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Everything posted by Gryz

  1. I think it's a fort. It looks similar to Awakening's forts. There's also another one in the bottom-left corner.
  2. Yeah, set AI1 = 0x00 and AI2 = 0x05 and the thief should attack units in range, loot, then escape providing escape points are set: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=48914 Or if AI2 = 0x04, the thief will remain on the map and attack instead of escaping. If you don't want to make separate thief classes for the player/enemy and don't mind completely removing the steal command from the AI: At address 0385D9 change D0 to E0
  3. There's a bug in the AI where the steal ability is checked instead of the lockpick ability. By removing the ability to steal, you are also removing the enemy's ability to use lockpicks. To fix, do the following with a hex editor: At address 03BB96 change 04 to 08 At address 036AE8 change 04 to 08 You can now remove the steal ability from the class without affecting lockpick usage.
  4. I haven't really looked into how attack position is determined yet. But the targeting AI does look at the player units' attack/2 and range of the strongest weapon in inventory (doesn't have to be equipped like Irysa's example with Marcus) Lyn with 8 strength and 5 mt iron sword: (8 + 5)/2 = 6 Sain with 13 strength, 6 mt javelin, and 10 mt steel lance: (13 + 10)/2 = 11 Tiles in only Lyn's range = 6 Tiles in only Sain's range = 11 Tiles in both Lyn's and Sain's ranges = 17 The targeting AI takes the value corresponding to attack position and divides by 8. It's possible the positioning AI also makes use of this attack/range map in determining where to attack from.
  5. No, not the Fire Emblem. Aqua is holding the *gasp* WATER Emblem! The mystic ancient relic thing that suppresses the power of the Fire Emblem!
  6. The most AWESOME thing about Meg is she has a Fortune skill that can be sold for 3000G.
  7. This is going to be the Ask Me Anything plague all over again! Plz someone get a mod to lock-n-quarantine FFtF before the outbreak spreads!
  8. Casual Mode: No permadeath for characters and items! Classic Mode: Durability remains and items now have death quotes. "I was able to save many lives... But in the end, I couldn't save myself..." A Heal Staff broke! Noooo! Reset! RESET!!!
  9. Yeah, this color system would make it very easy to indicate a weapon is a reaver. I think there's a decent chance of reaver-type weapons returning. Maybe you can change a weapon's color by forging! But only if you have a mystic paintcan item!
  10. The background color isn't indicating whether the weapon is currently receiving an advantage or disadvantage. Red background doesn't mean disadvantage. Green background doesn't mean advantage. The large colored portion indicates the weapon's type within the color triangle (red, green, blue) The small colored portion indicates what type the weapon has an advantage against (red > green > blue > red)
  11. Yeah, in the dragon path dlc extravaganza, Kamui tosses his sword into a lake to symbolize his abandonment of the human world. He actually loses the ability to use swords in his default class and must use dragonstones instead. However! Kamui can still use swords after reclassing into a sword-wielding class which makes that whole dramatic lake cutscene kinda silly. Whoops, spoilerz!!!
  12. I'm really confused. I never played an SMT game before, but I thought "SMT" was supposed to mean Scary Monster Training. But I didn't really see many scary monsters. I mean, those scantily-clad anime girls frighten me, but I don't think that was the intended effect.
  13. I don't see a problem with the sword icon in the outside-of-combat status menu. It's just indicating that the sword is considered a red weapon and has an advantage against green weapons.
  14. The small portion of color on the bottom is the color the weapon has an advantage against. If you go to the January pictures: http://serenesforest.net/fire-emblem-if/pre-release-media/ Lance (blue top/red bottom) has an advantage against sword (red top/green bottom) Sword (red top/green bottom) has an advantage against bow (green top/blue bottom)
  15. Nah. I think it indicates the weapon's color for a potential color triangle (red > green > blue > red) Maybe weapons don't break in casual mode? It seems weird to get rid of durability entirely, but they have removed weight before, so I dunno.
  16. Well, it looks like the hit/avoid calcs are the same as Awakening. But why is critical so low? 4 crit for Kamui (13 skill) and 2 crit for Archer Guy (8 skill) Definitely not skill/2. Is it now skill/3?
  17. Tsk. And not a single stat screen is shown during the trailer. I don't care about them cutscenes, I wanna see if the hit/avoid/crit calcs have changed! Get lost Dancer Lady! I rather gaze at the Iron Sword's stats. Hmph. At least the monster dude was cute cool.
  18. Maybe new FE footage will provide more evidence for the color triangle theory (red > green > blue > red). Mainly, I want to see if magic can have WTA/WTD against weapons.
  19. Uhh... well, I know I didn't look up Wrecking Crew specifically. I probably watched it simply because it was a recent upload at the time. Although, I'm not sure why I would actually remember a character who was on-screen for mere seconds... Hey, given the name of the game, maybe this comment helped me remember in some weird mysterious subconscious way.
  20. Hey, that dude was in a TAS video I watched awhile ago... Wrecking Crew '98 (He appears at 02:45) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cK6DFIw_7Pw&t=2m43s Apparently, he's called "Oyazi" http://www.mariowiki.com/Oyazi
  21. In the past I used emoticons occasionally, however I learned the error of my ways and never use them anymore. :)
  22. The game tricked me! My Mightyena suddenly started getting boosted EXP. I was confused. It wasn't traded. No Lucky Egg. No O-Power. Amie was never touched. But it had 2 affection hearts? How? Turns out that winning contests awards affection points. Furthermore, affection for the original trainer cannot be erased through trading. Mightyena is going to get replaced by Cacturne anyways, but I'm glad that I didn't start going contest crazy with the entire team.
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