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Everything posted by Diortem

  1. I'd post meme photos, but those are overdone. At any rate.... YEEEEEEESSSSSSS! I will enjoy FE13. Plus, I could use another game for my 3DS. Even if there are a million other games I should also get.
  2. Most: Jeigan. He is an old senile man, but he is still manly. Especially with those MANSPIKES. Least: I will say Roshea. How do people think he is a guy?
  3. OH GOD YES. THIS IS THE MOST AMAZING THING EVER. Dat Guitar. Also, I need to find time to play this game.
  4. I'm looking forward to the world map the most. Considering it allows one to use characters more, and it makes the game more explorable than linear, I like it a lot.
  5. Frederick is still cool. See, this is why this game has awesome pre-promoted characters.
  6. I was more so referring to the fact that one could attack the boss to listen to the boss music, but not kill the boss, and then skip it, which seems to be an option. But whatever. This music is still kickass either way.
  7. FE music in general is kickass. This is not an exception at all. Also, one thing I just thought of:
  8. Best: Apocalypse. Dark magic animation may be a slow animation, but the work put into some of them (especially Apocalypse) makes it worth it to watch the animation. Worst: Fire. It is quite bland, heck, like someone pointed out, sometimes, the Fireball just DISAPPEARS. Elfire is what Fire is, but better.
  9. Oooh. Tough call, but I'd have to say SariyaxAvatar (both of them, since they are pretty much the same, and since it shows off how much Sariya is a Yandere), or SumiaXHenry, which shows just how creepy Henry really is, and I find it interesting (not to mention, kind of sweet near the end).
  10. Poor Callum. They notice him so little, that they think A GHOST prepared drinks. I think that Callum is the best definition of irony I can think of (giant, lumbering, slow Armorknight, who is barely ever noticed by others, and seems to sneak around very easily in that armor).
  11. Pokemon SoulSilver Dragon Quest V Xenoblade Kirby 64 I have a couple of other games that are on the backburner because I've been busy, but these are the main 4. I really need to step up my progress on Xenoblade.
  12. Awww yeah. I am so watching this. I need to see more Fire Emblem Awakening footage that isn't trailer stuff.
  13. I dunno, I think "Chrom" is meant to invoke the fact his name, which can come out as Chrome, seems to be metal based, and Krom doesn't seem to evoke that as much as Chrom. But what do I know? EDIT: Ninja'd, kinda.
  14. Even though he was called Sully by most of his friends, Sullivan if they were being serious (or they hated him), and James was only for formal conversations. He was more so called Sully in the movie. Couldn't they have gone for a different masculine name? I mean, SOMEONE at the translation team must have noticed the obvious pop culture reference ri-oh god. THEY PROBABLY WANTED TO NAME HER SULLY FOR TEH LULZ, NOO- Indeed. That is funny, but it still stands that Sully will make you think of that. Everytime she is brought up. EVER.
  15. Here's a question for you fans of Fire Emblem out there: Would you like a Map Design feature in Fire Emblem, ala Advance Wars' version of the feature? I personally would, since it would add replayability, and it'd be interesting to make one's own map, maybe even down to the smallest detail.
  16. Similar situation for me. After being exposed to SOME prepromos (*cough*FE11Boah*cough*) and some crutch characters, I subscribed to the mentality that they weren't really that good. Then I took a look at characters like Pent, and was all "Hey, these guys are actually OKAY!"
  17. Personally, I think that some early game Pre-promos that have some late-game potential fits for my choice, since I have seen Marcus (FE7) Seth, and Titania (FE9) revered as god-tier units. I will admit they have potential, but there are other units in-game that surpass them. Again, they are okay, but not godly like some people think (in my opinion, although being crutches that work for the whole game are cool).
  18. Best: As much as I like Jill and Minerva, I have got to vote for Haar-man. He is too awesome for words. Worst. YUNO/JUNO. Good god, she is terrible. She is a late-game character that would work better as a crutch earlier on. Disgraceful, and a shameful excuse of a flyer. She doesn't have much of a saving grace either, unlike Est, where, even if you hate her and her archetype, you have to admit Est can do SOMETHING in terms of battle, unlike Yuno. Damn, Worst is pretty neck-and-neck Between Yuno and Est.
  19. I personally like 4 lords. Marth: He's the one that started it all, and he has a huge legacy come FE13. Plus, the little bits of personality we get with FE11 make him into a character I like. If only I knew what his personality is like in FE12. Roy and Eliwood: I kind of like the story these two made together. Eliwood is especially cool, since he handles what he's dealt (for lack of a better term) in FE7 very well. Ike: He is awesome. His stats are godly, and he has a great personality. He could have grown a little more in the interim between FE9 and FE10, but he's still cool.
  20. That's good. Saul actually fits really well as a monk. Also helps fix the problem that this game had with Light Magic users. Gotta watch out for those kitteh ninjas.
  21. Just curious, what do you plan to do with Light Magic?
  22. Eh, whatever. I might change it in the future. But you are right about hating Casual mode being stupid (if anyone hates it), since, if anything, it ADDS to the accessability of FE, for new players who don't like the final death thing, or who find the game hard.
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