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Posts posted by redturtle806

  1. I got into it with Devil Survior for the 3ds, which I loved. There could be a little bias because I was pretty much baked the entire time I played it though. Afterwords I got Person 3 which was alright even if the school days were a bit slow. I just bought Soul Hackers off the 3ds eshop and can't wait for that to finish downloading. I need some Sega Saturn rpg goodness in my life right now.

  2. The 1991 movie Rush was based on a true story in my hometown (Tyler Texas).


    Basically the police department made a "secret" police drug force that was free to use hard drugs like meth and herion and also blackmail people in order to make arrests. The whole thing ended up with a bunch of missing people whose bodies were never found... so it's safe to say I did not enjoy dealing with the police where I was from. Also there was a book written about it, but it was banned and I didn't even know about till a friend showed me the fucking wikileaks page. https://wikileaks.org/wiki/Smith_County_Justice

    Also on a much lighter note, we're also known for roses.

  3. I have a PSP 1000 and the loading times sucked. Then I jailbroke it and starting using isos loaded off the memory card which made it muuuuuuuuucccchhhh better. Seriously that cd drive thing is a piece of crap. You don't even need the pandora battery to jailbreak these days, just a file that you run.

  4. Spiders and waps are the only ones I don't kill. I'll let spiders live so they can kill all the wasps, mosquitoes, ants, etc. Spiders are our friends.

    Meanwhile I just leave a window open so the wasp will leave my house, because wasps are fucking scary.

    And because I grew up in a swampy area, I have no problem killing other bugs. There's like millions of the fuckers in my yard alone, and its silly to think a animal life == human life imo.

  5. Real facts show that a vast majority of Southern countries do not have death penalty. Also, we brazilians do not support it too, and you may recall that we're the biggest and more populous country in South America. Your stereotype is wrong.

    I think he's referring to the Southern demographic of the United States, not actual South American countries. It tends to have slightly different laws/values than the Northern or Western Coast regions.

    But yeah his sterotypes are wrong, and certainly doesn't apply in more liberal cities like Austin.

  6. Yes he is a terrible human being for saving countless American lives by preventing a full scale invasion of Japan. They airdropped warning to Japanese citizens before the nukes, which the Japanese government did everything in their power to discredit/destroy. The Japanese were also excellent fighters who would dig in and fight to the last man standing, and a full scale invasion would have probably been a bloodbath.

    The Japanese conquest of the Pacific/ Asia was very brutal. They killed, looted, and raped freely among the Asian peoples they conquered; and also tortured American s to death in POW camps. If they didn't want to face the full power of a nation the size of America, they shouldn't have bombed pearl harbor.

  7. You're telling me if someone killed one of your family members, you wouldn't want to see that son of a bitch dead? I guarantee you she's dead serious. It's not that we don't respect life, we just don't have a problem with taking murderers off the street for good. Why the hell should this guy get to live a long life after cutting the infants short by 60-90 years potentially.Those are values and we don't try to force them on anyone else; so if you don't like it don't live here and don't try force your values on us. -A Southerner

  8. The whole Ostian group (Hectors homeboys) were hilarious, like one big dysfunctional family. Also the Black Fang's back story was really cool, and you kinda even felt bad for them by the end of the story. FE7 was one of my favorite stories across any entertainment medium tbh.

  9. Jesus Christ you guys. Seriously.

    The individual who murdered the infant should be tried as an adult and be sentenced accordingly. As for the younger individual who knows. There isn't much to go on after reading the article but if this is being turned into a race issue than... I don't even know. Honestly.

    For real. Why the hell is this even being called a race issue?

    I'm pretty sure someone who is mentally unstable enough to gun down a infant in front of a mother doesn't take the time to stop and think, "Well I wasn't gonna kill this baby but the mother is white so I guess I will."

  10. The first thing: list your assets. You mention that you have a flatscreen and no money saved up. The solution to that problem is pretty obvious to me. If you're using the old laptop as a rental payment then that's fine; if it's understood that you owe him for the last laptop then you need to sell yours and pay him half of it (since you said yours is worth 2x as much as his was); if you're giving it away out of sentimentality then you definitely need to sell it instead (especially if you haven't told the friend yet about your intention to give him the laptop). You have no money on hand, but you're not broke; you've got income and you've got assets you don't need that can readily be converted to funds you do need. You don't need to list them here necessarily, but we can't be nearly as helpful without knowing them.

    *Flatscreen (I wouldn't mind selling this to a friend or via craigslist, but I don't wanna get ripped off in a pawn shop.)

