaced farther apart than others for no apparent reason.

    Ch1 Enemies are called "Brigands of Lycia"

    This makes it sound like the Brigands are part of the Lycian army, "Brigands roaming Lycia" would be better.

    Ch2 The lone enemy Mercenary has a different description than the other Bern enemies:

    his is "Soldiers from the eastern kingdom of Bern"

    all others are "Mercenaries from the eastern kingdom of Bern"

    Are the Bern enemies referred to as Soldiers or Mercenaries in the original game? Also shadowofchaos, could you check what the Bern enemies are called in the other chapters as well? It would be very helpful.

    The info house in the middle has a text box that goes off the side of the screen

    Ch4 The Laus enemis have "Mercenaries from the eastern kingdom of Bern" as their description

    In the info house to the right of the Steel Blade village: the first line of text scrolls too fast; it moves up without pressing A.

    The "almost all enemies are dead" music continues playing after Roy Seizes, and continues in the background while Roy is talking until Saul start conversing with Guinevere. If this is how it is in the unpatched game, I guess it should be left as is.

    Ch5 The Thria soldiers descriptions are cut off:

    Solders from Thria who betrayed the Allia

    The Goddess Icon's n is cut off; I'm not sure if anything can be done about this.

    Dorothy and Clarine's C Support: Dorothy line "I don't know anything about" scrolls too fast, as well as the ending line of the Support ; I wasn't able to read that line before it disappeared.

    Grammar problems:

    Ch1 Right info house: (Referring to the Bandits) "They laid an awful attack" I'm not sure, but this sound weird to me.

    Ch2 Introduction: Here was where Roy was supposed to meet the Mercenary band. The Introduction is written in the past tense, despite the events not happening yet.

    Should be something like "Roy is supposed to meet a Mercenary band here."

    Miledy "I'll try not to make it into a panic" (Miledy has to mention Guinevere's disappearance to Bern officials)

    "I'll try not to cause a panic" would sound better

    Merlinus: (In resonse to Roy's question) Yes, though, it seems they aren't here yet.

    The extra comma is unnecessary: "Yes, though it seems they aren't here yet.

    Next line: Oh wait, I can see somebody running this way.

    This does need an extra comma: "Oh, wait, I can see somebody running this way."

    Ellen-"Oh Dear God"

    I'm curious, would it be "Oh, Dear Elimine" or is she actually thanking God?

    Ellen calling Guinevere "Mistress"- while it is a valid term, it has some other connotations. Would there be any other term that would still be accurate?

    Ch3 Just to the north of Pherae territory

    either "Pherae" or "Pheraean territory"

    Narshen "Put up a fight in their last hope"

    Rutger: "I have hatred against Bern"

    "I have a hatred against Bern" or "I have a hatred of Bern"

    Clarine's Recruitment of Rutger: join this army, who are going up against Bern. -Needs a Question Mark

    The left house calls Reaver weapons Buster weapons

    Eric- Called Erik in FE7

    Ch5 introduction: through the mountains where people seldom want to avoid unnecessary trouble.

    "through the mountains, where people seldom want to go, to avoid unnecessary trouble."

    Ch6 Cath's dialogue: "in the main main hall"

    "main" is repeated, although it is on different lines

    I've a couple of times dialogue has two periods, it should either be one period, or three periods to make ellipses.

    Finally, something strange to note: walls give +1 def and +20 avoid; you can see this when Cath "spawns" on the wall (which makes her really easy to trapsmile.gif)

    Also, 10 Speed on a Level 9 Shaman, what the hell? Shamans are supposed to be SLOW.

    Ooh, that was a long post.

  7. Minor update mostly for the trial maps

    I remembered an odd glitch that also affects FE7: when there are huge numbers of enemy forces (Greater than 45 is the cap, I think) enemies will not "spawn" even if they are supposed to. Think Ch 21 With all the Dragon Riders or FE7's Cog of Destiny with the Black Fang's huge army.

    The enemy leader of Trial Map #1 (Valley of Death) has a description of "Boss of this trial map" Similar to Roy, this seems 4th wall breaking, especially since all of the other enemies have the description "Brigands roaming the mountains in this area"

    Maybe something like "Leader of the enemy Bandits" or something similar?

    No problems noticed in Trial Map #2 (Fog Warfare), other than the fact that the enemies are hilariously weak.

    The enemies for Trial Map #3 (Castle Defense) are just called "Fighters" and their description is "Knights of Illia"

    Shouldn't their name be "Illia", like Etrurian enemies are called "Etruria"?

    Also, the Ballista's Description is cut off:

    Ballista for attacking faraway ene

    Same with the Long Ballista:

    Has more range than a regular Bal

    I can't see the description for the Killer Ballista right now since Trial Map #3 doesn't have any, but I'd be willing to bet its description is cut off as well.

