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Posts posted by Ashur

  1. Oh no rush at all of course!

    My only conjecture being a complete laymen with how the backend works is that the staff damage could possibly relate mages scaling damage with strength? It does generally appear to deal something to the effect of 1+strength damage - resistance to the attacking unit, but I can't say that I'm 100% of that as I haven't paid complete attention.

    Unfortunately the Item Shops are unusable as is, when you leave, the corrupted text will infinitely scroll, thus locking the game. 

    Despite this, it's VERY playable, and still very fun. Definitely gonna check out your other hack too! Thanks.

  2. Hey there! 

    Sometime last week I found myself obsessed with the idea of a FE1 Randomizer and was baffled by one not yet existing -- I love the aesthetic of this game and making it infinitely repayable is of course awesome. I've been playing a seed for a little while now, currently at chapter 9 with a lovely General Marth and two more Generals to back him up. 

    Anyway! I made this account specifically to thank you for the effort you've put into this software! If you're at all interested in continuing its development, I've found a few oddities and possible bugs you might be interested in knowing about, but nothing too gamebreaking.

    • In chapter 7, the boss in the castle spawned as a Bishop class with a heal staff. I was caught (somewhat annoyingly) by surprise losing one of my pegasus knights by finding out that after the boss had a short dialogue cut in, they attacked! Suddenly the battle screen pulled up with incredibly corrupted visuals and the Bishop transformed into a Pegasus Knight themselves, attacking and killing my unit. Unfortunately I do not have a screenshot of this event as I was so dumbfounded.
    • On that note, this may simply be something of a mechanic that I don't recall from this game, but when attacking bishop type units that have no means of fighting back (healing/utility staves) after the fight is over, my units will have lost health regardless. Is this normal gameplay mechanics I simply don't remember? It's strange attacking a Bishop and suddenly dying after the fight lol.
    • Lastly on chapter 8, the item shops there were glitched when leaving, spitting out an infinite loop of text, screenshot attached below.

    Once again, thank you so much for creating this! I'll cherish it whether there's bugs or not. Haha.

    Item Shop Bug.png

    Item Shop Bug2.png

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