    *Custom built desktop worth about 1k (It's my baby and 1st rig. Took me about 2 years to save up for and I'd sell drugs before selling this. Lol just kidding. But seriously I would, this is off the table)

    *Laptop worth about 400 3 years ago

    *20$ mp3player and decent headphones

    *PSP 1000 running CFW (It's not worth selling, the local store only offered 15$)


    *Aprox 1 months worth of toothpaste,shampoo,etc

    *Aprox 2 weeks worth of food, but I'm a damn good cook and can make a fire and cook in the yard for a few bucks a day if I have to. Hell if shit gets reallllllly bad, I'm not opposed to raiding a fruit tree/bush or fishing to supplement my food.(Can you tell I grew up in the country? lol)

    *Sleeping bag, backpacking hammock, tent, and backpack. (I lived in a tent for 2 months last summer doing geology field work)

    *2 Zippos with fuel for outdoor cooking

    *2 High quality knives for self defense/outdoor stuff

    *Fishing line and hooks, I usually just fashen a getto pole out of a stick then dig for worms

    *About 10 nice shirts, and about 10 Tees

    *Leather jacket and hoodie

    *5 pairs of shorts, 2 pairs of jeans, and 2 dress pants

    *Leather shoes, hiking boots, and flip flops with a couple pairs of socks

    *about 50$

    Also on a side note me and my friend both grew up pretty poorly, and are used to sharing pretty much everything we own with people we trust. Clothes, food, beer, video games, bikes, cars, weed, places to live; you get the picture. Plus I let him live in my house for a while after we unsuccessfully kept his from burning down with a garden hose in Jr. High, so it's not like we haven't been through tough times before.

    The second thing: take inventory of your current needs. For me it was food, shelter, Internet access (for my job), cell phone and transportation. Figure out what you need and the approximate costs. I'll run through each of them for me. I like to eat, and especially to eat out, so initially I budgeted a lot here, but the money got tight and I found I didn't really need to eat very much. I can get by on $100/mo now if I need it but I like to leave $200/mo for it to give myself options besides the soup/bread/water diet. Definitely don't spend more than 20% of your check on food. Shelter's gonna vary by area. I'll side with the consensus to date here and say no more than 50% on housing and do your damndest to get it lower; here in Baton Rouge, 50% of a minimum wage paycheck can get you a fully-furnished apartment that you wouldn't be embarrassed to have people over to see (or an unfurnished apartment that, had you the money, you could well make look like a small resort condo). Shelter here is relatively cheap, probably moreso than the average town in Texas. Getting something functional should still be achievable though. Internet access is a utility you'll cover with the shelter check; the key here was to have something that could access it. Since you've got your relatively new desktop you're covered here, but I might consider selling it and getting an older cheaper one. Nothing wrong with downgrading for cost concerns. Cell phone bill should be pretty cheap if you don't have a smartphone with a data plan. If you do, sell the phone and ditch the plan for something older. I dunno if you're planning on dating anybody or not, but if you're single and not searching you can probably get away with not texting, especially in the Facebook era. If you're single and searching, stop searching; you're not likely to find the magical relationship connection that's actually constructive during tough times like this, and if anything should go sour in your love life that's more preventable drama you don't need. If you have a good relationship then do what you need to keep it, including whatever means you use to communicate regularly. Try to get the cell phone bill down under $50. If you're particularly close with someone that has a family plan and a line, then try to get on theirs and compensate them for it if you're having trouble getting a reasonably priced plan yourself. For transportation, you can get by without your own vehicle if you're within biking distance. Keep the bike unless it's really nice, in which case you ought to sell it and get a cheap one so you can get ahead a bit financially. Again, list as much as you're comfortable listing here so we can help.

    No phone, as I was on my parents contract. I'll probably just get the cheapest one I can find so I can keep up with other job offers as well as my main job. Rent is medium/cheap here, I'm a great cheap chef, and I'll be using my friends wifi. I really couldn't give two shits about dating while I'm living a normal life, much less on the brink of homelessness; so money is saved there. The bike is average, but I have to ride a fucking longass way to work so I'm not downgrading that.

    The third thing: leaving town. You mentioned wanting to do so and to get out of Texas. As a lifelong Louisiana resident I totally empathize with your feelings on the matter, and would encourage you to keep that dream alive here. But for now you should use the advantages staying in town grants you (namely cheap standard of living and a lifelong friend that's offering you shelter for a while). Set a timetable, clock in and grind until you meet it. I'd say aim to have your own place by May and be in the state of your dreams by 2015. You need to hit the pavement now about living arrangements because the summer months are a prime time to get a lease; students that graduate in spring 2014, like me, are going to be getting 1-year leases starting this summer so they can move out to where the jobs are immediately after graduation. Get on with a group of them and get to work saving up. If you follow the budgeting guidelines I mentioned, you should be able to put away 20% of a paycheck; when your lease ends that's $3000 saved up, which should be sufficient to move and cover expenses for a month while you look for a job wherever you want to live. If you can afford to be more patient, then move the latter goal to 2016 and give yourself another year to save up. Just don't put it off too long; if you get to 30 and you're still in Texas, it'll be too late.