    I can find out for sure in my next playthough.

    Trial maps 4 and 5 aren't unlocked yet, because I'm still working up the courage to play through hard mode I'm going to document any hard mode exclusive bugs after my next Normal mode playthrough.

    Brenya's description has extra space in it; the sentence "Led the attack on Sacae" is placed on the third line, separate from the first sentence.

    Tutorial notes

    The text in the tutorial is formatted rather oddly; sentences are sometimes too short or too long for the size of the text boxes they are displayed in, or the text boxes themseleves are too big, one place has a three line text box with only one line of text in it.

    An an example Cecilia's sentence

    "You can cancel usi

    the B button"

    The word "using" is cut off, and the "You can cancel line" is displayed in a three sentence size text box by itself, and requires you to advance the text to see the rest of the sentence, "the B button."

    Cecilia calls the Seize/Conquer Command the "Capture" command. I can foresee another huge argument about this. We can discus what would be the best choice later. (I personally think Seize would be best, just to be consistent with Blazing Sword)

    As a note, I like this method of tutorial; it integrates game and story and is helpful for new players, but can be skipped if you already know how to play the game.

  8. Yeah, sorry about that, I just don't want the topic to get locked again, or my post to accidentally start up the argument again.

    Anyway, HUGE update.

    Pereth's description is cut off. It reads:

    A General of Bern defending the undergro

    of the Temple of Seals.

    Various item description problems:

    Cut off item descriptions in the small box when you select Item in the field (like when using a Vulnerary)

    Delphi Shield- Protects Fliers from arr

    Physic-Distanced HP recover (the y and period are cut off)

    Member Card- Access to Secret Shop (Period is cut off)

    Elixir's description just says "Full Recovery"

    "Full HP Recovery" would be more accurate

    Warp Staff- Warps unit to another side of the map.

    "space" or "part" would be better instead of "side"

    Red Gem- Sell for 2500G

    The Red Gem actually sells for 3000G in this game, for some reason.

    Does it sell for 3000G in the unpatched game?

    The Shop's description in the Chapter Preparations menu just says "Buy Items" and is missing a period.

    When restoring a Berserked Ally the k in Berserk is cut off in the small Map menu

    (Not sure if this can be fixed; I think FE7 might have the same problem)

    Various Grammar problems

    Lalum and Oujay's B Support

    Lalum- You were disappointed, weren't you. -Should be a question mark, not a period.

    Ch 22 (After Roy takes the throne) Elphin- Or have we. -Should be a question mark, not a period.

    Ch 23- Pre-battle dialogue

    Jahn/Yahn- You humans are incompressible to us at times.

    It should be "incomprehensible" (humans are actually quite easy to compress, especially if they're hit by a Critical Hit from Gonzales's Killer Axe tongue.gif)

    Brenya- Those who flee the army now will not be tried guilty of fleeing.

    It should be something like "will not be tried for desertion" or "will not be found guilty of fleeing"

    Ch 24 Intro- The Dragon Human wars -needs a slash or hyphen

    Idoun- Why are you barring my performance

    Something like "Why are you barring my way"

    Idoun's Description is cut off

    A powerful, beautiful, and tragic Dragon w

    rips the skies and earth with her breath

    and claws.

    (This is an AWESOME description, by the way)

    In the Epilogue- After Bern surrendered, Etruria dismantled its government.

    Should be cleared up that Etruria dismantled Bern's government; right now it could be interpreted that Etruria dismantled its own government.

    Dorothy's Portrait doesn't show up in the pre-Idoun battle dialogue

    The Killer Bow's Descriptions says "Bow with a Strong Critical rate"

    All other Killer weapons just say "High Critical Rate"

    Ellen is called "Elen" in her Full Epilogue

    Astol's mini epilogue say "Disappeared without atrace" should be a space between "a" and "trace"; although having everyone get their "Full Ending" would fix this as well.

    Roy's description calls him "The next heir to Pherae. The protagonist of this story." The second sentence breaks the 4th wall; no other description makes mention of the game.

    The song menu refers to Jahn/Yahn as "Yan"

    There's a screen of untranslated Japanese in the Epilogue.

    The staff rank in the info descriptions is "LV" all others are short the weapon: SW-Sword, AN-Anima, DA-Dark, ETC.

    Finally, here's a few interesting notes unrelated to glitches:

    The CH 23 Armory Sells Armor Slaying and Horse Slaying weapons. The Problem? There are no Armored or Mounted enemies LEFT. Just Snipers, Dragon Riders, Magic users, and Mamekutes.

