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About cyron

  • Birthday January 21

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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Radiant Dawn

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  1. I took over the Irony empire in the most un-Ironic way imaginable, the new empire Winter Wonder Land was formed.
  2. Other than the time they stole sprites have we ever tried talking to them and maybe sharing resources?
  3. http://www.destructoid.com/intelligent-systems-is-thinking-about-the-next-advance-wars-and-fire-emblem-276476.phtml
  4. this, though i only got the dlc for my cartridge
  5. I agree with these two, magic should be split, but the different types need to be different enough to warrant this. That said the differences need to still be balanced otherwise we run into the dnd issue at high levels the casters are basically gods, and the non magical people are dead weight most of the time.
  6. cyron

    Happy Birthday!

  7. I'll be getting my copy in a few years, but god, its so expensive, and the dlc even used is so pricy
  8. Tellius is not hated, fe9 is one of the most solid titles in the series, and 10 was good in terms of gameplay, though in terms of story, part 1 was a bit boring, and part 4 felt like a cop out to avoid having to figure out how to handle the blood pact, 2 felt like a rushed filler though it could have been interesting, part 3 was great, they had an interesting conflict but then they got rid of the issue in part 4.
  9. its for all the stuff to stupid and unreasonable to go in fftf
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