    Sounds good, I'll turn 21 at the end of may and that's kinda my goal for moving out. I've got a friend moving out to Cali later this year, and might try and go with him.

    The fourth thing: how you got here. I'm personally curious but I won't pry, and no one else here should, either, but at least on a personal level figure out what happened to get you here. Be careful and go back and look hard. If you can't point out something blatantly obvious that anyone did wrong that brought you to this point, reassess until you do. People don't just get thrown out of the house for no reason, or for little reasons; if your parents weren't diagnosed with some serious mental disorder (which you'd already know), then it's unlikely that they're just being crazy or over-the-top and that you did something. Face whatever blame you are due for this situation, embrace the challenge of correcting the problems that got you here and fix them. It's unlikely that they're contained to some isolated personality issue of yours, which means it's causing less consequential problems elsewhere. It would be wise to fix those problems before they become consequential. (Important exception: If your parents are reacting this way because you told them you were gay, that's quite obviously not your fault and you shouldn't worry about this step, other than to be sure to screen individuals for tolerance in the future. That step isn't to blame you for your parents' bigotry, especially since you couldn't choose but to associate with them anyway, but it's a necessary precaution for anyone living in a prejudiced society to take, and the sooner you take it, the better.)

    How did I get here? 1: Drugs and booze; I fucked up and learned my lesson there, no denying that. I'd rather not go into more, but that's why I failed out this semester. 2. Batshit crazy parents. You know the people that burned pokemon (little devil) cards, say that video games make you violent murderers, and hated manga because it was made by the goddamn chinks? Mine are all of the above. They threw away my Ruroni Kenshin and Yu Yu Hakusho manga in jr high for no goddamn reason, and had one insane phase where they threw away any video game with magic in it; thank god I kept my Fire Emblem, Castlevania, and Final Fantasy games hidden. Also whenever I do something they don't like they guilt trip me and make me feel like a horrible fucking person. I can't even be happy if I'm in the same room with them. Well last weekend they gave me like a 6 hour lecture about how I was a complete fuckup, terrible satan worshiper (I'm not a bad person, I'm nice to pretty much everybody), and all around idiot for failing out. They wanted me to live at home, work 2 jobs and give them my paychecks as punishment. Well at that point I fucking snapped, and told them I was sick of their crap and that I'm moving out. And so here we are, but I regret nothing and wish I had done it the day I turned 18 instead of being depressed while relying on their support to go to college.

    The final and most important thing: Tell your friends about this, keep up with them and try to help them out as best you can (not financially here, necessarily, but emotionally). These are the kind of times that close friendships are built to withstand. You're not gonna get through this on your own. Keep your priorities in line and your good friends close to heart. You sound like a good kid and you've got enough going for you to make it through this. I believe in you.

    My friends have all been supportive, and most can't believe I made it this long without losing it. Totally agree with you here.

    Source: 21 years old, moved out and making it on his own; family situation is significantly better than the OP's but I've been threatened with disowning multiple times from a not-quite-crazy-but-clearly-troubled-and-angry dad. Also have several friends who have been kicked out or forced through familial poverty to pay for things themselves that have helped me out in kind. Hope this helps. Message me if you need anything further that you don't want to discuss publicly.

    Maybe later, I've gotta get off the lappy and figure out a way to get 800 miles to my college and get all my shit out/withdraw from uni. Thanks for your advice, and I probably will hit you up at some point.

  11. Idk we've been like best friends since 5th grade, but I'd hate to mess that up. I'll be bringing a decent flatscreen which we'll share instead of using his 30 year old monster of a tv. I'm also giving him my laptop in exchange for staying there (don't need it because I got a desktop like 4 months ago). Of course tbh, I'm also giving him it because we got really drunk a few months ago and I ended up breaking his old one. I guess that kinda shows how close friends we are too, the only thing he wanted after I broke that was to punch me in the face as hard as he could; but I still feel like a dick about that so I'm giving him mine which isworth about 2x as much as the one I broke. Needless to say I won't be getting drunk or high while I'm there, as that's kinda what got me in this situation. I've got a bicycle, but it's gonna be hell riding to work with heat indexes up to 110F (I live in the swampy part of Texas). I guess I'll save up enough to move in to a place or get a motorcycle, then see how things are going. I would like to get a second job, but nothing within cycling distance is hiring.

    Also how hard is it to get and apartment with no credit or co-signer? Do I just pay a larger security deposit or something? Or can the person I move in with co-sign for me and vice versa?

    Anyway thanks for the advice everyone, I've been stressed as hell and you have no idea how much it helps to have people who don't have the swampy-backwater-easttexas-lousinana-redneck-hickassmotherfucker intelligence giving their 2 cents.

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