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Everything posted by Gryz

  1. http://www.serenesforest.net/fe13/char_growth.html But according to the site, HP is only modified by HP asset/flaw and not by any other stat. It's kind of the reason why I wanted to focus on HP. Well, assuming the guidebook was at least accurate in what secondary stats are affected by an asset/flaw. Also, my initial HP flaw tests (which were only 133 level-ups) actually pointed more towards 55%; I was trying to reconcile the possible growth based on the assumption that the asset/flaw modifiers were equal. However, I am starting to suspect that HP uses different numbers for asset/flaw (and maybe Luck too, but I need to get more data)
  2. Happy birthday! (My post is the best "happy birthday" post because it's in red)
  3. The standard way to wake up people is to use a Restore staff. However, in FE9/FE10 there is an alternate method that involves repeatedly using Shove/Smite on asleep characters to wake them up.
  4. This topic disgusts me! All this talk about fighting cards and ghosts, but what about the Entombed? EXPonential Growth is part of the DLC, is it not? The heroes in the cards are pretend, but the Entombed are real. They are real! Oh, and don't give me that crap about the Entombed stealing vegetables from "villagers". That's a load of bull made up by Anna. C'mon, even Chrom suspects that story is fake. Ain't it funny that these villagers are nowhere to be seen? It's just lies! Lies to make yourselves not feel guilty about murdering hoards of innocent Entombed. Innocent Entombed that are running from you, no less! I spit upon all who participate in this unjust slaughter of my undead brothers!
  5. Yeah, I am kind of irked by this new inventory management system. I have this slight OCD thing where I like to arrange each character's inventory into a certain order before battle, and this was much easier to do it with the old-fashioned trade system. Now, for each character, I have to repeatedly use the Equip command - starting with the weapon I want on the bottom.
  6. No! Lisp can burn in hell! ... So many parentheses... Why did you remind me of its existence!? >:(
  7. I can slap some stuff together in Java. I also figured out enough asm to do random dumb crap like disable the doubling of weapon triangle effects for reaver weapons in FE7 and how to control the hard mode bonuses for FE8. Wee.
  8. Blargh. Got to record all these presents in a spreadsheet in order to figure out the probability of each present. Birthdays are meant to be studied, not enjoyed!
  9. Well applying what I learnt from Fire Emblem, there is a high probability she will be evil.
  10. Hmm... I think this might be a joke topic! :O!!! Anyways, I never played FE4 before, but would these assumingly inferior pairings still be "generally" better than the replacement children? You don't have to get into specifics because it will go over my head. :p
  11. Sure, it would be a fun idea to play around with. The seal doesn't have to an unit, it can be something like a destructible object (like a wall/snag) that spits out the field effect. And there can be various effects, like a zone that reduces Strength in a map with primarily enemy magic users.
  12. I'm jealous of Soul, cuz dat story was gettin' hawt.
  13. Graphical glitch involving the Avatar's map sprite: http://serenesforest...showtopic=38323
  14. Fire Emblem + Trauma Center Priscilla: Oh no! L-Lord Brother! Your shoulder... there's blood everywhere... Lucius: Dr. Priscilla, we need to operate immediately! Priscilla: I-I don't know if I can... Lucius: It's okay, I'll guide you. First, use the stylus to select the Mend staff. Next, touch the wound. *tap* *tap* *bloop-bloop-bloop* OPERATION COMPLETE!! Priscilla: Oh, Lord Brother! I thought I was going to lose you! Raven: Priscilla, get off me!
  15. I ain't no engineer, but I have a hard time believing the branches on Amatsu help improve its aerodynamics.
  16. I'll tell you what, next time I see Chrom I'll try to seduce him into taking off his pants.
  17. I got... nothing. I have been abusing my 3DS internal clock to get more play coins. Hey! At least I can now see Chrom's ankle in Puzzle Swap!
  18. Cordelia = Tynamo http://www.serebii.n...ex-bw/602.shtml My stupid brain keeps forgetting that Cordelia is no longer named Tiamo. It's the only fan-translated name that hasn't been purged from my mind. And "Tiamo" looks similar to "Tynamo"... so... yeah.
  19. No, they can't be returning to their home base because you can access the barracks anywhere on the map. It seems they carry the entire actual room around with them. I guess... it would be plausible if the barracks room had wheels.
  20. All decorations listed here: http://serenesforest...3/everyone.html
  21. Oh, wow. Damn. This game is too deep and artsy for me to comprehend. Can someone help me understand the symbolism behind the falling boxes-n-barrels and fireballs?
  22. There's also the availability factor. If the Devil Axe is given out before the Killer Axe, then there's a time period where the Killer Axe being superior is kind of moot. I really like dondon's idea for a non-random HP-draining effect. It removes the main reason why people avoid the weapon while still staying true to the curse theme.
  23. ^ Great idea! I always thought Fire Emblem never did enough to appeal to the vorarephile demographic!
  24. Eh, I am not a big fan of Pair Up. At the very least, I want the Pair Up stat bonuses to go away. I'd rather not have generic enemies be able to use Pair Up.
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