    Enemy Mamekutes have an untransformed dodge animation. I just found this really cool, since the normal player will likely never see it. (I saw it by using the Steal a Firestone Glitch, then having Gonzales rescue someone and attack the Mamekute with a Hand Axe.)

    Idoun's dodge is also really cool; she completely vanishes except for one small red eye.

    Finally I got a certified God-Ellen

    Final Stats:

    Ellen 20/20

    HP 50 (2 Angelic Robes)

    Mag 26 -Capped at 20/13 NATURALLY(!)

    Skl 15

    Spd 22 (1 Speedwing)

    Luk 30 (capped)

    Def 8 (1 Dragonshield)

    Res 30 (capped)

    I ground her up to S-rank Light (on bosses, not in the arena) and she was one-shotting Mamekutes with Aureola.biggrin.gif

    I'm going to start a new game, so expect another update fairly soon.

  9. Oh good, the topic's back. Let's see what we can do.

    I'm fade5, by the way: Here's a bit of background for me: I had actually been thinking about trying to revise the onsite Patch by myself, so when I noticed a topic about the Patch revision I decided to join Serenes Forest to try to help out. Unfortunately, the topic was locked before I could post.Facepalm_emote_gif.gif Still, I PMed Popo what I was going to post, and it looks like everything is there, so no harm done.smile.gif

    Now then, first off, PLEASE, can we stop name arguing? Yodel/Jodel, Yuno/Juno, Lou/Lugh, Fa/Fae, Niime/Nimue; IT"S A FEW LETTERS, DOES IT REALLY MATTER? PLEASE, we can all discuss the names AFTER we fix the rest of the translation. I'm sorry for yelling, but I joined to help revise the dialogue, not worry about a couple of letters in a name, and I don't want this topic to turn into a 10 page argument about something so minor. AGAIN.

    All right, sorry about that. Anyway, one more error:

    In the Ch. 21x intro the boss name Pereth has a bunch of space in front of his name, also, the translation is also some what awkward. it reads: "However, Pereth, once of Murdock's best troop leaders, was already inside the temple and waiting to attack Roy." It's at 12 seconds in this youtube video:

    I think it should read either "Pereth, once one of Murdock's best troop leaders" or "Pereth, one of Murdock's best troop leaders"

    For the "Knight Killer" I was more noting that the name implies that the weapon is effective against (Armor) Knights, not Cavaliers/(Social) Knights.

    Finally a few more notes: I play FE6 on a Flashcart, so I can't show screenshots. I am also planning to play FE6 through once more on Normal mode, then on Hard Mode, and I will try to update fairly frequently.

    Lastly, Artix74 of the Something Awful (SA) forums is doing a Let's Play of Fire Emblem Sword of Seals; he's noted some of the problems with the translations as well, so anyone who is interested, or just wants to follow a cool LP, look through that as well. http://forums.someth...hreadid=3481288

    Artix74 is really good LPer, so if you're interested, check out his excellent FE7 LP as well: http://lparchive.org...-Blazing-Sword/

    Artix74 is also posting Support Conversations, and as some of the other members have noted, the conversations are translated fairly well, but the problem is that they are rather... boring. So far, out of Roy, Marcus, Alan, Lance, Wolt, Dieck, Ward, and Lot's Support conversations, the only person with good or interesting characterization is Lot.

    Thanks everyone, happy to be here.

  10. Hello everyone, I'm fade5.

    I've been a fan of Fire Emblem for a few years, and have also lurked here for a while. I finally decided to join when I noticed a thread about updating the FE6 patch. I'm hoping to assist once it opens back up. The Fire Emblem games I've played are Sword of Seals, Blazing Sword, Sacred Stones, and Shadow Dragon, as well as a few hacks like ChinaFE and FE8 girls.

    As a note, I play Sword of Seals a little differently than most people: a hard patching and a flashcart means I actually play actually FE6 on my DS like an actual Gameboy advance game; no savestating for me. And yes, I managed to complete Ch10B and 11A while saving Tate, Klein, all their soldiers, recruiting Gonzales, (and Echidna on her route) and saving all of the villages without savestates. Yes, I'm insane. I had to reset 6 or 7 times, but I did it.

    Finally, I play for fun, not ranks; all the fun stuff like Supports, Gaiden Chapters, and paired endings are pretty much skipped when you just blaze through the game.

    Happy to be here!

  11. Here's an odd question: Do arena enemies take weapon stat boosts into account? While +5 to a single stat may not affect too much, it is really noticeable in hacks like ChinaFE; Cellica and Eirika equipped with the Falchion (which adds Str+20, Skl+10, Def+5, Res+5) can just breeze through any opponent in the arena.

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