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Posts posted by ricostel

  1. I used Corrin on Ivy. The dragon vein for fliers is an AOE healing zone and the Quality time passive is nice so it's been fun using her to heal up instances where theres a lot of chip damage on everyone. I'm sure some people would rather use her offensively, and maybe it's more optimal. But this was also a great and easy way for me to grind supports for her since I really wanted to read them. Oh, and I had canter on her, so that she could exploit Corrin's debuffing passive to chip away at a boss and move out. 

    I also really liked Byleth on a sage Pandreo. Mine had amazing magic and speed growths, but he was much more physically fragile than Ivy, so I preferred to have the extra Thrysus range on him so he could safely snipe things from afar.  

    This wasn't functionally amazing or anything but I ran Micaiah on Mage Knight Alear for a laugh and it was pretty funny throwing him out into the middle of nowhere with Nosferatu equipped and everything he didn't manage to dodge he could heal himself right back up. 

  2. 3 hours ago, DefyingFates said:

    It's like IS finally realised the best way to write an avatar was to just... write a regular, likable character that just happens to have a variable name and gender.

    I agree! Shez was really really good, too. I like that recently they're doing this more instead of going for the silent protagonist angle. 

    I just finished the game and I really like Alear. He's so silly and kind of a loser in a cute way, who doesn't really know how to react to others putting him on a pedestal. 

  3. Best: I saw a lot of people have complaints about Chloe but mine got really lucky with levels and has more strength than both Alear and Alfred and has been on par with Rosado but with better speed... She's definitely been really helpful. Diamant with Sol is really great. Alcryst with Luna is really great. My Pandreo is also doing more damage than Ivy for some reason? I saw him doing a lot as a priest and reclassed him to sage and he's been sweeping everything from a safe distance with Byleth ring + Thrysus.  

    Disappointing: I tried so hard to give Alfred field time. Lord he makes it so hard to babysit him. He has middling stats in every direction, which means he doesn't have a single glaring weak point really.. but has a lot of them. My Alear was doing really badly in the strength department but I gave him Tiki's emblem and he got some really good speed and luck and res and... actually everything but offensive stat growths so I just use him as a dodge tank now. 

    I might just be using them wrong but Hortensia and Timerra are alright but nothing to write home about. I enjoyed using all the other royals more, I think. 

    Worst: Good lord I tried to give the twins a chance but they had some really, really bad levels. 


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